
时间:2022-03-16 07:03:56

I'm working with sidekiq and redis. I'm trying to find out and debug some issues but for that, I'd like to know what URL sidekiq is connecting to. I know i can check it in the file where i set my server and client, but is there a function I can use ala Resque.redis that will show what redis instance sidekiq is connected to?

我正在使用sidekiq和redis。我试图找出并调试一些问题,但为此,我想知道sidekiq连接到哪个URL。我知道我可以在我设置我的服务器和客户端的文件中检查它,但是有一个函数我可以使用ala Resque.redis来显示redis实例sidekiq连接到什么?

Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



The URL info is shown at the bottom of the Web UI. Or you can use this code snippet:

URL信息显示在Web UI的底部。或者您可以使用此代码段:

Sidekiq.redis { |c| p c.client.location }



The URL info is shown at the bottom of the Web UI. Or you can use this code snippet:

URL信息显示在Web UI的底部。或者您可以使用此代码段:

Sidekiq.redis { |c| p c.client.location }