
时间:2022-07-01 06:59:58

I have written a program using OPenSSL shared library and make another copy (Program2 is duplicate copy of program1) . Just to check whether the shared library function is loaded only once , I print the address from both Program1 and program2. To my surprise I got same address sometimes, but on other time I got different address .


As per my understanding , shared library functions loaded into shared memory and only one copy is loaded. Why I am getting two different address which signifies that shared functions are loaded into two different memory location.


Following code I am using when getting same address


CASE 1: Program 1:


#include <openssl/aes.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
printf("Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =%p\n",&AES_cbc_encrypt);

while(1) {} 



Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =0x400600

AES_cbc_encrypt的地址= 0x400600

Program 2:


   #include <openssl/aes.h>

    int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    printf("Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =%p\n",&AES_cbc_encrypt);

    while(1) {} 



Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =0x400600

AES_cbc_encrypt的地址= 0x400600

CASE2 : When I am getting two different address for shared library function


Program 1:


 #include <openssl/aes.h>

    int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    printf("Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =%p\n",&AES_cbc_encrypt);

    while(1) {} 



Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =0x400840

AES_cbc_encrypt的地址= 0x400840

Program 2:


   #include <openssl/aes.h>

    int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    printf("Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =%p\n",&AES_cbc_encrypt);

// open function makes the difference  
fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);

    if (fd <= 0)

    while(1) {} 



Address of AES_cbc_encrypt =0x4007f0

AES_cbc_encrypt的地址= 0x4007f0

In case 2 , I am not getting same address for shared library function . What is the reason ? How Can I make sure both shared library function loaded into same memory location.

在案例2中,我没有获得共享库函数的相同地址。是什么原因 ?如何确保将共享库函数加载到相同的内存位置。

I am using GCC under Fedora 19.

我在Fedora 19下使用GCC。

EDIT 1 :


As per both comment/answer of Paul and John, the above addresses are not Physical address, they are Virtual addresses. So I try to convert the virtual address to physical address ( I use the code of this tool Capturing Process Memory Usage Under Linux) to check whether they are same , but I am getting two different physical addresses . Am I doing something wrong ? Is there some other way to make it forcefully load the shared library into same physical memory.

根据Paul和John的评论/回答,上述地址不是物理地址,它们是虚拟地址。所以我尝试将虚拟地址转换为物理地址(我使用此工具的代码捕获Linux下的进程内存使用情况)来检查它们是否相同,但我得到两个不同的物理地址。难道我做错了什么 ?是否有其他方法可以强制将共享库加载到相同的物理内存中。

Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



Your operating system takes care of this for you, and you do not need to worry about it. However, if you are still worried about it, consult the "SHR" (Shared) column in top to see how much memory is being shared between processes.


Also consider that "virtual memory" (do a web search) means that just because two different processes are using two different-valued pointers to refer to something, does not mean that the operating system can't just map them to the same backing storage behind the scenes. In fact that will be typically what happens: the OS will load the shared library once, and map it in two different base addresses in two processes, and there is no functional difference to you, so long as you don't actually care about these virtual address values (which you shouldn't).




Your operating system takes care of this for you, and you do not need to worry about it. However, if you are still worried about it, consult the "SHR" (Shared) column in top to see how much memory is being shared between processes.


Also consider that "virtual memory" (do a web search) means that just because two different processes are using two different-valued pointers to refer to something, does not mean that the operating system can't just map them to the same backing storage behind the scenes. In fact that will be typically what happens: the OS will load the shared library once, and map it in two different base addresses in two processes, and there is no functional difference to you, so long as you don't actually care about these virtual address values (which you shouldn't).
