version 3 seems to have an incompatibility with ggmap
when using the geom_density2d()
function to add a layer. The following code returns an error (though worked with ggplot2
version 2):
# Create a data frame
df <- data.frame(
long = rnorm(50, -122.32, .2),
lat = rnorm(50, 47.6, .2)
# Use qmplot to create a base layer of map tiles
base_plot <- qmplot(
data = df,
x = long, # data feature for longitude
y = lat, # data feature for latitude
geom = "blank", # don't display data points (yet)
maptype = "toner-background", # map tiles to query
darken = .7, # darken the map tiles
legend = "topleft" # location of legend on page
# Show the map in RStudio
# Use ggplot to create a 2d density map (without tiles -- works fine)
ggplot(df, aes(x = long, y = lat)) +
geom_density2d() +
aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = stat(level)), # in v2, fill = ..level..
# Use the computed density to set the fill
alpha = .3,
geom="polygon" # Set the alpha (transparency)
# Add 2d density plot on map tiles -- returns an error
base_plot +
geom_density2d() +
aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = stat(level)), # in v2, fill = ..level..
# Use the computed density to set the fill
alpha = .3,
geom="polygon" # Set the alpha (transparency)
# Error in width_cm(guide$barwidth %||% theme$legend.key.width) :
# Unknown input
Any guidance on how to use geom_density2d()
to add a layer to a qmplot()
map would be appreciated!
(Map below of the image created with ggplot2
version 2)
1 个解决方案
Answered in comments via @Tung: the issue is with ggmap
, and the solution is to use the development version of ggmap (devtools::install_github("dkahle/ggmap")
通过@Tung在评论中回答:问题在于ggmap,解决方案是使用ggmap的开发版本(devtools :: install_github(“dkahle / ggmap”))
Answered in comments via @Tung: the issue is with ggmap
, and the solution is to use the development version of ggmap (devtools::install_github("dkahle/ggmap")
通过@Tung在评论中回答:问题在于ggmap,解决方案是使用ggmap的开发版本(devtools :: install_github(“dkahle / ggmap”))