如何修复不兼容的SQL Server版本?

时间:2022-03-14 07:00:59

I'm using VS 13 just installed SQL Server 2014 Express, created a new database and when I go to add a new table (inside VS) I get the following error:

我使用vs13刚刚安装了SQL Server 2014 Express,创建了一个新的数据库,当我添加一个新的表(在VS中)时,我得到以下错误:

incompatible sql server version found

找到不兼容的sql server版本

How do I fix this? Should I find the version required by the VS (if so, how?) and I downgrade to that required version or can I workaround it with SQL Server 2014 Express?

我怎么修复这个?我应该查找VS需要的版本(如果需要,如何查找?)并将其降级为所需的版本,还是可以使用SQL Server 2014 Express对其进行改进?

1 个解决方案



  1. Check the "Target platform:" drop-down in the "Project Settings" tab of Project Properties. If "SQL Server 2014" is not selected, select it. If "SQL Server 2014" is not even in the list, you need to do the next part (#2).

    查看项目属性的“项目设置”选项卡中的“目标平台:”下拉。如果没有选择“SQL Server 2014”,请选择它。如果“SQL Server 2014”甚至不在列表中,则需要执行下一部分(#2)。

  2. Make sure that you have the latest version of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). VS 2013 Community Edition (if not also other editions) shipped with a version that didn't exactly work ;-).

    确保您拥有最新版本的SQL Server数据工具(SSDT)。VS 2013 Community Edition(如果不是其他版本的话)附带了一个版本,并不是完全正确的;-)。

    You should be able to get this by doing the following:


    • Open Visual Studio
    • 打开Visual Studio
    • Go to the TOOLS menu
    • 到“工具”菜单
    • Select "Extensions and Updates..."
    • 选择“扩展和更新……”
    • Expand "Updates" (left nav)
    • 扩大“更新”(左导航)
    • Go to "Product Updates"
    • 去“产品更新”
    • Select the entry for "SQL Server Data Tools" (or whatever has a similar name)
    • 选择“SQL Server数据工具”的条目(或任何名称类似的工具)
    • Click the "Update" button within that entry
    • 单击该条目中的“Update”按钮
    • It will download a file to your computer called "SSDTSetup.exe"
    • 它会将一个文件下载到你的电脑上,名为“SSDTSetup.exe”
    • Run "SSDTSetup.exe" and it will download and install the updated version (as of right now the current version is 12.0.41025)
    • “SSDTSetup运行。exe“,它将下载并安装更新后的版本(目前的版本是12.0.41025)
    • Once it is done installing, close and re-open Visual Studio

    • 安装完成后,关闭并重新打开Visual Studio

    Or you can download it from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tools.aspx (just be sure to get the version that corresponds to the version of Visual Studio that you have).

    或者您可以从http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tools.aspx下载它(只要确保获得与您拥有的Visual Studio版本对应的版本)。

  3. There is a check-box for "Allow incompatible platform" in two places:


    • Debug tab of Project Properties. Click on the "Advanced..." button at the bottom. It will be at the top of the scrollable list.
    • 项目属性的Debug选项卡。点击底部的“高级…”按钮。它将位于可滚动列表的顶部。
    • Advanced button (on the right) in the "Publish Database" popup when you go to Publish the project from the Build menu. It will be at the top of the scrollable list.
    • 当您从Build菜单中发布项目时,“发布数据库”弹出一个高级按钮(在右边)。它将位于可滚动列表的顶部。



  1. Check the "Target platform:" drop-down in the "Project Settings" tab of Project Properties. If "SQL Server 2014" is not selected, select it. If "SQL Server 2014" is not even in the list, you need to do the next part (#2).

    查看项目属性的“项目设置”选项卡中的“目标平台:”下拉。如果没有选择“SQL Server 2014”,请选择它。如果“SQL Server 2014”甚至不在列表中,则需要执行下一部分(#2)。

  2. Make sure that you have the latest version of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). VS 2013 Community Edition (if not also other editions) shipped with a version that didn't exactly work ;-).

    确保您拥有最新版本的SQL Server数据工具(SSDT)。VS 2013 Community Edition(如果不是其他版本的话)附带了一个版本,并不是完全正确的;-)。

    You should be able to get this by doing the following:


    • Open Visual Studio
    • 打开Visual Studio
    • Go to the TOOLS menu
    • 到“工具”菜单
    • Select "Extensions and Updates..."
    • 选择“扩展和更新……”
    • Expand "Updates" (left nav)
    • 扩大“更新”(左导航)
    • Go to "Product Updates"
    • 去“产品更新”
    • Select the entry for "SQL Server Data Tools" (or whatever has a similar name)
    • 选择“SQL Server数据工具”的条目(或任何名称类似的工具)
    • Click the "Update" button within that entry
    • 单击该条目中的“Update”按钮
    • It will download a file to your computer called "SSDTSetup.exe"
    • 它会将一个文件下载到你的电脑上,名为“SSDTSetup.exe”
    • Run "SSDTSetup.exe" and it will download and install the updated version (as of right now the current version is 12.0.41025)
    • “SSDTSetup运行。exe“,它将下载并安装更新后的版本(目前的版本是12.0.41025)
    • Once it is done installing, close and re-open Visual Studio

    • 安装完成后,关闭并重新打开Visual Studio

    Or you can download it from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tools.aspx (just be sure to get the version that corresponds to the version of Visual Studio that you have).

    或者您可以从http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tools.aspx下载它(只要确保获得与您拥有的Visual Studio版本对应的版本)。

  3. There is a check-box for "Allow incompatible platform" in two places:


    • Debug tab of Project Properties. Click on the "Advanced..." button at the bottom. It will be at the top of the scrollable list.
    • 项目属性的Debug选项卡。点击底部的“高级…”按钮。它将位于可滚动列表的顶部。
    • Advanced button (on the right) in the "Publish Database" popup when you go to Publish the project from the Build menu. It will be at the top of the scrollable list.
    • 当您从Build菜单中发布项目时,“发布数据库”弹出一个高级按钮(在右边)。它将位于可滚动列表的顶部。