
时间:2022-10-03 06:59:22

I want to write a query in mongoDB where I want to find which elements of my array are present in database array 'upvotes' my query is given below


userupvotesmodel.findOne({mobile_no: "1234567890", upvotes : { $in : ["aa", "bdnvh", "563fa4408d88ea6c13c7abba", "djfufhgj", "5625bd9dbe545d2412d4ae62", "fjjshddhjfn", "djfhudh", "jfhshnffj", "sjdhfkskajdk"] } }, function(err, docs) {
                                if (err) {
                                    console.log('Error Finding query results');
                                    res.json({success: 0, message : err});
                                    return next(err);
                                } else {
                                    if (docs) {
                                        console.log('2 mins', currentdate.getMinutes());
                                        console.log('2 secs', currentdate.getSeconds());
                                        console.log('docs', docs);

Now for query above if any single value of my array is present in database then it sends whole upvotes array but I am not able to find out which elements were present for e.g "aa", "bdnvh" etc in database how can I write a query to know which elements are present in the database.


I want to find this in one query by querying for every single element; I know I can do this but I want to do this in any possible single mongoDB query.


2 个解决方案



I think you don't need to worry about the query and you can just use java script instead. Just iterate through the docs.upvotes array and compare its values with the array you provided.


var my_array = ["aa", "bdnvh", "563fa4408d88ea6c13c7abba", "djfufhgj", "5625bd9dbe545d2412d4ae62", "fjjshddhjfn", "djfhudh", "jfhshnffj", "sjdhfkskajdk"];

// ... your code

// inside of if(docs) statement
var matched_elements = [];
docs.upvotes.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
  for (var i = 0; i < my_array.length; i++) {
    if (my_array[i] == element) {



You could use the aggregation framework. First $unwind your upvotes array. Then $match on elements that are in the array provided by you. Than $group it back on _id(or whatever you want) creating "matched_elements" array with $addToSet or $push. The returned documents will have only upvotes elements (in "matched_elements array) that are also in your array.

您可以使用聚合框架。首先$展开你的upvotes数组。然后$匹配您提供的数组中的元素。比$ group更回重_id(或任何你想要的)用$ addToSet或$ push创建“matched_elements”数组。返回的文档只有upvotes元素(在“matched_elements数组中”)也在您的数组中。

var my_array = ["aa", "bdnvh", "563fa4408d88ea6c13c7abba", "djfufhgj", "5625bd9dbe545d2412d4ae62", "fjjshddhjfn", "djfhudh", "jfhshnffj", "sjdhfkskajdk"];

db.collection.aggregate( [ 
  { "$unwind" : "$upvotes" }, 
  { "$match": { "upvotes": {"$in": my_array} } },
  { "$group" : { "_id":"$_id","matched_elements":{ "$addToSet": "$upvotes" }}}
] );



I think you don't need to worry about the query and you can just use java script instead. Just iterate through the docs.upvotes array and compare its values with the array you provided.


var my_array = ["aa", "bdnvh", "563fa4408d88ea6c13c7abba", "djfufhgj", "5625bd9dbe545d2412d4ae62", "fjjshddhjfn", "djfhudh", "jfhshnffj", "sjdhfkskajdk"];

// ... your code

// inside of if(docs) statement
var matched_elements = [];
docs.upvotes.forEach(function(element, index, array) {
  for (var i = 0; i < my_array.length; i++) {
    if (my_array[i] == element) {



You could use the aggregation framework. First $unwind your upvotes array. Then $match on elements that are in the array provided by you. Than $group it back on _id(or whatever you want) creating "matched_elements" array with $addToSet or $push. The returned documents will have only upvotes elements (in "matched_elements array) that are also in your array.

您可以使用聚合框架。首先$展开你的upvotes数组。然后$匹配您提供的数组中的元素。比$ group更回重_id(或任何你想要的)用$ addToSet或$ push创建“matched_elements”数组。返回的文档只有upvotes元素(在“matched_elements数组中”)也在您的数组中。

var my_array = ["aa", "bdnvh", "563fa4408d88ea6c13c7abba", "djfufhgj", "5625bd9dbe545d2412d4ae62", "fjjshddhjfn", "djfhudh", "jfhshnffj", "sjdhfkskajdk"];

db.collection.aggregate( [ 
  { "$unwind" : "$upvotes" }, 
  { "$match": { "upvotes": {"$in": my_array} } },
  { "$group" : { "_id":"$_id","matched_elements":{ "$addToSet": "$upvotes" }}}
] );