
时间:2021-06-17 06:54:16

Picture a core data model with images in it. These images are stored in an object called OImage. There are several other objects that 'contain' images, so they all have a one to many relationship with the OImage object. One example is the OLocation object from the image.



As you can see, OLocation has a one to many relationship with OImage. Because there is no need for it, there is no inverse relationship from the OImage pointing back to OLocation. All according to plan.


Yet when I build my project, XCode keeps warning me about the lack of the inverse relationship:


OLocation.images -- to-many relationship does not have an inverse: this is an advanced setting (no object can be in multiple destinations for a specific relationship)


Is it illegal to create a one-to-many relationship without the inverse? Or is this warning something that I can somehow turn off?


Cheers, EP.


1 个解决方案



It is perfectly legal, but not often advisable to have a unidirectional relationship. This link explains this in more detail (from Core Data Programming guide).

这是完全合法的,但通常不建议有一个单向的关系。这个链接更详细地解释了这一点(来自Core Data编程指南)。

You can however turn the warning off, by adding a new property to the build settings called MOMC_NO_INVERSE_RELATIONSHIP_WARNINGS and set its value to YES.




It is perfectly legal, but not often advisable to have a unidirectional relationship. This link explains this in more detail (from Core Data Programming guide).

这是完全合法的,但通常不建议有一个单向的关系。这个链接更详细地解释了这一点(来自Core Data编程指南)。

You can however turn the warning off, by adding a new property to the build settings called MOMC_NO_INVERSE_RELATIONSHIP_WARNINGS and set its value to YES.
