- Text area: The height of the text should not be much smaller than 23.5 cm and the width should not be much smaller than 18.4 cm. Your text area is too small. The paper seems to be downscaled. Via the link below, you can view your document with an added frame of the correct text-area size. Please note: The link was added to show the correct size. (The system complains only if the text is too large.) Such kind of shrinking is usually caused by post-processing procedures. Please avoid the post-processing. use US letter instead of A4. - Title: Please make sure to use the correct apostrophe. It should be unicode: U+2019. https://unicode-table.com/en/ Title中单引号要用:\texttt{'} - Headings: 'Acknowledgments' should be a first-level heading without numbering. \section*{Acknowledgment} - Orphans and widows should be eliminated (cf. instructions page for hints). Pages 3 and 7 should be corrected. 在排版中,寡行(widow)及孤行(orphan)是一段落开始或结束的一行在一栏的结束或开始处,不同资料定义的寡行和孤行有些不一致,可能某一资料定义的寡行,在另一资料中反而定义为孤行[1][2]。《芝加哥格式手册》的定义如下: 寡行 一段的最后一行在一页或一栏的开始处,和该段的其他行分开。 孤行 一段的第一行在一页或一栏的最后。 一段的最后一行只有一个字,一个字的一部分,或是最后一行的字母很少,因此和下一段之间看起来会有较多的空白。 提交系统时: ✘ Problem: Type-3 font found
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- 【IEEE会议论文】格式规范问题
- Latex 书写 IEEE 会议论文
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- IEEE论文投稿“A PDF font is not embedded”问题及解决办法