之前建立了一个SVM-based Ordinal regression模型,一种特殊的多分类模型,就想通过可视化的方式展示模型分类的效果,对各个分类区域用不同颜色表示。可是,也看了很多代码,但基本都是展示二分类,当扩展成多分类时就会出现问题,所以我的论文最后就只好画了boundary的图了。今天在研究Random Forest时,找到了下面的demo的MATLAB代码,该代码很好的实现了各分类区域的颜色填充,效果非常漂亮。
%% generate data prettySpiral = true; if ~prettySpiral % generate some random gaussian like data rand('state', 0); randn('state', 0); N= 50; D= 2; X1 = mgd(N, D, [4 3], [2 -1;-1 2]); X2 = mgd(N, D, [1 1], [2 1;1 1]); X3 = mgd(N, D, [3 -3], [1 0;0 4]); X= [X1; X2; X3]; X= bsxfun(@rdivide, bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X)), var(X)); Y= [ones(N, 1); ones(N, 1)*2; ones(N, 1)*3]; scatter(X(:,1), X(:,2), 20, Y) else % generate twirl data! N= 50; t = linspace(0.5, 2*pi, N); x = t.*cos(t); y = t.*sin(t); t = linspace(0.5, 2*pi, N); x2 = t.*cos(t+2); y2 = t.*sin(t+2); t = linspace(0.5, 2*pi, N); x3 = t.*cos(t+4); y3 = t.*sin(t+4); X= [[x' y']; [x2' y2']; [x3' y3']]; X= bsxfun(@rdivide, bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X)), var(X)); Y= [ones(N, 1); ones(N, 1)*2; ones(N, 1)*3]; scatter(X(:,1), X(:,2), 20, Y) end %% classify rand('state', 0); randn('state', 0); opts= struct; opts.depth= 9; opts.numTrees= 100; opts.numSplits= 5; opts.verbose= true; opts.classifierID= 2; % weak learners to use. Can be an array for mix of weak learners too tic; m= forestTrain(X, Y, opts); timetrain= toc; tic; yhatTrain = forestTest(m, X); timetest= toc; % Look at classifier distribution for fun, to see what classifiers were % chosen at split nodes and how often fprintf('Classifier distributions:\n'); classifierDist= zeros(1, 4); unused= 0; for i=1:length(m.treeModels) for j=1:length(m.treeModels{i}.weakModels) cc= m.treeModels{i}.weakModels{j}.classifierID; if cc>1 %otherwise no classifier was used at that node classifierDist(cc)= classifierDist(cc) + 1; else unused= unused+1; end end end fprintf('%d nodes were empty and had no classifier.\n', unused); for i=1:4 fprintf('Classifier with id=%d was used at %d nodes.\n', i, classifierDist(i)); end %% plot results xrange = [-1.5 1.5]; yrange = [-1.5 1.5]; inc = 0.02; [x, y] = meshgrid(xrange(1):inc:xrange(2), yrange(1):inc:yrange(2)); image_size = size(x); xy = [x(:) y(:)]; [yhat, ysoft] = forestTest(m, xy); decmap= reshape(ysoft, [image_size 3]); decmaphard= reshape(yhat, image_size); subplot(121); imagesc(xrange,yrange,decmaphard); hold on; set(gca,'ydir','normal'); cmap = [1 0.8 0.8; 0.95 1 0.95; 0.9 0.9 1]; colormap(cmap); plot(X(Y==1,1), X(Y==1,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.9 .3 .3], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); plot(X(Y==2,1), X(Y==2,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 .9 .3], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); plot(X(Y==3,1), X(Y==3,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 .3 .9], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); hold off; title(sprintf('%d trees, Train time: %.2fs, Test time: %.2fs\n', opts.numTrees, timetrain, timetest)); subplot(122); imagesc(xrange,yrange,decmap); hold on; set(gca,'ydir','normal'); plot(X(Y==1,1), X(Y==1,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.9 .3 .3], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); plot(X(Y==2,1), X(Y==2,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 .9 .3], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); plot(X(Y==3,1), X(Y==3,2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', [.3 .3 .9], 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); hold off; title(sprintf('Train accuracy: %f\n', mean(yhatTrain==Y)));