1.#include "stdio.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/iner.h>
2..#include "headers.h"
#define INTERFACE "eth0"
/*Prototype area*/
3.int main() {
4. int sock, bytes_recieved, fromlen;
5. char buffer[65535];
6. struct sockaddr_in from; /*定义socket结构*/
7. struct ip *ip; /*定义IP和TCP结构*/
8. struct tcp *tcp;
9. int Open_Raw_Socket(void);
10. int Set_Promisc(char *interface, intsock); /*把网卡置于混杂模式*/
11. sock = Open_Raw_Socket();
12. Set_Promisc(INTERFACE, sock);
13. while(1)
14. {
15. fromlen = sizeof from;
16. bytes_recieved = recvfrom(sock, buffer, sizeofbuffer, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
17. printf("/nBytes received :::%5d/n",bytes_recieved); /*显示出接受的数据字节数*/
18. printf("Source address :::%s/n",inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); /*显示出源地址*/
19. ip = (struct ip *)buffer;
20. if(ip->ip_protocol == 6) {
21. printf("IP header length :::%d/n",ip->ip_length); /*显示IP头的长度*/
22. printf("Protocol :::%d/n",ip->ip_protocol); /*显示协议类型,6是TCP,17是UDP*/
23. tcp = (struct tcp *)(buffer +(4*ip->ip_length));
24. printf("Source port :::%d/n",ntohs(tcp->tcp_source_port)); /*显示源端口*/
25. printf("Dest port :::%d/n",ntohs(tcp->tcp_dest_port)); /*显示目标端口*/
26. }
27. }
29.int Open_Raw_Socket() {
30. int sock;
31. if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0){
/*Then the socket was not created properly and must die*/
32. perror("The raw socket was not created");
33. exit(0);
34. }
35. return(sock);
36. }
37.int Set_Promisc(char *interface, int sock ) {
38. struct ifreq ifr;
39. strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface,strnlen(interface)+1);
40. if((ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1)) {
/*Could not retrieve flags for the interface*/
41. perror("Could not retrive flags for the interface");
42. exit(0);
43. }
44. printf("The interface is ::: %s/n", interface);
45. perror("Retrieved flags from interface successfully");
46. ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
47. if (ioctl (sock, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1 ) {
/*Could not set the flags on the interface */
48. perror("Could not set the PROMISC flag:");
49. exit(0);
50. }
51. printf("Setting interface ::: %s ::: to promisc",interface);
52. return(0);
53. }
/*structure of an ip header*/
struct ip {
unsigned int ip_length:4; /*定义IP头的长度*/
unsigned int ip_version:4; /*IP版本,IPV4*/
unsigned char ip_tos; /*服务类型*/
unsigned short ip_total_length; /*IP数据包的总长度*/
unsigned short ip_id; /*鉴定域*/
unsigned short ip_flags; /*IP标志*/
unsigned char ip_ttl; /*IP包的存活期*/
unsigned char ip_protocol; /*IP上层的协议*/
unsigned short ip_cksum; /*IP头的校验和*/
unsigned int ip_source; /*源IP地址*/
unsigned int ip_dest; /*目的IP地址*/
/* Structure of a TCP header */
struct tcp {
unsigned short tcp_source_port; /*定义TCP端口号*/
unsigned short tcp_dest_port; /*TCP目的端口*/
unsigned int tcp_seqno; /*TCP序列号*/
unsigned int tcp_ackno; /*发送者期望的下一个序列号*/
unsigned int tcp_res1:4, /*TCP标志*/
unsigned short tcp_winsize; /*能接受的最大字节数*/
unsigned short tcp_cksum; /*TCP检验和*/
unsigned short tcp_urgent; /*紧急事件标志*/