为什么(“0”?a': 'b')行为不同于('0' = true ?a:b)(复制)

时间:2022-10-21 06:36:57

This question already has an answer here:


Why is the result of the following two statements different?


('0' ? 'a' : 'b') /* -> 'a' */
('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b') /* -> 'b' */

jsFiddle testcase

jsFiddle testcase



I should add that I suspect the '0' first statement to be cast to boolean to be compared - which should be exactly the same as " '0' == true " Obviously this is not true.

我应该补充一点,我怀疑将'0'的第一个语句转换成布尔值进行比较——它应该与'0' = true完全相同,显然这不是真的。

6 个解决方案



First, for completeness:


('0' ? 'a' : 'b') 

is 'a', because '0' is a non-empty string, which always evaluates to true:


String: The result is false if the argument is the empty String (its length is zero); otherwise the result is true.


Now to '0' == true.

现在到'0' = true。

Two type conversions will take place here. We can follow this in the specification, section 11.9.3, The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm.


The operands are denoted as x and y (x == y).

操作数记为x和y (x = y)。

In our case, x is a string ('0') and y is a Boolean (true). Hence step 7 is executed:


If Type(y) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).

如果类型(y)是布尔型,则返回比较的结果x == ToNumber(y)。

When booleans are converted to numbers, the following conversion takes place:


Boolean: The result is 1 if the argument is true. The result is +0 if the argument is false.


Now we have


'0' == 1

which matches the condition in step 5:


If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is Number, return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y.

如果类型(x)是字符串,类型(y)是Number,则返回比较号(x) = y的结果。

How strings are converted to numbers is more complex but of course can also be found in the specification.


So the final comparison is


0 == 1

which is false (step 1. a. vi.)




('0' ? 'a' : 'b'); /* -> 'a' */

0 is a string value, every non-empty string is evaluated as true, and not tested as boolean. If quotes are removed:


(0 ? 'a' : 'b'); /* -> 'b' */

you will receive b - now 0 is not a string and evaluated as false!

您将收到b -现在0不是一个字符串,并被评估为false!

('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b'); /* -> 'b' */

0 is evaluated as bool Both are evaluated as numbers, which is false. Point 11.9.3 The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm from the specs show that a number of conversions may be executed to compare the same type of variables.




Because '0' is not equal 1, so it is not equal to true, though it is not false. In the first case, when '0' is casted to bool, casting operator returns true for everything that is not 0.




Mostly because JavaScript is pretty darn inconsistent when it comes to truth-iness. But the answer is:


  1. In this case, '0' is converted directly to a Boolean, and '0', being a non-empty string, is true.
  2. 在这种情况下,'0'直接转换为布尔值,'0'是一个非空字符串,为true。
  3. In this case, no conversion takes place; a string is not equal to a boolean value.
  4. 在这种情况下,不会发生转换;字符串不等于布尔值。



That's because '0' is trueish (in an if statement), but not considered equal to true. Just like both 3 and 17 are trueish, but not equal.




('0' ? 'a' : 'b') --> 0 is false, '0' is some string therefore NOT FALSE 0,null or '' (empty string) is treated as FALSE in this case

(“0”?'a': 'b')——>是假的,'0'是某个字符串,因此不是假的0,null或"(空字符串)在这种情况下被当作假的

('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b') --> as mentioned by others some_string compared to boolean TRUE is NOT TRUE

(' 0 ' = =真的吗?“a”:“b”)——正如其他人所提到的>,与布尔真值相比,是不正确的。



First, for completeness:


('0' ? 'a' : 'b') 

is 'a', because '0' is a non-empty string, which always evaluates to true:


String: The result is false if the argument is the empty String (its length is zero); otherwise the result is true.


Now to '0' == true.

现在到'0' = true。

Two type conversions will take place here. We can follow this in the specification, section 11.9.3, The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm.


The operands are denoted as x and y (x == y).

操作数记为x和y (x = y)。

In our case, x is a string ('0') and y is a Boolean (true). Hence step 7 is executed:


If Type(y) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).

如果类型(y)是布尔型,则返回比较的结果x == ToNumber(y)。

When booleans are converted to numbers, the following conversion takes place:


Boolean: The result is 1 if the argument is true. The result is +0 if the argument is false.


Now we have


'0' == 1

which matches the condition in step 5:


If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is Number, return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y.

如果类型(x)是字符串,类型(y)是Number,则返回比较号(x) = y的结果。

How strings are converted to numbers is more complex but of course can also be found in the specification.


So the final comparison is


0 == 1

which is false (step 1. a. vi.)




('0' ? 'a' : 'b'); /* -> 'a' */

0 is a string value, every non-empty string is evaluated as true, and not tested as boolean. If quotes are removed:


(0 ? 'a' : 'b'); /* -> 'b' */

you will receive b - now 0 is not a string and evaluated as false!

您将收到b -现在0不是一个字符串,并被评估为false!

('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b'); /* -> 'b' */

0 is evaluated as bool Both are evaluated as numbers, which is false. Point 11.9.3 The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm from the specs show that a number of conversions may be executed to compare the same type of variables.




Because '0' is not equal 1, so it is not equal to true, though it is not false. In the first case, when '0' is casted to bool, casting operator returns true for everything that is not 0.




Mostly because JavaScript is pretty darn inconsistent when it comes to truth-iness. But the answer is:


  1. In this case, '0' is converted directly to a Boolean, and '0', being a non-empty string, is true.
  2. 在这种情况下,'0'直接转换为布尔值,'0'是一个非空字符串,为true。
  3. In this case, no conversion takes place; a string is not equal to a boolean value.
  4. 在这种情况下,不会发生转换;字符串不等于布尔值。



That's because '0' is trueish (in an if statement), but not considered equal to true. Just like both 3 and 17 are trueish, but not equal.




('0' ? 'a' : 'b') --> 0 is false, '0' is some string therefore NOT FALSE 0,null or '' (empty string) is treated as FALSE in this case

(“0”?'a': 'b')——>是假的,'0'是某个字符串,因此不是假的0,null或"(空字符串)在这种情况下被当作假的

('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b') --> as mentioned by others some_string compared to boolean TRUE is NOT TRUE

(' 0 ' = =真的吗?“a”:“b”)——正如其他人所提到的>,与布尔真值相比,是不正确的。