
时间:2022-03-17 06:37:57

Do you think that project iteration length is related to project team size? If so, how? What other key factors do you use to recognize correct iteration length for different projects?


6 个解决方案



Iteration length is primarily related to the teams ability to communicate and complete a working version of the software. More team members equals more communication channels (*s's Law) which will likely increase your iteration time.


I think that 2 week iterations, whether you deliver to the client or not, are a good goal, as it allows for very good health checks.


Ultimately, the iteration length will depend on the features you wish to implement in the next iteration, and in the early phases your iterations may jump around from 1 week to 1 month as you become comfortable with the team and the technology stack.




One of the main drivers for short iterations, is easing integration between modules/features/programmers. Obviously, the bigger your team, the more integration you will have. It's a tradeoff: short iterations mean you're integrating often, which is good - BUT if its a big team you'll be spending a LOT of team on integration overhead, even without new code. Longer iterations obviously mean more integration each time less seldom, and a lot more risky.

短迭代的主要驱动因素之一是简化模块/功能/程序员之间的集成。显然,您的团队越大,您的整合就越多。这是一个权衡:短迭代意味着你经常集成,这很好 - 但如果它是一个大团队,你将花费很多团队来进行集成开销,即使没有新的代码。更长的迭代显然意味着每次更少的集成更少,风险更大。

If your team is very large, you can try branched integration, i.e. integrating small subteams often, and integrating between the teams less often... BUT then you'll be having inconsistencies between branches, and you lose much of that benefit right there.


Another key factor to consider is complexity - obviously complex, backend systems are riskier integration, simple Web-UI pages are less risky.

另一个需要考虑的关键因素是复杂性 - 显然很复杂,后端系统是风险更高的集成,简单的Web-UI页面风险较小。

(I realize I didnt give you a clear cut answer, there is none. It's always tradeoffs, I hope I give you some food for thought.)




My experience is that the length of the iterations are somewhat dependent on team size,


External dependencies, like in cases where we had to integrate with in house systems that was not using a iteration based development cycle (read waterfall) where another factor we observed.


Our team were real noobs when it came to iterative development, so in the beginning the iterations where really long (12 weeks). But later on we saw that there was no need to worry, and the iterations shrunk considerably (4-6 weeks).


So another factor in how long the iterations are is how familiar you are with the concept of iterative development.




I think that 2 week iterations, whether you deliver to the client or not, are a good goal, as it allows for very good health checks.


2-week iterations are most comfortable for me and the kinds of projects I usually do, but I disagree that not delivering is a good outcome - the focus needs to stay on the "working software over process" side of things.

2周的迭代对我和我通常做的项目来说都是最舒适的,但我不同意不交付是一个好结果 - 重点需要留在“工作软件过程”方面。

I would consider making iterations longer if the product owner / user isn't available, even if only for a showcase every couple weeks, as the same health checks that fast iterations allow on the technical side need to happen on the side of the engagement with the business.




Iteration length should be decided on many factors... and team size is really only part of the considerations made for the "Overhead of Iterating".


This article explains many of them.


The important ones IMO:


  1. Overall Release Length
  2. 总释放长度

  3. How Long Priorities Can Remain Unchanged
  4. 多长时间的优先权可以保持不变

  5. The Overhead of Iterating
  6. 迭代的开销



There is relation in terms of how much work can get done but there are a couple of other key factors here like what type of project are they working on, e.g. Windows Application, Console Application, or Web Application as well as how developed is the codebase in terms of size, complexity and stye compared to the current team's style, and what expertise does the team have both within the methodology and the work that they are doing as inexperience may be costly in terms of getting everyone proficient with the process.

在可以完成多少工作方面存在关系,但是在这里还有一些其他关键因素,例如他们正在进行哪种类型的项目,例如: Windows应用程序,控制台应用程序或Web应用程序以及与当前团队风格相比,在规模,复杂性和标准方面的代码库是如何开发的,以及团队在方法和工作中所拥有的专业知识因为缺乏经验可能会让每个人都熟悉这个过程。



Iteration length is primarily related to the teams ability to communicate and complete a working version of the software. More team members equals more communication channels (*s's Law) which will likely increase your iteration time.


I think that 2 week iterations, whether you deliver to the client or not, are a good goal, as it allows for very good health checks.


Ultimately, the iteration length will depend on the features you wish to implement in the next iteration, and in the early phases your iterations may jump around from 1 week to 1 month as you become comfortable with the team and the technology stack.




One of the main drivers for short iterations, is easing integration between modules/features/programmers. Obviously, the bigger your team, the more integration you will have. It's a tradeoff: short iterations mean you're integrating often, which is good - BUT if its a big team you'll be spending a LOT of team on integration overhead, even without new code. Longer iterations obviously mean more integration each time less seldom, and a lot more risky.

短迭代的主要驱动因素之一是简化模块/功能/程序员之间的集成。显然,您的团队越大,您的整合就越多。这是一个权衡:短迭代意味着你经常集成,这很好 - 但如果它是一个大团队,你将花费很多团队来进行集成开销,即使没有新的代码。更长的迭代显然意味着每次更少的集成更少,风险更大。

If your team is very large, you can try branched integration, i.e. integrating small subteams often, and integrating between the teams less often... BUT then you'll be having inconsistencies between branches, and you lose much of that benefit right there.


Another key factor to consider is complexity - obviously complex, backend systems are riskier integration, simple Web-UI pages are less risky.

另一个需要考虑的关键因素是复杂性 - 显然很复杂,后端系统是风险更高的集成,简单的Web-UI页面风险较小。

(I realize I didnt give you a clear cut answer, there is none. It's always tradeoffs, I hope I give you some food for thought.)




My experience is that the length of the iterations are somewhat dependent on team size,


External dependencies, like in cases where we had to integrate with in house systems that was not using a iteration based development cycle (read waterfall) where another factor we observed.


Our team were real noobs when it came to iterative development, so in the beginning the iterations where really long (12 weeks). But later on we saw that there was no need to worry, and the iterations shrunk considerably (4-6 weeks).


So another factor in how long the iterations are is how familiar you are with the concept of iterative development.




I think that 2 week iterations, whether you deliver to the client or not, are a good goal, as it allows for very good health checks.


2-week iterations are most comfortable for me and the kinds of projects I usually do, but I disagree that not delivering is a good outcome - the focus needs to stay on the "working software over process" side of things.

2周的迭代对我和我通常做的项目来说都是最舒适的,但我不同意不交付是一个好结果 - 重点需要留在“工作软件过程”方面。

I would consider making iterations longer if the product owner / user isn't available, even if only for a showcase every couple weeks, as the same health checks that fast iterations allow on the technical side need to happen on the side of the engagement with the business.




Iteration length should be decided on many factors... and team size is really only part of the considerations made for the "Overhead of Iterating".


This article explains many of them.


The important ones IMO:


  1. Overall Release Length
  2. 总释放长度

  3. How Long Priorities Can Remain Unchanged
  4. 多长时间的优先权可以保持不变

  5. The Overhead of Iterating
  6. 迭代的开销



There is relation in terms of how much work can get done but there are a couple of other key factors here like what type of project are they working on, e.g. Windows Application, Console Application, or Web Application as well as how developed is the codebase in terms of size, complexity and stye compared to the current team's style, and what expertise does the team have both within the methodology and the work that they are doing as inexperience may be costly in terms of getting everyone proficient with the process.

在可以完成多少工作方面存在关系,但是在这里还有一些其他关键因素,例如他们正在进行哪种类型的项目,例如: Windows应用程序,控制台应用程序或Web应用程序以及与当前团队风格相比,在规模,复杂性和标准方面的代码库是如何开发的,以及团队在方法和工作中所拥有的专业知识因为缺乏经验可能会让每个人都熟悉这个过程。