`npm install`正在安装许多依赖项

时间:2022-04-16 06:30:56

My package.json only has express, mongodb, and pug listed as dependencies. When I delete my node_modules folder and run npm install in the root of my app, it installs 51 dependencies (shown below). not sure what is going on...

我的package.json只将express,mongodb和pug列为依赖项。当我删除我的node_modules文件夹并在我的应用程序的根目录中运行npm install时,它会安装51个依赖项(如下所示)。不知道发生了什么......

`npm install`正在安装许多依赖项

1 个解决方案



npm v3 dependency resolution works that way and might install "some secondary dependencies (dependencies of dependencies) in a flat way".

npm v3依赖解析以这种方式工作,并且可能以平面方式安装“一些辅助依赖关系(依赖关系的依赖关系)”。

You can also refer to this * question.




npm v3 dependency resolution works that way and might install "some secondary dependencies (dependencies of dependencies) in a flat way".

npm v3依赖解析以这种方式工作,并且可能以平面方式安装“一些辅助依赖关系(依赖关系的依赖关系)”。

You can also refer to this * question.
