载自:http://code.google.com/p/scim-googlepinyin/wiki/install 并修改了一些内容
how to build and install scim-googlepinyin
* Introduction
* grab the source
* build depends
* runtime depends
* build and install
This document is intended to help you to build and install scim-googlepinyin from scratch.
grab the source
Scim-googlepinyin still has some critical bugs. And it is still under active development. I'd like to suggest you always try the latest version by:
$ git clone git://github.com/tchaikov/scim-googlepinyin.git
$ cd scim-googlepinyin.git
If the git command is not available in your system, you may want to install it to continue checking out the source.
build depends
You will need install following package before building this software:
* automake
* libtool
* autotools-dev
* libgtk2.0-dev
* libscim-dev
Although these packages' names vary, they are available on most GNU/Linux distribution. On Debian or Ubuntu, following command should work for you.
$ sudo aptitude install automake libtool autotools-dev libgtk2.0-dev libscim-dev
runtime depends
* scim
$ sudo aptitude install scim
build and install
Following commands installs scim-googlepinyin into your system.
$ ./autogen.sh
$ make
$ sudo make install