HTTP错误403.14安装VS 2015后

时间:2022-10-16 06:31:52

I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community edition. VS2013 previously used. IIS got 2 web application. First - old web forms. Second is mobile version of first web app using MVC. OS: windows 7(x64)

我安装了Visual Studio 2015社区版。 VS2013以前使用过。 IIS有2个Web应用程序。第一个旧的Web表单。其次是使用MVC的第一个Web应用程序的移动版本。操作系统:Windows 7(x64)

Web forms works as before. MVC application is not. Got HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden.

Web表单和以前一样工作。 MVC应用程序不是。得到HTTP错误403.14 - 禁止。

Already tried all from there: ASP.NET MVC on IIS 7.5

已经尝试过所有:IIS 7.5上的ASP.NET MVC

It is still trying to list directory and can't do it. What can go wrong with it after this installation?


1 个解决方案



Is it an MVC3 or MVC4 app? These are not supported in VS 2015. MVC4 support will be coming back in Update 1 later this year due to popular demand.

它是MVC3或MVC4应用程序吗? VS 2015不支持这些。由于受欢迎的需求,MVC4支持将在今年晚些时候的Update 1中回归。

You can confirm you are using MVC 4 by opening packages.config and scrolling to the entry for Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.  If the version listed starts with "4", this means you are using MVC 4.

您可以通过打开packages.config并滚动到Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc条目来确认您正在使用MVC 4。如果列出的版本以“4”开头,则表示您使用的是MVC 4。



Is it an MVC3 or MVC4 app? These are not supported in VS 2015. MVC4 support will be coming back in Update 1 later this year due to popular demand.

它是MVC3或MVC4应用程序吗? VS 2015不支持这些。由于受欢迎的需求,MVC4支持将在今年晚些时候的Update 1中回归。

You can confirm you are using MVC 4 by opening packages.config and scrolling to the entry for Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.  If the version listed starts with "4", this means you are using MVC 4.

您可以通过打开packages.config并滚动到Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc条目来确认您正在使用MVC 4。如果列出的版本以“4”开头,则表示您使用的是MVC 4。