
时间:2022-05-01 06:26:10

Given a function, let's say atoi, how can I find the header file I should include if I want to use this function ? I'm always get puzzled for that issue. If let me treat function like "atoi" as linux c api, I can put my question in another way as : Is a document for linux c api ?

给定一个函数,让我们说atoi,如果我想使用这个函数,如何找到我应该包含的头文件?我总是对这个问题感到困惑。如果让我把像“atoi”这样的函数视为linux c api,我可以用另一种方式提出我的问题:是linux c api的文档吗?

5 个解决方案



Man pages. Type man atoi (or, in general, man <function>) at your command prompt. It will give you usage information as well as a listing of which headers to include.

手册页。在命令提示符下键入man atoi(或者,通常是man )。它将为您提供使用信息以及要包含的标头列表。

Man pages also document programs and commands (find, grep, cd, etc.). Sometimes you may run into a case where a program has the same name as a C function (e.g. write). In that case, you need to direct man to look in the correct section of the manual, section 2 for system calls and section 3 for library functions. You do this by inserting the section number between "man" and the command name: man 2 write. If you do not know whether a given function is a system call or a library function, try both.

手册页还记录了程序和命令(find,grep,cd等)。有时您可能会遇到一个程序与C函数同名的情况(例如写入)。在这种情况下,您需要指示人员查看手册的正确部分,第2部分查看系统调用,第3部分查看库函数。您可以通过在“man”和命令名之间插入节号来完成此操作:man 2 write。如果您不知道给定的函数是系统调用还是库函数,请尝试两者。

You can learn more about manual pages by typing man man.

您可以通过输入man man来了解有关手册页的更多信息。



Or, you can search your system's /usr/include directory for occurrences of the function definition you're looking for. This is especially useful for embedded or stripped-down linux systems that are missing man pages.

或者,您可以在系统的/ usr / include目录中搜索您正在查找的函数定义的出现位置。这对于缺少手册页的嵌入式或精简版Linux系统尤其有用。

find /usr/include -name "*.h" -print | xargs grep "<function-you-are-looking-for>"

For example, if you do:


find /usr/include -name "*.h" -print | xargs grep atoi

You'll get back something like this:


/usr/include/stdlib.h:extern int atoi (__const char *__nptr)

The result contains both the header file name and the interface definition.


  • Please note that your /usr/include directory might be elsewhere.
  • 请注意,您的/ usr / include目录可能位于其他位置。



Is a document for linux c api ?

Certainly. The documentation is available as man pages. Type man <function> in a terminal and enjoy. Which header file you need to include is usually shown at the top.

当然。该文档以手册页形式提供。在终端输入man 并享受。您需要包含哪个头文件通常显示在顶部。



If you are using ctags and the vim editor and you have set up ctags to scan /usr/include then ctrl-] while you're on the function you want to find takes you to the headerfile!

如果你正在使用ctags和vim编辑器并且你已经设置了ctags来扫描/ usr / include然后ctrl-]当你在你想要找到的函数上时会带你到头文件!



You can use the following also


whereis <function name> 

It will give the path name for the function. Then open the path using vim editor. Then using the "vim" editor you can see the header file.



> whereis atoi 
   atoi: /usr/share/man/man3/atoi.3.gz

 > vim /usr/share/man/man3/atoi.3.gz

  .B #include <stdlib.h>



Man pages. Type man atoi (or, in general, man <function>) at your command prompt. It will give you usage information as well as a listing of which headers to include.

手册页。在命令提示符下键入man atoi(或者,通常是man )。它将为您提供使用信息以及要包含的标头列表。

Man pages also document programs and commands (find, grep, cd, etc.). Sometimes you may run into a case where a program has the same name as a C function (e.g. write). In that case, you need to direct man to look in the correct section of the manual, section 2 for system calls and section 3 for library functions. You do this by inserting the section number between "man" and the command name: man 2 write. If you do not know whether a given function is a system call or a library function, try both.

手册页还记录了程序和命令(find,grep,cd等)。有时您可能会遇到一个程序与C函数同名的情况(例如写入)。在这种情况下,您需要指示人员查看手册的正确部分,第2部分查看系统调用,第3部分查看库函数。您可以通过在“man”和命令名之间插入节号来完成此操作:man 2 write。如果您不知道给定的函数是系统调用还是库函数,请尝试两者。

You can learn more about manual pages by typing man man.

您可以通过输入man man来了解有关手册页的更多信息。



Or, you can search your system's /usr/include directory for occurrences of the function definition you're looking for. This is especially useful for embedded or stripped-down linux systems that are missing man pages.

或者,您可以在系统的/ usr / include目录中搜索您正在查找的函数定义的出现位置。这对于缺少手册页的嵌入式或精简版Linux系统尤其有用。

find /usr/include -name "*.h" -print | xargs grep "<function-you-are-looking-for>"

For example, if you do:


find /usr/include -name "*.h" -print | xargs grep atoi

You'll get back something like this:


/usr/include/stdlib.h:extern int atoi (__const char *__nptr)

The result contains both the header file name and the interface definition.


  • Please note that your /usr/include directory might be elsewhere.
  • 请注意,您的/ usr / include目录可能位于其他位置。



Is a document for linux c api ?

Certainly. The documentation is available as man pages. Type man <function> in a terminal and enjoy. Which header file you need to include is usually shown at the top.

当然。该文档以手册页形式提供。在终端输入man 并享受。您需要包含哪个头文件通常显示在顶部。



If you are using ctags and the vim editor and you have set up ctags to scan /usr/include then ctrl-] while you're on the function you want to find takes you to the headerfile!

如果你正在使用ctags和vim编辑器并且你已经设置了ctags来扫描/ usr / include然后ctrl-]当你在你想要找到的函数上时会带你到头文件!



You can use the following also


whereis <function name> 

It will give the path name for the function. Then open the path using vim editor. Then using the "vim" editor you can see the header file.



> whereis atoi 
   atoi: /usr/share/man/man3/atoi.3.gz

 > vim /usr/share/man/man3/atoi.3.gz

  .B #include <stdlib.h>