自然拼读法 Phonics — 最常见字母发音
Phonics , the pronounciation of most common letters
元音难,元音难,最难莫过于’o’, ‘a’, 发音混淆,组合多多。
vowels are difficult, vowels are hard, the toughest/’tʌfist/ must be ‘o’, ‘a’, pronouncing is easy to confuse ,and there are a lot of combinations.
.特殊单词 special letters
- c 发/k/, 在 i,e,y 前面 ,发 /s/ , comedy /ˈkɒmədi/(喜剧) , twice/twaɪs/
- ck 组合发 /k/
- q字母必须与u同时出现,qu发/kw/ , quiz , liquid
- l /l/ , 如果后面无元音,舌顶上颚,‘儿哦‘, girl
- n /n/, , 如果后面无元音,舌顶上颚发鼻音,‘嗯‘
- j /dʒ/
- y /j/ ,在词尾发元音 /i/
- x /ks/
- ght 组合只发/t/ , daughter, brought,right,flight
- 。
language/læŋgwədʒ/, penguin/’peŋgwin/,extinguisher/iks’tiŋgwi ʃə / -
steward /ˈstju:əd/ , stewardess /ˈstju:ədes/
2.短元音对应一个元音字母的概率最大 The maximum probability is one short vowle corresponding to one letter.
for the convenience of remember, the sequence is arranged same as the Chinese PinYing.
/ʌ/ | /ɒ/ | /ə/ | /ɪ/ | /ʊ/ | /e/ | /æ/ |
u | o | 词尾er | i | oo | e | a |
a,o,e弱音 | /əʊ/ /aʊ/ | |||||
/ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ | ||||||
cut,budge | dog,not,lot,blog,emoticon | sister,carrot,beverage | pig | book,good,look | pen | apple |
ou | y | u,ou | ea | |||
toughest,touch |
3.长元音对应元音字母组合The long vowel( two vowels combine) corresponding to two vowel letters combination .
Sequence is arranged same as the Chinese PinYing.
/ɑː/ | /ɔː/ | /ə:/ /ɜː/ | /iː/ | /uː/ |
ar | au/aw | ir,er | ee/ea | oo |
farm | auther,daughter | shirt,skirt | deep,sweat | moon,tooth |
awesome | immersion/ɪˈmɜː.ʃən/ | |||
a在ss,st,sh前 | oor/oar,ou | or,ur | ie/ei | ou |
brought,faucet(水)龙头,阀门 | ||||
4.双元音对应元音字母组合 /The diphthong/ˈdɪfθɒŋ/ ( two vowels combination) corresponding to two vowel letters combination
/ei/ | /ai/ | /əʊ/,/oʊ/ | /aʊ/ | /ɔi/ | /ɪə/ /ɪr/ | /eə//ɛr/ | /ʊə//ʊr/ |
a在开音节 | i在开音节 | o在开音节 | ‘澳‘很夸张 | ||||
ay,ey | ie | oa,ow,oe | ow,ou | oy, oi | ear,eer | air,ear | our |
day,way | tie,lie | boat,float | now,how | toy,boy | dear,near | air,fair | tourist |
pray,say | pie,die | goat,coat | .. | joy | fear,hear | hair | |
grey,they | .. | window,follow | blouse,cloudy | oil,coin | deer,beer | wear,rear | |
.. | .. | TOEFL/ˈtəʊfl/,ˈtoʊfl | found | noise | jeer,steer | pear |
/ei/ : ey有例外:key,monkey
/eə//ɛr/: ear有例外:early/ɜːli/, earth/ɜːθ/,earn/ɜːn/
ow能发两个音 :/əʊ/ | /aʊ/ ,没有规则
ear能发三个音 :/ɪə/ /ɪr/ |/eə//ɛr/ | 没有规则
Common combinations of letters
u后跟元音字母(gui,gua,qui),u发/w/; w前跟元音字母(ew,aw),组合发/ju:/
ch | /k/ | … |
qui | /kwi/ | quick, quiz, |
gua | /gwə/,unstressed,’国儿’ | language/læŋgwədʒ/,lan’国儿’dʒ |
gui | /gwi/,unstressed,’桂’ | penguin/peŋgwin/,pen’滚’, extinguish/iks`tiŋgwiʃ/ ‘桂’ʃ |
-aw,ew | / juː/ | new,few,knew,view , stew /stju:/ |
-eu,ew | / juː/ | neutral/nju:trəl/,steward/stju:əd/,stewardess/ˌstju:əˈdes/ |
ght | /t/ | bright |
-all | /ɔːl/ | wall,hall,fall |
-ary | /ɜːrɪ/ | January,February, library, ordinary |
kn | /n/ | k不发音 ,knife, knee, know, knock |
-ight | /ait/ | ,flight, night, light, bright |
-ire | /aiɜː/ | ,fire, tired, hire, wire |
-ought | /ɔːt/ | bought, thought,brought,sought |
Common con/so/nant /ˈkɑ:nsənənt/ combinations pronounciation
sh | /ʃ/ | English /iŋg liʃ / , brush /brʌʃ/ , she /ʃ i/ , shoe /ʃ uː/ |
su | /ʒ/ ‘与日’ | measure/’meʒə/ , leisure /’leʒə/ |
th | /θ/ 咬舌 | three/θri:/ , thank/’θæŋk/, thin/θin/,beneath/bɪˈni:θ/ |
th | /ð/ 咬舌 | that/ðæt/, these/ðiːz/, this/ðɪs/,they/ðei/, thus/ðʌs/ |
ch | /tʃ / | chese /tʃiːz/, French/frentʃ /, China/tʃainə/, lunch/lʌn tʃ / |
tch | /tʃ / t不发音 | match /mætʃ/, batch/bætʃ /, catch/kætʃ/, bitch /bitʃ / |
ge | /dʒ/ | orange /’ɒriŋdʒ/, page/peɪdʒ/, bridge/brɪdʒ/ |
tr | /tr/ | tree/tri:/,travel/trævl/, troy/trɔi/ |
dr | /dr/ | drop/drɒp/,drive/draiv/,dry/drai/,dream/dri:m/ |
ts | /ts/ 不出声的’思’ | shirts/ʃɜːts/, skirts/skɜːts/,boots/bu:ts/,tickets/tikits/ |
ds | /dz/ | birds/bɜːdz/,lands/lædz/,hands/hændz/,goods/gʊdz/ |
ng | /ŋg/或者/ndʒ/,n要明显发声,鼻音 | English /iŋgliʃ /, orange/ɒriŋdʒ/ |
注意 | 明显发声的辅音字母 | 。 |
n | 发鼻音,n一般发/n/, n在g前发/ŋ/, | 例如 English /iŋgliʃ /, orange/ɒriŋdʒ/ |
l | 顶上颚发’哦‘, | 例如 girl /gɜːl/, travel/trævl/ |
v | 轻咬下嘴唇, | 例如 travel/trævl/ |
The sound of difficult to pronounce
1.aluminum 英[ə’lju:minəm] , 美[ə’lju:minəm]
重点音在 中间 lu, 读 /lju:/ ‘铝’,
第一个 a 弱化成/ə/ , 第二个u弱化成/ə/
n. <美>铝;
alu /ə’lju:/ 音 ‘铝’
2.petroleum 英 [pəˈtrəʊliəm] , 美[pəˈtroʊliəm]
n . 石油
3.natural /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl/
第二个 u弱化成 /ə/,第三个a也弱化成/ə/
adj . 天然的,非人为的;非人造的
-ture /tʃ.ə/ ‘测’
-tral /trəl / ‘抽儿’
4.neutral neutral [ˈnju:trəl]
只有两个音节,重点在第一个音节,eu组合 发 /ju:/
5.steward /ˈstju:əd/ n. 管家, 乘务员, 干事
stewardess /ˌstju:əˈdes/ n. 女乘务员 = cabin attendent = air hostess