google adwords api with google-adwords-api gem

时间:2021-03-14 06:20:02

I am trying to access google adwords api with 'google-adwords-api' ruby gem. I have configured as per required. I have also set an test mcc account and api application. But still I am not able to access the api. It is giving following error QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE

我试图通过'google-adwords-api'ruby gem访问google adwords api。我按要求配置了。我还设置了测试mcc帐户和api应用程序。但我仍然无法访问api。它给出了以下错误QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE

Also I am trying to set the environment to sandbox which gives following error Environment 'SANDBOX' does not support version 'v201306' (AdsCommon::Errors::Error)

此外,我正在尝试将环境设置为沙箱,其中出现以下错误环境'SANDBOX'不支持版本'v201306'(AdsCommon ::错误::错误)

In documentationn it is mentioned that we can access api with test account even before approval.


Thanks in advance


1 个解决方案



I got fixed this. The developer token needed for accessing the ad-words api should be created from production account and not from test account.




I got fixed this. The developer token needed for accessing the ad-words api should be created from production account and not from test account.
