English trip -- VC(情景课) 8 B job duties 工作职责

时间:2021-09-15 06:18:32

Vocabulary focus  核心词汇

She is a receptionist.

She answers the phone.

She is a cashier

She counts money

He is a mechanic

He fixes cars

He is a custodian

He cleans buildings

She is a salesperson

She sells clothes

He is a waiter

He serves food


What job is it?

Job:                                                              Description:

Police Officer 警察   # works in a police station and keeps people safe

Cook  厨师  # does the cooking in a restaurant

Waiter  服务员  # takes people's orders in a restaurant and servers food

Fashion designer  时尚设计 # person who makes and designs  clothes

Movie director  导演 # someone who make movies

Pilot ['paɪlət]  飞行员 # flies an airplane

Writer 作家  # someone who writes books and stories

Cartoonist  漫画家  # person that can draw cartoons well

Basketball player 篮球运动员 # person that can play basketball well

Bus driver  公交车司机  # person who drives a bus

Scientist ['saɪəntɪst]  科学家  # works in a laboratory(实验室) and does experiments([试验] 实验)

Teacher  教室 # person who teaches students

Journalist  记者  # person who reports news on TV, radio or newspaper

Doctor  医生  # works in a hosplital and cures(治愈) sick( 病人) people

Nurse(这里的e没有发音)  护士 works in a hospital and helps doctors

Farmer 农民  # works on a farm(种田,务农) and grows (种植) crops(收割) or looks after animals(照顾动物)

Actor  演员  # person who acts in a movie

Firefighter  消防员 # rescues(救援;营救) people from burning buildings and helps put out fires

Singer(这里的g没有发音)  # someone who can sing well

Taxi driver 出租车司机  # person who drives a taxi

Mechanic 机械师  # repairs machines and vehicles(机动车,汽车) such as(比如;诸如) cars and buses

Engineer  工程师  # someone who designs and constructs(建造) buildings

Pianist  钢琴家  # plays the piano well

Soldier  军人  # person in the army (军队)who wears a uniform(制服)  and has a gun

Hairdresser  发型师  # someone who cuts and styles hair

Veterinarian  ve te ri na rian    [,vet(ə)rɪ'neərɪən]  兽医  # works in an animal hospital and looks after animals