
时间:2022-10-09 06:14:14

I'm working with some audio processing which is not done on the main thread. My background thread repeatedly generates arrays of floats that my main thread will want to use to display something to the user. Will this be thread safe or is it oversimplified? Since this is in an OpenGL loop, I want to avoid blocking either thread with atomic locking.


I'm flexible with the storage format. (C array, NSArray, etc. and double, CGFloat, NSNumber, etc.)


Note that each time the second method is called, it may or may not have actual new data to process. It just wants whatever the latest is.



@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *generatedNumbers;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *passedNumbers;



//This is called over and over repeatedly and an unpredictable rate
- (void) generateSomeNumbers{
    [self.generatedNumbers removeAllObjects];
    for (Something x in something){
        [self.generatedNumbers addObject:someNSNumberOrCGFloat];

//This is called from the main thread (opengl CADisplayLink)
- (void) doStuffWithLatestGeneratedNumbers{
    self.passedNumbers = [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.generatedNumbers];
    [self doStuffWithNumbers:self.passedNumbers];

Or how about this?:



@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *generatedNumbers;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *passedNumbers;



//This is called over and over repeatedly and an unpredictable rate
- (void) generateSomeNumbers{
    [self.generatedNumbers removeAllObjects];
    for (Something x in something){
        [self.generatedNumbers addObject:someNSNumberOrCGFloat];

    [self copyNumbers:self.generatedNumbers];

- (void)copyNumbers:(NSArray *)numbers
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            self.passedNumbers = [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.generatedNumbers];

//This is called from the main thread (opengl CADisplayLink)
- (void) doStuffWithLatestGeneratedNumbers{

    [self doStuffWithNumbers:self.passedNumbers];

2 个解决方案



Since this is in an OpenGL loop, I want to avoid blocking either thread with atomic locking


This makes things much harder. You will need to take some kind of lock unless the operation to swap the array value is atomic (ie. a single CPU instruction).


If you're dealing with values that are larger than the native instruction size of the CPU, the operation to assign a replacement will not be atomic.


Assigning an NSMutableArray pointer is atomic, but unless you are happy to leak the array it's replacing, you'll need to release the existing array. The combination of these two operations is not atomic, so needs to be protected with a lock (which is what marking the property as atomic does).


I'd recommend double-checking that you can't take a lock here. The lock in question is a spin-lock protecting two instructions, so it's going to be very cheap even when contended. If you're using Objective-C, or allocating any memory from the heap at all, you're probably already working at too high a level of abstraction to worry about this sort of detail (doing any of things already involves taking locks).


An example of a situation where taking locks, using Objective-C, or even allocating memory is to be avoided is in realtime auto processing. Since the duration of a lock is not completely predictable and realtime audio threads have extremely tight deadlines (tighter than an OpenGL loop --- sometimes less than 1ms, with any overrun causing audible glitches), they can't be used safely. The standard way of passing data between threads then is a circular buffer.




This is how I would do it:


@property (strong) NSArray* generatedNumbers;


- (void) generateSomeNumbers{
    NSMutableArray* tempNumbers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    for (Something x in something){
        [tempNumbers addObject:someNSNumberOrCGFloat];

    [self setGeneratedNumbers: tempNumbers];

//This is called from the main thread (opengl CADisplayLink)
- (void) doStuffWithLatestGeneratedNumbers{

    [self doStuffWithNumbers: [self generatedNumbers]];

The above assumes that generatedNumbers is not ever mutated after the assignment in generateNumbers and also we are using ARC.


Note that the property is atomic. I think this is necessary to stop a potential race condition where the main thread tries to get generatedNumbers but the array is deallocated by the other thread before it has a chance to do the retain.




Since this is in an OpenGL loop, I want to avoid blocking either thread with atomic locking


This makes things much harder. You will need to take some kind of lock unless the operation to swap the array value is atomic (ie. a single CPU instruction).


If you're dealing with values that are larger than the native instruction size of the CPU, the operation to assign a replacement will not be atomic.


Assigning an NSMutableArray pointer is atomic, but unless you are happy to leak the array it's replacing, you'll need to release the existing array. The combination of these two operations is not atomic, so needs to be protected with a lock (which is what marking the property as atomic does).


I'd recommend double-checking that you can't take a lock here. The lock in question is a spin-lock protecting two instructions, so it's going to be very cheap even when contended. If you're using Objective-C, or allocating any memory from the heap at all, you're probably already working at too high a level of abstraction to worry about this sort of detail (doing any of things already involves taking locks).


An example of a situation where taking locks, using Objective-C, or even allocating memory is to be avoided is in realtime auto processing. Since the duration of a lock is not completely predictable and realtime audio threads have extremely tight deadlines (tighter than an OpenGL loop --- sometimes less than 1ms, with any overrun causing audible glitches), they can't be used safely. The standard way of passing data between threads then is a circular buffer.




This is how I would do it:


@property (strong) NSArray* generatedNumbers;


- (void) generateSomeNumbers{
    NSMutableArray* tempNumbers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    for (Something x in something){
        [tempNumbers addObject:someNSNumberOrCGFloat];

    [self setGeneratedNumbers: tempNumbers];

//This is called from the main thread (opengl CADisplayLink)
- (void) doStuffWithLatestGeneratedNumbers{

    [self doStuffWithNumbers: [self generatedNumbers]];

The above assumes that generatedNumbers is not ever mutated after the assignment in generateNumbers and also we are using ARC.


Note that the property is atomic. I think this is necessary to stop a potential race condition where the main thread tries to get generatedNumbers but the array is deallocated by the other thread before it has a chance to do the retain.
