
时间:2022-10-09 06:14:32

The code that invokes undefined behavior (in this example, division by zero) will never get executed, is the program still undefined behavior?


int main(void)
    int i;
        i = 1/0;
    return 0;

I think it still is undefined behavior, but I can't find any evidence in the standard to support or deny me.


So, any ideas?


9 个解决方案



Let's look at how the C standard defines the terms "behavior" and "undefined behavior".


References are to the N1570 draft of the ISO C 2011 standard; I'm not aware of any relevant differences in any of the three published ISO C standards (1990, 1999, and 2011).

参考文献是关于isoc 2011标准的N1570草案;我没有意识到在这三种ISO C标准(1990年、1999年和2011年)的任何相关差异。

Section 3.4:


external appearance or action


Ok, that's a bit vague, but I'd argue that a given statement has no "appearance", and certainly no "action", unless it's actually executed.


Section 3.4.3:


undefined behavior
behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements


It says "upon use" of such a construct. The word "use" is not defined by the standard, so we fall back to the common English meaning. A construct is not "used" if it's never executed.


There's a note under that definition:


NOTE Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).


So a compiler is permitted to reject your program at compile time if its behavior is undefined. But my interpretation of that is that it can do so only if it can prove that every execution of the program will encounter undefined behavior. Which implies, I think, that this:


if (rand() % 2 == 0) {
    i = i / 0;

which certainly can have undefined behavior, cannot be rejected at compile time.


As a practical matter, programs have to be able to perform runtime tests to guard against invoking undefined behavior, and the standard has to permit them to do so.


Your example was:


if (0) {
    i = 1/0;

which never executes the division by 0. A very common idiom is:


int x, y;
/* set values for x and y */
if (y != 0) {
    x = x / y;

The division certainly has undefined behavior if y == 0, but it's never executed if y == 0. The behavior is well defined, and for the same reason that your example is well defined: because the potential undefined behavior can never actually happen.

如果y = 0,这个除法当然有未定义的行为,但是如果y = 0,它就不会被执行。行为被定义得很好,同样的原因是您的示例被定义得很好:因为潜在的未定义行为实际上永远不会发生。

(Unless INT_MIN < -INT_MAX && x == INT_MIN && y == -1 (yes, integer division can overflow), but that's a separate issue.)

(除非INT_MIN < -INT_MAX && x == INT_MIN & y = -1(是的,整数除法可以溢出),但这是另一个问题。)

In a comment (since deleted), somebody pointed out that the compiler may evaluate constant expressions at compile time. Which is true, but not relevant in this case, because in the context of


i = 1/0;

1/0 is not a constant expression.


A constant-expression is a syntactic category that reduces to conditional-expression (which excludes assignments and comma expressions). The production constant-expression appears in the grammar only in contexts that actually require a constant expression, such as case labels. So if you write:

常量表达式是一个语法范畴,它可以简化为条件表达式(不包括赋值和逗号表达式)。只有在实际需要一个常量表达式(如case label)的上下文中,生产常量表达式才会出现在语法中。所以,如果你写:

switch (...) {
    case 1/0:

then 1/0 is a constant expression -- and one that violates the constraint in 6.6p4: "Each constant expression shall evaluate to a constant that is in the range of representable values for its type.", so a diagnostic is required. But the right hand side of an assignment does not require a constant-expression, merely a conditional-expression, so the constraints on constant expressions don't apply. A compiler can evaluate any expression that it's able to at compile time, but only if the behavior is the same as if it were evaluated during execution (or, in the context of if (0), not evaluated during execution().


(Something that looks exactly like a constant-expression is not necessarily a constant-expression, just as, in x + y * z, the sequence x + y is not an additive-expression because of the context in which it appears.)

(看起来完全像常量表达式的东西不一定是常量表达式,就像在x + y * z中,序列x + y由于出现的上下文而不是添加表达式一样。)

Which means the footnote in N1570 section 6.6 that I was going to cite:


Thus, in the following initialization,
static int i = 2 || 1 / 0;
the expression is a valid integer constant expression with value one.

因此,在接下来的初始化中,静态int i = 2 || 1 / 0;表达式是具有值1的有效整数常量表达式。

isn't actually relevant to this question.


Finally, there are a few things that are defined to cause undefined behavior that aren't about what happens during execution. Annex J, section 2 of the C standard (again, see the N1570 draft) lists things that cause undefined behavior, gathered from the rest of the standard. Some examples (I don't claim this is an exhaustive list) are:

最后,有一些事情被定义为导致未定义的行为,它们与执行过程中发生的事情无关。附件J, C标准的第2节(同样参见N1570草稿)列出了导致未定义行为的原因,这些行为是从标准的其他部分收集而来的。一些例子(我不认为这是一个详尽的列表)是:

  • A nonempty source file does not end in a new-line character which is not immediately preceded by a backslash character or ends in a partial preprocessing token or comment
  • 一个非空的源文件不会以换行字符结尾,换行字符前没有反斜杠字符,也不会以部分预处理令牌或注释结尾
  • Token concatenation produces a character sequence matching the syntax of a universal character name
  • 令牌连接产生一个匹配通用字符名称的语法的字符序列。
  • A character not in the basic source character set is encountered in a source file, except in an identifier, a character constant, a string literal, a header name, a comment, or a preprocessing token that is never converted to a token
  • 除了在标识符、字符常量、字符串字面量、头名、注释或从未转换为令牌的预处理标记之外,源文件中还会遇到不在基本源字符集中的字符
  • An identifier, comment, string literal, character constant, or header name contains an invalid multibyte character or does not begin and end in the initial shift state
  • 一个标识符、注释、字符串文字、字符常量或头名称包含一个无效的多字节字符,或者在初始转移状态中不开始和结束。
  • The same identifier has both internal and external linkage in the same translation unit
  • 同一标识符在同一翻译单元中具有内部和外部链接

These particular cases are things that a compiler could detect. I think their behavior is undefined because the committee didn't want to, or couldn't, impose the same behavior on all implementations, and defining a range of permitted behaviors just wasn't worth the effort. They don't really fall into the category of "code that will never be executed", but I mention them here for completeness.




This article discusses this question in section 2.6:


int main(void){
      5 / 0;

The authors consider that the program is defined when guard() does not terminate. They also find themselves distinguishing notions of “statically undefined” and “dynamically undefined”, e.g.:


The intention behind the standard11 appears to be that, in general, situations are made statically undefined if it is not easy to generate code for them. Only when code can be generated, then the situation can be undefined dynamically.


11) Private correspondence with committee member.


I would recommend looking at the entire article. Taken together, it paints a consistent picture.


The fact that the authors of the article had to discuss the question with a committee member confirms that the standard is currently fuzzy on the answer to your question.




In this case the undefined behavior is the result of executing the code. So if the code is not executed, there is no undefined behavior.


Non executed code could invoke undefined behavior if the undefined behavior was the result of solely the declaration of the code (e.g. if some case of variable shadowing was undefined).




I'd go with the last paragraph of this answer: https://*.com/a/18384176/694576


... UB is a runtime issue, not a compiletime issue ...


So, no, there is no UB invoked.




Only when the standard makes breaking changes and your code suddenly is no longer "never gets executed". But I don't see any logical way in which this can cause 'undefined behaviour'. Its not causing anything.




On the subject of undefined behaviour it is often hard to separate the formal aspects from the practical ones. This is the definition of undefined behaviour in the 1989 standard (I don't have a more recent version at hand, but I don't expect this to have changed substantially):


1 undefined behavior
  behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of
  erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
2 NOTE Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely
  with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution
  in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the
  issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or
  execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).

From a formal point of view I'd say your program does invoke undefined behaviour, which means that the standard places no requirement whatsoever on what it will do when run, just because it contains division by zero.


On the other hand, from a practical point of view I'd be surprised to find a compiler that didn't behave as you intuitively expect.




The standard says, as I remember right, it's allowed to do anything from the moment, a rule got broken. Maybe there are some special events with kind of global flavour (but I never heard or read about something like that)... So I would say: No this can't be UB, because as long the behavior is well defined 0 is allways false, so the rule can't get broken on runtime.




I think it still is undefined behavior, but I can't find any evidence in the standard to support or deny me.


I think the program does not invoke undefined behavior.


Defect Report #109 addresses a similar question and says:


Furthermore, if every possible execution of a given program would result in undefined behavior, the given program is not strictly conforming. A conforming implementation must not fail to translate a strictly conforming program simply because some possible execution of that program would result in undefined behavior. Because foo might never be called, the example given must be successfully translated by a conforming implementation.




It depends on how the expression "undefined behavior" is defined, and whether "undefined behavior" of a statement is the same as "undefined behavior" for a program.


This program looks like C, so a deeper analysis of what the C standard used by the compiler (as some answers did) is appropriate.


In absence of a specified standard, the correct answer is "it depends". In some languages, compilers after the first error try to guess what the programmer might mean and still generate some code, according to the compilers guess. In other, more pure languages, once somerthing is undefined, the undefinedness propagate to the whole program.


Other languages have a concept of "bounded errors". For some limited kinds of errors, these languages define how much damage an error can produce. In particular languages with implied garbage collection frequently make a difference whether an error invalidates the typing system or does not.




Let's look at how the C standard defines the terms "behavior" and "undefined behavior".


References are to the N1570 draft of the ISO C 2011 standard; I'm not aware of any relevant differences in any of the three published ISO C standards (1990, 1999, and 2011).

参考文献是关于isoc 2011标准的N1570草案;我没有意识到在这三种ISO C标准(1990年、1999年和2011年)的任何相关差异。

Section 3.4:


external appearance or action


Ok, that's a bit vague, but I'd argue that a given statement has no "appearance", and certainly no "action", unless it's actually executed.


Section 3.4.3:


undefined behavior
behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements


It says "upon use" of such a construct. The word "use" is not defined by the standard, so we fall back to the common English meaning. A construct is not "used" if it's never executed.


There's a note under that definition:


NOTE Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).


So a compiler is permitted to reject your program at compile time if its behavior is undefined. But my interpretation of that is that it can do so only if it can prove that every execution of the program will encounter undefined behavior. Which implies, I think, that this:


if (rand() % 2 == 0) {
    i = i / 0;

which certainly can have undefined behavior, cannot be rejected at compile time.


As a practical matter, programs have to be able to perform runtime tests to guard against invoking undefined behavior, and the standard has to permit them to do so.


Your example was:


if (0) {
    i = 1/0;

which never executes the division by 0. A very common idiom is:


int x, y;
/* set values for x and y */
if (y != 0) {
    x = x / y;

The division certainly has undefined behavior if y == 0, but it's never executed if y == 0. The behavior is well defined, and for the same reason that your example is well defined: because the potential undefined behavior can never actually happen.

如果y = 0,这个除法当然有未定义的行为,但是如果y = 0,它就不会被执行。行为被定义得很好,同样的原因是您的示例被定义得很好:因为潜在的未定义行为实际上永远不会发生。

(Unless INT_MIN < -INT_MAX && x == INT_MIN && y == -1 (yes, integer division can overflow), but that's a separate issue.)

(除非INT_MIN < -INT_MAX && x == INT_MIN & y = -1(是的,整数除法可以溢出),但这是另一个问题。)

In a comment (since deleted), somebody pointed out that the compiler may evaluate constant expressions at compile time. Which is true, but not relevant in this case, because in the context of


i = 1/0;

1/0 is not a constant expression.


A constant-expression is a syntactic category that reduces to conditional-expression (which excludes assignments and comma expressions). The production constant-expression appears in the grammar only in contexts that actually require a constant expression, such as case labels. So if you write:

常量表达式是一个语法范畴,它可以简化为条件表达式(不包括赋值和逗号表达式)。只有在实际需要一个常量表达式(如case label)的上下文中,生产常量表达式才会出现在语法中。所以,如果你写:

switch (...) {
    case 1/0:

then 1/0 is a constant expression -- and one that violates the constraint in 6.6p4: "Each constant expression shall evaluate to a constant that is in the range of representable values for its type.", so a diagnostic is required. But the right hand side of an assignment does not require a constant-expression, merely a conditional-expression, so the constraints on constant expressions don't apply. A compiler can evaluate any expression that it's able to at compile time, but only if the behavior is the same as if it were evaluated during execution (or, in the context of if (0), not evaluated during execution().


(Something that looks exactly like a constant-expression is not necessarily a constant-expression, just as, in x + y * z, the sequence x + y is not an additive-expression because of the context in which it appears.)

(看起来完全像常量表达式的东西不一定是常量表达式,就像在x + y * z中,序列x + y由于出现的上下文而不是添加表达式一样。)

Which means the footnote in N1570 section 6.6 that I was going to cite:


Thus, in the following initialization,
static int i = 2 || 1 / 0;
the expression is a valid integer constant expression with value one.

因此,在接下来的初始化中,静态int i = 2 || 1 / 0;表达式是具有值1的有效整数常量表达式。

isn't actually relevant to this question.


Finally, there are a few things that are defined to cause undefined behavior that aren't about what happens during execution. Annex J, section 2 of the C standard (again, see the N1570 draft) lists things that cause undefined behavior, gathered from the rest of the standard. Some examples (I don't claim this is an exhaustive list) are:

最后,有一些事情被定义为导致未定义的行为,它们与执行过程中发生的事情无关。附件J, C标准的第2节(同样参见N1570草稿)列出了导致未定义行为的原因,这些行为是从标准的其他部分收集而来的。一些例子(我不认为这是一个详尽的列表)是:

  • A nonempty source file does not end in a new-line character which is not immediately preceded by a backslash character or ends in a partial preprocessing token or comment
  • 一个非空的源文件不会以换行字符结尾,换行字符前没有反斜杠字符,也不会以部分预处理令牌或注释结尾
  • Token concatenation produces a character sequence matching the syntax of a universal character name
  • 令牌连接产生一个匹配通用字符名称的语法的字符序列。
  • A character not in the basic source character set is encountered in a source file, except in an identifier, a character constant, a string literal, a header name, a comment, or a preprocessing token that is never converted to a token
  • 除了在标识符、字符常量、字符串字面量、头名、注释或从未转换为令牌的预处理标记之外,源文件中还会遇到不在基本源字符集中的字符
  • An identifier, comment, string literal, character constant, or header name contains an invalid multibyte character or does not begin and end in the initial shift state
  • 一个标识符、注释、字符串文字、字符常量或头名称包含一个无效的多字节字符,或者在初始转移状态中不开始和结束。
  • The same identifier has both internal and external linkage in the same translation unit
  • 同一标识符在同一翻译单元中具有内部和外部链接

These particular cases are things that a compiler could detect. I think their behavior is undefined because the committee didn't want to, or couldn't, impose the same behavior on all implementations, and defining a range of permitted behaviors just wasn't worth the effort. They don't really fall into the category of "code that will never be executed", but I mention them here for completeness.




This article discusses this question in section 2.6:


int main(void){
      5 / 0;

The authors consider that the program is defined when guard() does not terminate. They also find themselves distinguishing notions of “statically undefined” and “dynamically undefined”, e.g.:


The intention behind the standard11 appears to be that, in general, situations are made statically undefined if it is not easy to generate code for them. Only when code can be generated, then the situation can be undefined dynamically.


11) Private correspondence with committee member.


I would recommend looking at the entire article. Taken together, it paints a consistent picture.


The fact that the authors of the article had to discuss the question with a committee member confirms that the standard is currently fuzzy on the answer to your question.




In this case the undefined behavior is the result of executing the code. So if the code is not executed, there is no undefined behavior.


Non executed code could invoke undefined behavior if the undefined behavior was the result of solely the declaration of the code (e.g. if some case of variable shadowing was undefined).




I'd go with the last paragraph of this answer: https://*.com/a/18384176/694576


... UB is a runtime issue, not a compiletime issue ...


So, no, there is no UB invoked.




Only when the standard makes breaking changes and your code suddenly is no longer "never gets executed". But I don't see any logical way in which this can cause 'undefined behaviour'. Its not causing anything.




On the subject of undefined behaviour it is often hard to separate the formal aspects from the practical ones. This is the definition of undefined behaviour in the 1989 standard (I don't have a more recent version at hand, but I don't expect this to have changed substantially):


1 undefined behavior
  behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of
  erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
2 NOTE Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely
  with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution
  in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the
  issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or
  execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).

From a formal point of view I'd say your program does invoke undefined behaviour, which means that the standard places no requirement whatsoever on what it will do when run, just because it contains division by zero.


On the other hand, from a practical point of view I'd be surprised to find a compiler that didn't behave as you intuitively expect.




The standard says, as I remember right, it's allowed to do anything from the moment, a rule got broken. Maybe there are some special events with kind of global flavour (but I never heard or read about something like that)... So I would say: No this can't be UB, because as long the behavior is well defined 0 is allways false, so the rule can't get broken on runtime.




I think it still is undefined behavior, but I can't find any evidence in the standard to support or deny me.


I think the program does not invoke undefined behavior.


Defect Report #109 addresses a similar question and says:


Furthermore, if every possible execution of a given program would result in undefined behavior, the given program is not strictly conforming. A conforming implementation must not fail to translate a strictly conforming program simply because some possible execution of that program would result in undefined behavior. Because foo might never be called, the example given must be successfully translated by a conforming implementation.




It depends on how the expression "undefined behavior" is defined, and whether "undefined behavior" of a statement is the same as "undefined behavior" for a program.


This program looks like C, so a deeper analysis of what the C standard used by the compiler (as some answers did) is appropriate.


In absence of a specified standard, the correct answer is "it depends". In some languages, compilers after the first error try to guess what the programmer might mean and still generate some code, according to the compilers guess. In other, more pure languages, once somerthing is undefined, the undefinedness propagate to the whole program.


Other languages have a concept of "bounded errors". For some limited kinds of errors, these languages define how much damage an error can produce. In particular languages with implied garbage collection frequently make a difference whether an error invalidates the typing system or does not.
