Javascript RegEx:获取其他文本所包围的所有文本匹配?

时间:2021-09-04 06:09:04

In JavaScript/JQuery I want to get all the text that is seen between some other text. For example, if the HTML document had:

在JavaScript / JQuery中,我想获得在其他一些文本之间看到的所有文本。例如,如果HTML文档具有:

<b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b>
<div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b>

I'd like to get an array that has 'Some Text 1' and 'Some Text 2' since they are both in between '<b class="blah">Blah:' followed by a '</b>'

我想得到一个包含'Some Text 1'和'Some Text 2'的数组,因为它们都位于' Blah:'后跟' '之间

3 个解决方案


Since you mention jQuery, just select all the right nodes and check their text. You can put a regex in here if you want, but it's not needed.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$( function(){
    var texts = [];
    $('b.blah').each( function()
      var txt = $(this).text();
      if ( 0 == txt.indexOf( 'Blah:' ) )
          texts.push( txt.substr( 6 ) );
    } );
    alert( texts );

  <b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b>
  <div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b>
  <div id="foo"><b class="blah">Some Text 3</b>

Or with a string of HTML


$( function(){
  var htmlChunk = '<b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b>\n'
    + '<div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b></div>\n'
    + '<div id="foo2"><b class="blah">Some Text 3</b></div>';

    var texts = [];
    $('b.blah', '<div>' + htmlChunk + '</div>').each( function()
      var txt = $(this).text();
      if ( 0 == txt.indexOf( 'Blah:' ) )
          texts.push( txt.substr( 6 ) );
    } );
    alert( texts );


This is kind of hard in JS, because there's no handy way to retrieve a global set of paren captures. A hack like this might work:


var chunked = text.replace(/.*<b class="blah">(.*?)<\/b>/g, '$1|ARBITRARY_SEPARATOR|');
var chunks = chunked.split(/|ARBITRARY_SEPARATOR|/);


This code will produce an array with the text between '<b class="blah">Blah:' and '</b>'. in this example 'Some Text 1' and 'Some Text 2'

此代码将生成一个数组,其中的文本介于' Blah:'和' '之间。在此示例中'Some Text 1'和'Some Text 2'

var s = '<b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b><div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b>';

var regex = /<b class="blah">Blah: (.+?)<\/b>/gi;
var result = [];
var e;
while (e = regex.exec(s))


Since you mention jQuery, just select all the right nodes and check their text. You can put a regex in here if you want, but it's not needed.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$( function(){
    var texts = [];
    $('b.blah').each( function()
      var txt = $(this).text();
      if ( 0 == txt.indexOf( 'Blah:' ) )
          texts.push( txt.substr( 6 ) );
    } );
    alert( texts );

  <b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b>
  <div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b>
  <div id="foo"><b class="blah">Some Text 3</b>

Or with a string of HTML


$( function(){
  var htmlChunk = '<b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b>\n'
    + '<div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b></div>\n'
    + '<div id="foo2"><b class="blah">Some Text 3</b></div>';

    var texts = [];
    $('b.blah', '<div>' + htmlChunk + '</div>').each( function()
      var txt = $(this).text();
      if ( 0 == txt.indexOf( 'Blah:' ) )
          texts.push( txt.substr( 6 ) );
    } );
    alert( texts );


This is kind of hard in JS, because there's no handy way to retrieve a global set of paren captures. A hack like this might work:


var chunked = text.replace(/.*<b class="blah">(.*?)<\/b>/g, '$1|ARBITRARY_SEPARATOR|');
var chunks = chunked.split(/|ARBITRARY_SEPARATOR|/);


This code will produce an array with the text between '<b class="blah">Blah:' and '</b>'. in this example 'Some Text 1' and 'Some Text 2'

此代码将生成一个数组,其中的文本介于' Blah:'和' '之间。在此示例中'Some Text 1'和'Some Text 2'

var s = '<b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 1</b><div id="foo"><b class="blah">Blah: Some Text 2</b>';

var regex = /<b class="blah">Blah: (.+?)<\/b>/gi;
var result = [];
var e;
while (e = regex.exec(s))