
时间:2022-09-15 06:09:25

I have been using the "stats" package in R 3.0.1 without any problems . But today i deleted the "stats" folder from the R library location and now I can't install it any more. I tried doing the same thing with other packages but I could install everything except "stats"

我已经使用了R 3.0.1中的“stats”包,没有任何问题。但是今天我从R库的位置删除了“stats”文件夹,现在我不能再安装它了。我试着用其他的包做同样的事情但是我可以安装除了“stats”之外的所有东西

install.packages("stats", dep = TRUE, repos="http://cran.cs.wwu.edu")

## Installing package into ‘%Default R Lib Installation Path%’   
## (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)  
## Warning in install.packages :   package ‘stats’ is not available (for R version 3.0.1)

I also tried downloading it from other sources like "http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/" but nothing works . Any ideas?


2 个解决方案



(Since SO is nagging me not to continue the comment thread, I will post an answer.)


I believe that this problem will apply to any base package (but not to those installed from repositories, and probably not to Recommended packages): I am deeply skeptical that stats is the only package. It should occur for any of the packages in this list:



I'm sure it's theoretically possible to re-install a base package from scratch, but it will be much easier to re-install R. At a guess, it would take me about 15 minutes to re-install R, and I would feel lucky if I figured out how to re-install a base package on its own in less than an hour.

我相信它从头开始重新安装基础方案在理论上是可能的,但这将是更容易安装R .猜,需要大概15分钟重新安装R,我会感到幸运,如果我知道如何重新安装包在自己的基地在不到一个小时。

I'm pretty sure that re-installing R will not affect previously-installed packages: see e.g. http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/rw-FAQ.html#How-do-I-UNinstall-R_003f; that link is about uninstalling rather than re-installing, but this seems relevant:

我很确定重新安装R不会影响之前安装的软件包:参见http://cran.r project.org/bin/windows/base/rw- faq.html # how-do - uninstall-r_003f;这个链接是关于卸载而不是重新安装,但这似乎是相关的:

Uninstalling R only removes files from the initial installation, not (for example) packages you have installed or updated.


Other choices would be


  • create another identical installation of R (on another machine, or in a non-default location); locate the relevant directories in your new installation and copy them over to your existing installation.
  • 创建另一个相同的R(在另一台机器上,或在非默认位置)安装;在新安装中找到相关目录并将其复制到现有的安装中。
  • restore the relevant directories from your backup.
  • 从备份中恢复相关目录。

PS: obviously if you are doing this on a client's machine it would be a good idea to test my advice first ...




What worked for me was to copy the entire package folder from another to my R.home() directory.




(Since SO is nagging me not to continue the comment thread, I will post an answer.)


I believe that this problem will apply to any base package (but not to those installed from repositories, and probably not to Recommended packages): I am deeply skeptical that stats is the only package. It should occur for any of the packages in this list:



I'm sure it's theoretically possible to re-install a base package from scratch, but it will be much easier to re-install R. At a guess, it would take me about 15 minutes to re-install R, and I would feel lucky if I figured out how to re-install a base package on its own in less than an hour.

我相信它从头开始重新安装基础方案在理论上是可能的,但这将是更容易安装R .猜,需要大概15分钟重新安装R,我会感到幸运,如果我知道如何重新安装包在自己的基地在不到一个小时。

I'm pretty sure that re-installing R will not affect previously-installed packages: see e.g. http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/rw-FAQ.html#How-do-I-UNinstall-R_003f; that link is about uninstalling rather than re-installing, but this seems relevant:

我很确定重新安装R不会影响之前安装的软件包:参见http://cran.r project.org/bin/windows/base/rw- faq.html # how-do - uninstall-r_003f;这个链接是关于卸载而不是重新安装,但这似乎是相关的:

Uninstalling R only removes files from the initial installation, not (for example) packages you have installed or updated.


Other choices would be


  • create another identical installation of R (on another machine, or in a non-default location); locate the relevant directories in your new installation and copy them over to your existing installation.
  • 创建另一个相同的R(在另一台机器上,或在非默认位置)安装;在新安装中找到相关目录并将其复制到现有的安装中。
  • restore the relevant directories from your backup.
  • 从备份中恢复相关目录。

PS: obviously if you are doing this on a client's machine it would be a good idea to test my advice first ...




What worked for me was to copy the entire package folder from another to my R.home() directory.
