
时间:2022-03-27 06:07:15
\begin {table}[h] %h参数让表格固定在这个位置
\caption{shangtizhu} %这里为表格添加题注
\toprule[1.5pt] Symbol & Description\\
\midrule[0.5pt] ${I_i}$ & right\\
${O_j}$ & 2\\
$P\left( i \right)$ & In-links of worker \emph{i}\\
${C_D}$ & Out-links of worker \emph{j}\\
${C_B}$ & the PageRank score of worker \emph{i}\\
${C_c}$ & the degree of a node\\
${c_i}$ & the betweenness of a node\\
\qquad %并排表格的分界线
\toprule[1.5pt] Symbol & Description\\
\midrule[0.5pt] ${I_i}$ & right\\
${O_j}$ & 2\\
$P\left( i \right)$ & In-links of worker \emph{i}\\
${C_D}$ & Out-links of worker \emph{j}\\
${C_B}$ & the PageRank score of worker \emph{i}\\
${C_c}$ & the degree of a node\\
${c_i}$ & the betweenness of a node\\