apple 现在虽然不然热更新了,但是好多时候,我们会发现为了解决一点小问题就需要重新上线的尴尬,为了解决这个问题,分享服务器更新的思路,希望对大家有所帮助
1. 判断是否是第一次启动app,如果是第一次启动,将资源文件copy到沙盒
// 如果沙箱指定目录已存在,先删除他
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath :[[ self class ] resourceRootPath ]]) {
if (![fileManager removeItemAtPath :[[ self class ] resourceRootPath ] error :&error]) {
DLog ( @"remove resourceFolder error: %@" , error. localizedDescription );
return NO ;
// 拷贝资源文件到沙箱指定目录
NSString *bundlePath = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource :bundleName ofType : nil ];
if (![fileManager copyItemAtPath :bundlePath toPath :[[ self class ] resourceRootPath ] error :&error]) {
DLog ( @"copy resource files error: %@" , error. localizedDescription );
return NO ;
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath :[[ self class ] resourceRootPath ]]) {
if (![fileManager removeItemAtPath :[[ self class ] resourceRootPath ] error :&error]) {
DLog ( @"remove resourceFolder error: %@" , error. localizedDescription );
return NO ;
// 拷贝资源文件到沙箱指定目录
NSString *bundlePath = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource :bundleName ofType : nil ];
if (![fileManager copyItemAtPath :bundlePath toPath :[[ self class ] resourceRootPath ] error :&error]) {
DLog ( @"copy resource files error: %@" , error. localizedDescription );
return NO ;
2. 初始化文件索引,将沙盒中的资源文件的索引添加到sqlite 数据库
3. 检查更新,将数据库中的版本号和服务器上的版本号进行对比,如果服务器上的版本号大,在沙盒中创建新版本的资源目录,并且开始下载服务器文件,更新数据库
// 开始下载,文件名会自动去取url的文件名
NSURLRequest *request = [ NSURLRequest requestWithURL :[ NSURL URLWithString :versionRecord. downurl ] cachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval : 60 ];
AFDownloadRequestOperation *operation = [[ AFDownloadRequestOperation alloc ] initWithRequest :request targetPath :targetFullPath shouldResume : YES ];
operation. shouldOverwrite = YES ;
[operation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess :^( AFHTTPRequestOperation * _Nonnull operation, id _Nonnull responseObject) {
// 下载成功才更新索引数据库
[[ self class ] updateIndexDB :versionRecord];
DLog ( @"update file \"%@/%@\" from version %ld to version %ld" ,versionRecord. filepath , versionRecord. filename , version, versionRecord. versionno );
} failure :^( AFHTTPRequestOperation * _Nonnull operation, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
DLog ( @"download resource(%@) error: %@" , operation. request . URL . absoluteString , error. localizedDescription );
NSURLRequest *request = [ NSURLRequest requestWithURL :[ NSURL URLWithString :versionRecord. downurl ] cachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval : 60 ];
AFDownloadRequestOperation *operation = [[ AFDownloadRequestOperation alloc ] initWithRequest :request targetPath :targetFullPath shouldResume : YES ];
operation. shouldOverwrite = YES ;
[operation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess :^( AFHTTPRequestOperation * _Nonnull operation, id _Nonnull responseObject) {
// 下载成功才更新索引数据库
[[ self class ] updateIndexDB :versionRecord];
DLog ( @"update file \"%@/%@\" from version %ld to version %ld" ,versionRecord. filepath , versionRecord. filename , version, versionRecord. versionno );
} failure :^( AFHTTPRequestOperation * _Nonnull operation, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
DLog ( @"download resource(%@) error: %@" , operation. request . URL . absoluteString , error. localizedDescription );