NGUI Tween动画Scale与Transform冲突

时间:2021-08-21 05:59:27


原因就是Tween Scale与Tween Transform的冲突调用。

Tween Scale中

NGUI Tween动画Scale与Transform冲突


Tween Transform中

NGUI Tween动画Scale与Transform冲突


这就产生冲突了。。。这里最简单的方法就是把两个脚本合并一下删掉Tween Transform中的localScale,因为还是得用Tween Scale来控制Scale。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class TweenScaleTransform : UITweener
{ public Vector3 from =;
public Vector3 to =;
public bool updateTable = false;
public Transform fromt;
public Transform tot;
public bool parentWhenFinished = false; Transform mTrans;
Vector3 mPos;
Quaternion mRot;
Vector3 mScale; UITable mTable; public Transform cachedTransform { get { if (mTrans == null) mTrans = transform; return mTrans; } } public Vector3 value { get { return cachedTransform.localScale; } set { cachedTransform.localScale = value; } } [System.Obsolete("Use 'value' instead")]
public Vector3 scale { get { return this.value; } set { this.value = value; } } /// <summary>
/// Tween the value.
/// </summary> protected override void OnUpdate(float factor, bool isFinished)
value = from * (1f - factor) + to * factor; if (updateTable)
if (mTable == null)
mTable = NGUITools.FindInParents<UITable>(gameObject);
if (mTable == null) { updateTable = false; return; }
mTable.repositionNow = true;
} if (tot != null)
if (mTrans == null)
mTrans = transform;
mPos = mTrans.position;
mRot = mTrans.rotation;
mScale = mTrans.localScale;
} if (fromt != null)
mTrans.position = fromt.position * (1f - factor) + tot.position * factor;
mTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fromt.rotation, tot.rotation, factor);
mTrans.position = mPos * (1f - factor) + tot.position * factor;
mTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(mRot, tot.rotation, factor);
} // Change the parent when finished, if requested
if (parentWhenFinished && isFinished) mTrans.parent = tot;
} /// <summary>
/// Start the tweening operation.
/// </summary> static public TweenScaleTransform Begin(GameObject go, float duration, Vector3 scale, Transform from, Transform to)
TweenScaleTransform comp = UITweener.Begin<TweenScaleTransform>(go, duration);
comp.from = comp.value; = scale;
comp.fromt = from;
comp.tot = to; if (duration <= 0f)
comp.Sample(1f, true);
comp.enabled = false;
return comp;
} [ContextMenu("Set 'From' to current value")]
public override void SetStartToCurrentValue() { from = value; } [ContextMenu("Set 'To' to current value")]
public override void SetEndToCurrentValue() { to = value; } [ContextMenu("Assume value of 'From'")]
void SetCurrentValueToStart() { value = from; } [ContextMenu("Assume value of 'To'")]
void SetCurrentValueToEnd() { value = to; } }