使用 Office 365 PowerShell 管理用户帐户和许可证(十一)View user accounts with Office 365 PowerShell

时间:2022-09-21 05:53:54

View user accounts with Office 365 PowerShell



Summary: View, list, or display your user accounts in various ways with Office 365 PowerShell.

Although you can use the Office 365 Admin center to view the accounts for your Office 365 tenant, you can also use Office 365 PowerShell and do some things that the Office 365 Admin center cannot.

Before you begin

本主题中的步骤需要您连接到 Office 365 PowerShell。有关说明,请参阅连接到 Office 365 PowerShell

Display Office 365 user account information

To display the full list of user accounts, run this command in your Office 365 PowerShell command prompt or the PowerShell Integrated Script Environment (ISE).


You should see information similar to this:

UserPrincipalName                     DisplayName           isLicensed
----------------- ----------- ----------
ZrinkaM@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Zrinka Makovac True
BonnieK@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Bonnie Kearney True
FabriceC@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Fabrice Canel True
BrianJ@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Brian Johnson False
AnneWlitwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Anne Wallace True
ScottW@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Scott Wallace False

The Get-MsolUser cmdlet also has a set of parameters to filter the set of user accounts displayed. For example, for the list of unlicensed users (users who’ve been added to Office 365 but haven’t yet been licensed to use any of the services), run this command.

Get-MsolUser -UnlicensedUsersOnly

You should see information similar to this:

UserPrincipalName                     DisplayName           isLicensed
----------------- ----------- ----------
BrianJ@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Brian Johnson False
ScottW@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Scott Wallace False

For more information about additional parameters to filter the display the set of user accounts displayed, see Get-MsolUser .

To be more selective about the list of accounts to display, you can use the Where-Object cmdlet in combination with the Get-MsolUsercmdlet. To combine the two cmdlets, we use the "pipe" character "|", which tells Office 365 PowerShell to take the results of one command and send it to the next command. Here is an example command that displays only those user accounts that have an unspecified usage location:

Get-MsolUser | Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation -eq $Null}

This command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to:

  • Get all of the information on the user accounts (Get-MsolUser) and send it to the next command ( | ).

  • Find all of the user accounts that have an unspecified usage location (Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation –eq $Null}). Inside the braces, the command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to only find the set of accounts in which the UsageLocation user account property ($_.UsageLocation) is not specified (-eq $Null).

You should see information similar to this:

UserPrincipalName                     DisplayName           isLicensed
----------------- ----------- ----------
BrianJ@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Brian Johnson False
ScottW@litwareinc.onmicrosoft.com Scott Wallace False

The UsageLocation property is only one of many properties associated with a user account. To see all of the properties for user accounts, use the Select-Object cmdlet and the wildcard character (*) to display them all for a specific user account. Here is an example:

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "BelindaN@litwareinc.onmicosoft.com" | Select-Object *

For example, from this list, City is the name of a user account property. This means you can use the following command to list all of the user accounts for users living in London:

Get-MsolUser | Where-Object {$_.City -eq "London"}
使用 Office 365 PowerShell 管理用户帐户和许可证(十一)View user accounts with Office 365 PowerShell提示:
The syntax for the Where-Object cmdlet shown in these examples is Where-Object {$_.[user account property name] [comparison operator] [value]}.
  • [comparison operator] is -eq for equals, -ne for not equals, -lt for less than, -gt for greater than, and others

  • [value] is typically a string (a sequence of letters, numbers, and other characters), a numerical value, or $Null for unspecified

See Where-Object for more information.

Select the user account properties to display

The Get-MsolUser cmdlet by default displays three properties of user accounts:

  • UserPrincipalName

  • DisplayName

  • isLicensed

If you need additional properties, such as the department the user works for and the country/region where the user uses Office 365 services, you can run Get-MsolUser in combination with the Select-Object cmdlet to specify the list of user account properties. Here is an example:

Get-MsolUser | Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation

This command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to:

  • Get all of the information on the user accounts (Get-MsolUser) and send it to the next command ( | ).

  • Display only the user account name, department, and usage location (Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation).

You should see information similar to this:

DisplayName             Department                       UsageLocation
----------- ---------- -------------
Zrinka Makovac Sales & Marketing US
Bonnie Kearney Sales & Marketing US
Fabrice Canel Legal US
Brian Johnson
Anne Wallace Executive Management US
Alex Darrow Sales & Marketing US
David Longmuir Operations US
Scott Wallace Operations

The Select-Object cmdlet allows you to pick and choose the properties you want a command to display. To see all of the properties for user accounts, use the wildcard character (*) to display them all for a specific user account. Here is an example:

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "BelindaN@litwareinc.onmicosoft.com" | Select-Object *

To be more selective about the list of accounts to display, you can also use the Where-Object cmdlet. Here is an example command that displays only those user accounts that have an unspecified usage location:

Get-MsolUser | Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation -eq $Null} | Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation

This command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to:

  • Get all of the information on the user accounts (Get-MsolUser) and send it to the next command ( | ).

  • Find all of the user accounts that have an unspecified usage location (Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation –eq $Null}) and send the resulting information to the next command ( | ). Inside the braces, the command is instructing Office 365 PowerShell to only find the set of accounts in which the UsageLocation user account property ($_.UsageLocation) is not specified (-eq $Null).

  • Display only the user account name, department, and usage location (Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation).

You should see information similar to this:

DisplayName              Department                      UsageLocation
----------- ---------- -------------
Brian Johnson
Scott Wallace Operations

Use the Azure Active Directory V2 PowerShell module to display user accounts

To display properties for user accounts with the Azure Active Directory V2 PowerShell module, you use the Get-AzureADUser cmdlet. But first, you must connect to your subscription. For the instructions, see Connect with the Azure Active Directory V2 PowerShell module.

Display Office 365 user account information

To display the full list of user accounts, run this command in your Office 365 PowerShell command prompt or the PowerShell Integrated Script Environment (ISE).


The Get-AzureADUser cmdlet by default displays three properties of user accounts:

  • ObjectID

  • DisplayName

  • UserPrincipalName

To be more selective about the list of accounts to display, you can use the Where-Object cmdlet in combination with the Get-AzureADUser cmdlet. To combine the two cmdlets, we use the "pipe" character "|", which tells Office 365 PowerShell to take the results of one command and send it to the next command. Here is an example command that displays only those user accounts that have an unspecified usage location:

Get-AzureADUser | Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation -eq $Null}

This command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to:

  • Get all of the information on the user accounts (Get-AzureADUser) and send it to the next command ( | ).

  • Find all of the user accounts that have an unspecified usage location (Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation –eq $Null}). Inside the braces, the command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to only find the set of accounts in which the UsageLocation user account property ($_.UsageLocation) is not specified (-eq $Null).

The UsageLocation property is only one of many properties associated with a user account. To see all of the properties for user accounts, use the Select-Object cmdlet and the wildcard character (*) to display them all for a specific user account, one page at a time (More). Here is an example:

Get-AzureADUser -ObjectID "BelindaN@litwareinc.onmicosoft.com" | Select-Object * | More

For example, City is the name of a user account property. This means you can use the following command to list all of the user accounts for users living in London:

Get-AzureADUser | Where-Object {$_.City -eq "London"}
使用 Office 365 PowerShell 管理用户帐户和许可证(十一)View user accounts with Office 365 PowerShell提示:
The syntax for the Where-Object cmdlet shown in these examples is Where-Object {$_.[user account property name] [comparison operator] [value]}.
  • [comparison operator] is -eq for equals, -ne for not equals, -lt for less than, -gt for greater than, and others

  • [value] is typically a string (a sequence of letters, numbers, and other characters), a numerical value, or $Null for unspecified

See Where-Object for more information.

Select the user account properties to display

The Get-AzureADUser cmdlet by default displays the ObjectID, DisplayName, and UserPrincipalName properties of user accounts. If you need additional properties, such as the department the user works for and the country/region where the user uses Office 365 services, you can run Get-AzureADUser in combination with the Select-Object cmdlet to specify the list of user account properties. Here is an example:

Get-AzureADUser | Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation

This command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to:

  • Get all of the information on the user accounts (Get-AzureADUser) and send it to the next command ( | ).

  • Display only the user account name, department, and usage location (Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation).

To be more selective about the list of accounts to display, you can also use the Where-Object cmdlet. Here is an example command that displays only those user accounts that have an unspecified usage location:

Get-AzureADUser | Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation -eq $Null} | Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation

This command instructs Office 365 PowerShell to:

  • Get all of the information on the user accounts (Get-AzureADUser) and send it to the next command ( | ).

  • Find all of the user accounts that have an unspecified usage location (Where-Object {$_.UsageLocation –eq $Null}) and send the resulting information to the next command ( | ). Inside the braces, the command is instructing Office 365 PowerShell to only find the set of accounts in which the UsageLocation user account property ($_.UsageLocation) is not specified (-eq $Null).

  • Display only the user account name, department, and usage location (Select-Object DisplayName, Department, UsageLocation).