将Ctrl + 设置为nano中的快捷键

时间:2020-12-30 05:54:29

In virtually any text area on computers nowadays, if you use the combination ctrl + arrowkeys it will move through text by words(left and right) or paragraphs(up and down), and ctrl + shift + arrowkeys will highlight chunks successively. Even this * textbox has this smartly implemented.

现在几乎在计算机上的任何文本区域中,如果使用组合ctrl + arrowkeys,它将通过单词(左和右)或段落(上下)移动文本,ctrl + shift + arrowkeys将连续突出显示块。甚至这个*文本框也巧妙地实现了这一点。

I can't find anyone asking whether such a fix, patch or option enables the same in the terminal text-editor nano. I use nano for a lot of coding and it would be so wonderful to have it there.


Does anyone know of such a patch? Would anyone suggest a replacement? (Dear god, please don't suggest I use the dinosaur that is visudo)

有谁知道这样的补丁?有人会建议更换吗? (亲爱的上帝,请不要建议我使用visudo的恐龙)

Thanks Gals and Guys!!

感谢Gals和Guys !!

Update: "Gedit" was pretty much what I was looking for, although its not a commandline editor and I don't feel as l33t, it works great and has syntax highlighting.


1 个解决方案



Linux and Unix have a multitude of text editors available for them. I would suggest emacs, but if you find that too slow to start up, there are a number of lightweight emacs alternatives available; one such is zile.




Linux and Unix have a multitude of text editors available for them. I would suggest emacs, but if you find that too slow to start up, there are a number of lightweight emacs alternatives available; one such is zile.

