从IsCmdBld.exe设置InstallShield 2009 InstallScript项目的版本

时间:2021-09-14 05:53:11

I am very new to InstallShield and have inherited a InstallScript project. I have mostly figured out my way around and fixed most of the problems. However, I wish to build this project automatically on our build server with each build of our product. I have this working fine. For some reason, though, I cannot get the version number to increase.


I am using the command:


IsCmdBld.exe -P <.ism location>
-L <some_path_variable>=<some_value>
-L <some_path_variable2>=<some_value2>

IsCmdBld.exe -P <.ism location> -L = -L =

This works.


However, adding -y 1.2.3, -y "1.2.3", -z Version=1.2.3, -z Version="1.2.3", -z "Version=1.2.3", -z ProductVersion=1.2.3, -z ProductVersion="1.2.3", or -z "ProductVersion=1.2.3". does not work.

但是,添加-y 1.2.3,-y“1.2.3”, - z Version = 1.2.3,-z Version =“1.2.3”, - z“Version = 1.2.3”, - z ProductVersion = 1.2 .3,-z ProductVersion =“1.2.3”,或-z“ProductVersion = 1.2.3”。不起作用。

When I say that it doesn't work, I mean that using the resulting installer does not attempt to do an upgrade like it would if I manually increased the Version string in the Product Properties table from inside InstallShield.

当我说它不起作用时,我的意思是使用生成的安装程序不会尝试进行升级,就像我从InstallShield手动增加Product Properties表中的Version字符串一样。

Is there something I am missing? I know I am not providing much to go on, just hoping someone has come across this problem before. Also, using the -c COMP switch does not work.

有什么我想念的吗?我知道我没有提供太多的东西,只是希望有人之前遇到过这个问题。此外,使用-c COMP开关不起作用。

Any thoughts appreciated.


2 个解决方案



I believe IsCmdBld only supports passing ProductVersion properties for MSI projects, but not for InstallScript projects. I believe you need to do something like this prior to calling IsCmdBld:


set project = CreateObject("ISWiAuto15.ISWiProject") 
project.OpenProject "C:\test.ism"
project.ProductVersion = "2.0.0"
set project = nothing

Alternatively you can save your project type in XML format and use an XPath / XPoke to update the ProductVersion in the Property table. The syntax is a little scary because of the DTD, but it can be done.

或者,您可以将项目类型保存为XML格式,并使用XPath / XPoke更新Property表中的ProductVersion。由于DTD,语法有点可怕,但可以做到。



This is an old question but I was finally able to figure out how to make it work from the command line for me so I thought I would share it. I created a Path Variable (VersionNumber in the example below) in the project and set the product version to that path variable in the "General Information" section.

这是一个老问题,但我终于能够弄清楚如何让它从命令行运行,所以我想我会分享它。我在项目中创建了一个Path Variable(下例中的VersionNumber),并在“General Information”部分中将产品版本设置为该路径变量。

Then you can set it at the command line using the -l flag.


ISCmdBld.exe -p project.ism -l VersionNumber=1.1.0



I believe IsCmdBld only supports passing ProductVersion properties for MSI projects, but not for InstallScript projects. I believe you need to do something like this prior to calling IsCmdBld:


set project = CreateObject("ISWiAuto15.ISWiProject") 
project.OpenProject "C:\test.ism"
project.ProductVersion = "2.0.0"
set project = nothing

Alternatively you can save your project type in XML format and use an XPath / XPoke to update the ProductVersion in the Property table. The syntax is a little scary because of the DTD, but it can be done.

或者,您可以将项目类型保存为XML格式,并使用XPath / XPoke更新Property表中的ProductVersion。由于DTD,语法有点可怕,但可以做到。



This is an old question but I was finally able to figure out how to make it work from the command line for me so I thought I would share it. I created a Path Variable (VersionNumber in the example below) in the project and set the product version to that path variable in the "General Information" section.

这是一个老问题,但我终于能够弄清楚如何让它从命令行运行,所以我想我会分享它。我在项目中创建了一个Path Variable(下例中的VersionNumber),并在“General Information”部分中将产品版本设置为该路径变量。

Then you can set it at the command line using the -l flag.


ISCmdBld.exe -p project.ism -l VersionNumber=1.1.0