Windows 64位操作系统上的32位或64位Android SDK?

时间:2021-05-01 05:55:14

Installing a dev machine for Android development. 64bit Win7, soon will upgrade to Win8, 16GB RAM. Now the selection at the android download:

安装用于Android开发的开发机器。 64位Win7,很快将升级到Win8,16GB RAM。现在在android下载选择:

64bit or 32bit Android SDK?

What should Duffman do? Seems most poeple here go for the 64bit version, but are there arguments for/against? Hasslefree installation?

达夫曼应该怎么做?似乎这里的大多数人都选择了64位版本,但是有没有争论? Hasslefree安装?


This question was posted because I wanted to setup JetBrains IntelliJ together with the SDK. Reason was that I did not like Eclipse in the past. So when I reached the 32/64 question while downloading I was not sure and did research. The result was that there were many troubles dependent on the 32/64bit-version. In the end I gave the current Eclipse/ADT version a try and got it running quickly. I got great support from a Jetbrains guy, but finally did not follow that route, since the Eclipse toolset just worked.

发布此问题是因为我想将JetBrains IntelliJ与SDK一起设置。原因是我过去不喜欢Eclipse。所以当我在下载时遇到32/64问题我不确定并做了研究。结果是有很多麻烦依赖于32 / 64bit版本。最后,我尝试了当前的Eclipse / ADT版本,并让它快速运行。我得到了Jetbrains家伙的大力支持,但最终没有遵循这条路线,因为Eclipse工具集刚刚起作用。

EDIT 29.7.2013

64bit Version Eclipse works just fine


1 个解决方案



You should install using the ADT Bundle (there is a 64 bit version). This is super simplified, and is new with the ADT 21 release.

您应该使用ADT Bundle进行安装(有64位版本)。这是超级简化的,是ADT 21版本的新增功能。

Find it here:


Everything you need is included in the bundle, which makes things very easy.


Bottom line, use 64 bit, and use the ADT Bundle, and this should be hassle free and will result in a standard installation.




You should install using the ADT Bundle (there is a 64 bit version). This is super simplified, and is new with the ADT 21 release.

您应该使用ADT Bundle进行安装(有64位版本)。这是超级简化的,是ADT 21版本的新增功能。

Find it here:


Everything you need is included in the bundle, which makes things very easy.


Bottom line, use 64 bit, and use the ADT Bundle, and this should be hassle free and will result in a standard installation.
