
时间:2022-02-19 05:54:52

I am calling python scripts from android studio as external tools.

我从android studio调用python脚本作为外部工具。

Only after the script has exited, its stderr/stdout is displayed in the integrated Android Studio "Run" tool window. I want to be able to see the output during execution. (How) is that possible?

只有在脚本退出后,其stderr / stdout才会显示在集成的Android Studio“运行”工具窗口中。我希望能够在执行期间看到输出。 (怎么样)可能吗?


1 个解决方案



Running Python in unbuffered mode (-u) fixxed it - first Line of my python script:

以无缓冲模式运行Python(-u)fixxed it - 我的python脚本的第一行:

#! /usr/bin/python3 -u

Thanks for the solution to Serge Baranov from Jetbrains support:

感谢Jetbrains支持Serge Baranov的解决方案:

Sep 21, 16:23 MSK

9月21日16:23 MSK

Could it be caused by the buffered output? See https://*.com/a/230780/104891.




Running Python in unbuffered mode (-u) fixxed it - first Line of my python script:

以无缓冲模式运行Python(-u)fixxed it - 我的python脚本的第一行:

#! /usr/bin/python3 -u

Thanks for the solution to Serge Baranov from Jetbrains support:

感谢Jetbrains支持Serge Baranov的解决方案:

Sep 21, 16:23 MSK

9月21日16:23 MSK

Could it be caused by the buffered output? See https://*.com/a/230780/104891.
