用两部iphone4测试,一部是ios5另外一部是ios6,一开始,两部机器都运行不了xcode,一直提示的错误是:“Choose a destination with a supported architecture in order to run on this device.” 这么不着边际的错误,我上网去搜索,发现大部分人说的是,build setting里面的product name没有设置正确,可是我的name设置的很正确啊,最后无意间看到一位仁兄的话发现我的错误正是在这里:ios5的设备不支持armv7s,所以必须将Architectures设置为armv6,但是他最后说了一句,仅仅需要改动valid architectures就行,不要改动architectures,否则容易引起真机不运行,
Could not launch XXX.app
No such file or directory (/Users/Mylaptop/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-bldddwgazooytmdzypejnvzvetyy
- Disconnect your device
- Delete the app from your device
- Quit Xcode (Don't just simply close the window, quit it)
- Delete derived data folder
-fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
- Start Xcode,connect device & run the project
但是此方法经我的实验是不管用的,我最后在这里发现解决办法,it worked for me:
Try deleting "Required device capabilities" in the -Info.plist file.
You can't require armv7 on a 3G, and you can't require armv6 on any newer device, so just delete this attribute entirely.