HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); try { FileOutputStream outputStream =new FileOutputStream("D:\\b.doc"); Document document=new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); // PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream); RtfWriter2.getInstance(document, outputStream);; //定义字体 BaseFont bfChinese =BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light","UniGB-UCS2-H",BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); Font fontCN = new Font(bfChinese,10,Font.BOLD); Paragraph paragraph =new Paragraph("资产管理",fontCN); paragraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); document.add(paragraph); List<Map> list = selectDataService.queryForList("select a.column_name,a.comments from user_col_comments a where a.table_name ='T_ASSET' and a.comments is not null"); //字段名存入colNameList List colNameList = new ArrayList(); //colMap中字段名为键,备注名为值 HashMap colMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Map map = list.get(i); colNameList.add(map.get("COLUMN_NAME").toString()); colMap.put(map.get("COLUMN_NAME").toString(), map.get("COMMENTS").toString()); } PdfPTable table =new PdfPTable(colNameList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < colNameList.size(); i++) { table.addCell(colMap.get(colNameList.get(i)).toString()); } //添加数据行 String sql1 = "select \"id\",a.num \"num\", \"name\", \"typeid\",a.status \"status\" ,a.buydate \"buydate\",u.realname \"userid\",a.price \"price\", \"factory\",a.content \"content\" from t_asset a ,t_assettype t ,t_factory w,t_user u where a.typeid = and a.factory = and a.userid ="; List<Map> datalist = selectDataService.queryForList(sql1); for (int i = 0; i < datalist.size(); i++) { Map map = datalist.get(i); for (int j = 0; j <colNameList.size() ; j++) { table.addCell(map.get(colNameList.get(j)).toString()); } } document.add(table); document.close(); outputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } FileUtil.downloadFile(response,"D:\\b.doc", "资产列表.doc");