crect类里的left , top ,right , bottom分别是什么坐标?

时间:2021-11-23 05:36:54

crect类里的left , top ,right , bottom分别是什么坐标?

//Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Include/wtypes.h中 
typedef struct tagRECT 

LONG left; 
LONG top; 
LONG right; 
LONG bottom; 
} RECT; 
//Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/MFC/Include/afxwin.h中 
class CRect : public tagRECT 

// Constructors 
// uninitialized rectangle 
// from left, top, right, and bottom 
CRect(int l, int t, int r, int b); 
// copy constructor 
CRect(const RECT& srcRect); 
// from a pointer to another rect 
CRect(LPCRECT lpSrcRect); 
// from a point and size 
CRect(POINT point, SIZE size); 
// from two points 
CRect(POINT topLeft, POINT bottomRight); 
// Attributes (in addition to RECT members) 
// retrieves the width 
int Width() const; 
// returns the height 
int Height() const; 
// returns the size 
CSize Size() const; 
// reference to the top-left point 
CPoint& TopLeft(); 
// reference to the bottom-right point 
CPoint& BottomRight(); 
// const reference to the top-left point 
const CPoint& TopLeft() const; 
// const reference to the bottom-right point 
const CPoint& BottomRight() const; 
// the geometric center point of the rectangle 
CPoint CenterPoint() const; 
// swap the left and right 
void SwapLeftRight(); 
static void SwapLeftRight(LPRECT lpRect); 
// convert between CRect and LPRECT/LPCRECT (no need for &) 
operator LPRECT(); 
operator LPCRECT() const; 
// returns TRUE if rectangle has no area 
BOOL IsRectEmpty() const; 
// returns TRUE if rectangle is at (0,0) and has no area 
BOOL IsRectNull() const; 
// returns TRUE if point is within rectangle 
BOOL PtInRect(POINT point) const; 
// Operations 
// set rectangle from left, top, right, and bottom 
void SetRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); 
void SetRect(POINT topLeft, POINT bottomRight); 
// empty the rectangle 
void SetRectEmpty(); 
// copy from another rectangle 
void CopyRect(LPCRECT lpSrcRect); 
// TRUE if exactly the same as another rectangle 
BOOL EqualRect(LPCRECT lpRect) const; 
// inflate rectangle's width and height without 
// moving its top or left 
void InflateRect(int x, int y); 
void InflateRect(SIZE size); 
void InflateRect(LPCRECT lpRect); 
void InflateRect(int l, int t, int r, int b); 
// deflate the rectangle's width and height without 
// moving its top or left 
void DeflateRect(int x, int y); 
void DeflateRect(SIZE size); 
void DeflateRect(LPCRECT lpRect); 
void DeflateRect(int l, int t, int r, int b); 
// translate the rectangle by moving its top and left 
void OffsetRect(int x, int y); 
void OffsetRect(SIZE size); 
void OffsetRect(POINT point); 
void NormalizeRect(); 
// set this rectangle to intersection of two others 
BOOL IntersectRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2); 
// set this rectangle to bounding union of two others 
BOOL UnionRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2); 
// set this rectangle to minimum of two others 
BOOL SubtractRect(LPCRECT lpRectSrc1, LPCRECT lpRectSrc2); 
// Additional Operations 
void operator=(const RECT& srcRect); 
BOOL operator==(const RECT& rect) const; 
BOOL operator!=(const RECT& rect) const; 
void operator+=(POINT point); 
void operator+=(SIZE size); 
void operator+=(LPCRECT lpRect); 
void operator-=(POINT point); 
void operator-=(SIZE size); 
void operator-=(LPCRECT lpRect); 
void operator&=(const RECT& rect); 
void operator|=(const RECT& rect); 
// Operators returning CRect values 
CRect operator+(POINT point) const; 
CRect operator-(POINT point) const; 
CRect operator+(LPCRECT lpRect) const; 
CRect operator+(SIZE size) const; 
CRect operator-(SIZE size) const; 
CRect operator-(LPCRECT lpRect) const; 
CRect operator&(const RECT& rect2) const; 
CRect operator|(const RECT& rect2) const; 
CRect MulDiv(int nMultiplier, int nDivisor) const; 

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