this is the summary that I watch from tudou , It's deeply impressed me.I get a lot from it.
here is my summary share with you.the two lesson talked about two lessons with <divide and conquer algorithm>. this impressed me alot.
the second lesson talk about :
first how to calculate the steps with divide and conquer algorithm there are three methods 1 sabstitation 2recursion-tree-method 3 master method:
second the meaning of each mathmatic signs.
the third lesson talk about:
several examples on divide and conquer algorithm. 1 powering a number .2 binary search 3.fibonacci 4 matrix multiplication (strassen algorithm)
second lesson:
talk about the three sign θ Ω Ο
θ in this video , the professor talked about the sign θ is this function. drop leading low order terms,lead constant and ignore leading constant.and we usually use θ() to describe a problem .like we usually describe the merge sort with θ(nlgn).
for example .the steps is 3n3 + n2 +3. and the θ (n3 ) {drop leading low order terms,lead constant and ignore leading constant}
Ω we use f(n)=Ω(g(n)) this is the above bound . and θ is talk about the below bound.
0<=c g(n)<=f(n) c is constant.
0<f(n)<=c g(n) ------------------------ review this things. to know better.
1 sabstitation 1 guess from exaclly
2 figure the constant
3 solve the constant (verfiy the recurrence)
for example T(n)=4T(n/2)+n
assume : Tk =ck3
T(n)=4c(n/2)3+n=1/2cn3 +n=cn3-(1/2cn3-n) to prove it no bigger than cn3
{(1/2cn3-n)}is the residuals.
to prove it bigger than zero. only c>=2;
assume : Tk =ck2 is not right.
let us to guess
assume : Tk =c1k2 -c2k is not right.
=c1n2-c2n-(-1+c2)n c2>=1; It is said that c1 is much larger than c2. from basic examples.
2 recursion tree : this is nonrigorous and we use is a sloppy way.
let's to solve a more complicated recursion.
draw a recursion tree
n2 sum up n2
(n/4)2 (n/2)2 sum up 5/16n2
(n/16)2 (n/8)2 (n/8) 2 (n/4)2 sum up 25/256n2
sum up each lines time cost.
this is geometric numers. sum them up. you can use this as an example 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+----=2
this geometric ultimiate answer is 2.
so the sum is less than 2n2. and the answer is θ (n2).
here is the key method .
3 master method :
this method is only apply to particular family of recursion.
T(n)=aT(n/b)+f(n) f(n)is non-recursion work.
case 1: f(n)=Θ(n lga/lgb-ε) ε>0
Tn= θ (nlga/lgb) small
case 2: f(n)=Θ(nlga/lgb*lgkn)
T(n)=Θ(nlga/lgb*lgk+1n) equal
case 3: f(n)=Ω ( n lga/lgb+ε) large
T(n)=4T(n/2)+n nlga/lgb=n2 suit to case one the answer is Θ(n2)
T(n)=4T(n/2)+n2 n2 = n2 the answer is Θ(n2logn);
T(n)=4T(n/2)+n3 the answer is Θ(n3);
the third lesson is divide and conquer
1 powering a numer is easy the common method is Θ(n);
the improved method is Θ(lg n);
2 binary search is also easy the answer is Θ(lg n);
3 fibonacci can be used by recursion ,but it cost a lot of time and space to finish it . it 's Exponential time.
and we can use matrix multiplication to calculate it.
we use [1,1;1,0];to calculate it.
it reprsent [fn-1,fn-2;fn-2,fn-3].
[fn,fn-1;fn-1,fn-2]= [fn-1,fn-2;fn-2,fn-3]*[1,1;1,0];
this is the right answer. Θ(lg n)
remember it can not change the position of two matrix
like a*b!=b*a
but to this problem it is right ,because a=b.this is an exception.
4 the matrix multiplication (strassen algorithm)
pseudocode i 1~n
j 1~n
k 1~n
this is Θ(n3)
and we can use strassen algorithm.
is Θ(nlg7);
you need to complete the matrix as the power of 2. is there are not a matrix as the power of 2,add zero in it.
and use this steps.
设A和B是俩个n x n的矩阵,其中n可以写成2的幂。将A和B分别等分成4个小矩阵,此时如果把A和B都当成2x2矩阵来看,每个元素就是一个(n/2)x(n/2)矩阵,而A和B的成积就可以写成〔A11 A12〕[B11 B12] [C11 C12]
X =
[A21 A22] [B21 B22 ] [C21 C22]
其中 利用斯特拉森方法得到7个小矩阵,分别定义为: