visual studio编译时插件

时间:2022-10-17 05:31:10

Is there a visual studio plug-in that will track how long it takes to compile and run a project?


Basically I'm trying to make a case to get faster computers for the development department. It seems like it takes a minute or so every time I want to run/debug, so I want a way to track how long ever day/week/month my computer spends compiling.


We are using visual studio 2005, .net 2.0 in C#.

我们在C#中使用visual studio 2005,.net 2.0。

2 个解决方案


For C++, you can turn on build timing, in VS2005, this is under Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Project Settings > Build Timing. Not sure if this applies to other languages. This only times each individual build and spits the result to the output window. If you want to track statistics, then you'd need to parse this and store it somehow.

对于C ++,您可以在VS2005中启用构建计时,这可以在工具>选项>项目和解决方案> VC ++项目设置>构建计时下进行。不确定这是否适用于其他语言。这仅对每个单独构建并将结果吐出到输出窗口。如果你想跟踪统计数据,那么你需要解析它并以某种方式存储它。


You could probally do this very simply using Build Event Macros. One implementation might be to have it execute a small script file which can record the date and time and event to a file, then you can process that file to calculate the ammount of time compiling.


If you have multiple projects in a solution which is preety much the norm these days perhaps a quick custom msbuild task, and you can edit the solution to call that task at the start and end of the process.



For C++, you can turn on build timing, in VS2005, this is under Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Project Settings > Build Timing. Not sure if this applies to other languages. This only times each individual build and spits the result to the output window. If you want to track statistics, then you'd need to parse this and store it somehow.

对于C ++,您可以在VS2005中启用构建计时,这可以在工具>选项>项目和解决方案> VC ++项目设置>构建计时下进行。不确定这是否适用于其他语言。这仅对每个单独构建并将结果吐出到输出窗口。如果你想跟踪统计数据,那么你需要解析它并以某种方式存储它。


You could probally do this very simply using Build Event Macros. One implementation might be to have it execute a small script file which can record the date and time and event to a file, then you can process that file to calculate the ammount of time compiling.


If you have multiple projects in a solution which is preety much the norm these days perhaps a quick custom msbuild task, and you can edit the solution to call that task at the start and end of the process.
