I have a scenario where i need to copy the array of Objects(Main array) to another Temp array which should not have object reference basically if i make any modification to Main array it should not reflect in the Temp array so that i will preserve the copy independently.
I have used one of the code snippet from stack overflow this one does partially like if i delete all objects from the Main array the temp array still hold the value but when i do some modifications in main array and click cancel button iam removing all objects from the main array using array.Removeall(); but the modification still exist in Temp array so which means that object having a reference.
clone: function (existingArray) {
var newObj = (existingArray instanceof Array) ? [] : {};
console.debug('newObj value is ' + newObj);
for (i in existingArray) {
console.debug('i value is' + i);
if (i == 'clone') continue;
console.debug('existingArray[i] value ' + existingArray[i]);
if (existingArray[i] && typeof existingArray[i] == "object") {
newObj[i] = this.clone(existingArray[i]);
} else {
console.debug('in else part ' + existingArray[i]);
newObj[i] = existingArray[i];
return newObj;
my object structure is like
iam using knockout framework.
newObjectCreation = function (localIp, RemoteIp, areaId) {
this.localIP = ko.observable(localIp);
this.remoteIP = ko.observable(RemoteIp);
this.areaId = ko.observable(areaId);
template.ProtocolArray.push(new newObjectCreation('', '', '')); // to create default row
please help me in this regard. Thanks in advance.
6 个解决方案
Let me understand: you don't want just have a new array, but you want to create a new instance for all objects are present in the array itself? So if you modify one of the objects in the temp array, that changes is not propagated to the main array?
If it's the case, it depends by the values you're keeping in the main array. If these objects are simple objects, and they can be serialized in JSON, then the quickest way is:
var tempArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mainArray));
If you have more complex objects (like instances created by some your own constructors, html nodes, etc) then you need an approach ad hoc.
如果你有更复杂的对象(比如你自己的构造函数,html节点等创建的实例)那么你需要一个ad hoc方法。
If you don't have any methods on your newObjectCreation
, you could use JSON
, however the constructor won't be the same. Otherwise you have to do the copy manually:
var tempArray = [];
for (var i = 0, item; item = mainArray[i++];) {
tempArray[i] = new newObjectCreation(item.localIP, item.remoteIP, item.areaId);
So you want a deep copy without object reference? Sure, use .slice()
var mainArr = [],
tmpArr = []
tmpArr = mainArr.slice(0) // Shallow copy, no reference used.
PS: I don't think double-JSON parsing is performance wise.
Lodash can be used for deep copying objects _.cloneDeep(value)
var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];
var deep = _.cloneDeep(objects);
console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]);
// → false
To copy the values of an array without copying the reference, you can simply do:
let tempArray = [...mainArray];
This is the recommended solution for AirBnb's JS Style Guide: https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#arrays
这是AirBnb JS风格指南的推荐解决方案:https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#arrays
Use angular.copy
. But not for the whole array (because it would pass array items by reference), but iterate it and use angular.copy
on its members.
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0, item; item = mainArray[i];) {
newArray[i] = angular.copy(item);
Let me understand: you don't want just have a new array, but you want to create a new instance for all objects are present in the array itself? So if you modify one of the objects in the temp array, that changes is not propagated to the main array?
If it's the case, it depends by the values you're keeping in the main array. If these objects are simple objects, and they can be serialized in JSON, then the quickest way is:
var tempArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mainArray));
If you have more complex objects (like instances created by some your own constructors, html nodes, etc) then you need an approach ad hoc.
如果你有更复杂的对象(比如你自己的构造函数,html节点等创建的实例)那么你需要一个ad hoc方法。
If you don't have any methods on your newObjectCreation
, you could use JSON
, however the constructor won't be the same. Otherwise you have to do the copy manually:
var tempArray = [];
for (var i = 0, item; item = mainArray[i++];) {
tempArray[i] = new newObjectCreation(item.localIP, item.remoteIP, item.areaId);
So you want a deep copy without object reference? Sure, use .slice()
var mainArr = [],
tmpArr = []
tmpArr = mainArr.slice(0) // Shallow copy, no reference used.
PS: I don't think double-JSON parsing is performance wise.
Lodash can be used for deep copying objects _.cloneDeep(value)
var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];
var deep = _.cloneDeep(objects);
console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]);
// → false
To copy the values of an array without copying the reference, you can simply do:
let tempArray = [...mainArray];
This is the recommended solution for AirBnb's JS Style Guide: https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#arrays
这是AirBnb JS风格指南的推荐解决方案:https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#arrays
Use angular.copy
. But not for the whole array (because it would pass array items by reference), but iterate it and use angular.copy
on its members.
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0, item; item = mainArray[i];) {
newArray[i] = angular.copy(item);