I have a Visual Studio 2010 Deployment Project and I now have the need to have an x64 installer for our product. I have various custom bootstrappers which check to see if the system is x86 or x64. The only change I think I need to make prior to building is setting the TargetPlatform to x64 on the Deployment Project properties panel, and changing the File System's Program Files special fodler to be [ProgramFiles64Folder].
我有一个Visual Studio 2010部署项目,现在我需要为我们的产品安装x64安装程序。我有各种自定义bootstrappers,检查系统是x86还是x64。我认为在构建之前需要进行的唯一更改是在Deployment Project属性面板上将TargetPlatform设置为x64,并将文件系统的Program Files特殊文件更改为[ProgramFiles64Folder]。
I can't figure out how I can change the Configuration Manger to retain these changes between x86 and x64. An installer project can't seem to have an an Platform associated with it. Even creating a seperate Configuration for x64 (which is what the Platform SHOULD be for), this doesn't save the x86/x64 decision, but would only let me save different prerequisites behind a Configuration.
我无法弄清楚如何更改配置管理器以在x86和x64之间保留这些更改。安装程序项目似乎没有与之关联的平台。即使为x64创建一个单独的配置(这应该是平台应该是什么),这不会保存x86 / x64的决定,但只能让我在配置后面保存不同的先决条件。
Is there an easy way I can switch between x64 and x86 on my installer? I'd prefer not to have to change the Program Files folder and platform on the installer project properties every time I want to build, nor do I want to make a copy of the installer project and keep it x64 only, as that would be a maintenance nightmare.
有没有一种简单的方法可以在我的安装程序上在x64和x86之间切换?我不希望每次要构建时都不必在安装程序项目属性上更改Program Files文件夹和平台,也不想复制安装程序项目并仅保留x64,因为这将是一个维护噩梦。
1 个解决方案
No. Just create two Setup projects. – Hans Passant
不。只需创建两个安装项目。 - 汉斯帕斯特
No. Just create two Setup projects. – Hans Passant
不。只需创建两个安装项目。 - 汉斯帕斯特