Beat annotations: 搏动注释 |
AHA annotation code |
MIT-BIH Code |
Description |
中文 |
N |
N |
Normal beat (displayed as "·" by the PhysioBank ATM, LightWAVE, pschart, and psfd) |
正常心博 |
L |
Left bundle branch block beat |
左束支传导阻滞心搏 |
R |
Right bundle branch block beat |
右束支传导阻滞心搏 |
A |
Atrial premature beat |
房性早搏(心室搏动还未结束新房就开始搏动) |
a |
Aberrated atrial premature beat |
异常房性早搏 |
J |
Nodal (junctional) premature beat |
交界性早搏 |
S |
Supraventricular premature or ectopic beat (atrial or nodal) |
室上性早搏(发生于心房或者房室结的统称为室上性,室上性早搏,是说早搏介于房性和室性之间,属于轻微的心率失常) |
e |
Atrial escape beat |
房性逸搏(被动性异位心律) |
j |
Nodal (junctional) escape beat |
交界性逸搏 |
V |
V |
Premature ventricular contraction |
室性早搏 |
F |
F |
Fusion of ventricular and normal beat |
心室融合心跳 |
f |
Fusion of paced and normal beat |
起搏融合心跳 |
E |
E |
Ventricular escape beat |
室性逸搏 |
Q |
Q |
Unclassifiable beat |
未分类心跳 |
B |
Bundle branch block beat (unspecified) |
传导阻滞心搏 |
/ |
Paced beat |
起搏心搏 |
r |
R-on-T premature ventricular contraction |
R落在T上的室性早搏 |
n |
Supraventricular escape beat (atrial or nodal) |
室上性逸搏 |
? |
Beat not classified during learning |
Non-beat annotations: |
Code |
Description |
中文 |
[ |
Start of ventricular flutter/fibrillation |
心室颤动/颤动的开始 |
! |
Ventricular flutter wave |
心室颤动波 |
] |
End of ventricular flutter/fibrillation |
心室颤动/颤动的结束 |
x |
Non-conducted P-wave (blocked APC) |
( |
Waveform onset |
波形发生 |
) |
Waveform end |
波形结束 |
p |
Peak of P-wave |
P波峰值 |
t |
Peak of T-wave |
T波峰值 |
u |
Peak of U-wave |
U波峰值 |
` |
PQ junction |
PQ结 |
' |
J-point |
结点 |
^ |
(Non-captured) pacemaker artifact |
起搏器伪迹 |
| |
Isolated QRS-like artifact |
~ |
Change in signal quality |
+ |
Rhythm change |
节律变化 |
s |
ST segment change |
T |
T-wave change |
* |
Systole |
心脏收缩 |
D |
Diastole |
心脏舒张 |
= |
Measurement annotation |
测量注释 |
" |
Comment annotation |
注释 |
@ |
Link to external data |
Each instance of an annotation may have up to six attributes:
- Time[ann]: the time within the recording (recorded in the annotation file as the sample number of the sample to which the annotation "points")
- anntyp [type]: a numeric annotation code (see ecgcodes.h for definitions)
- subtyp [subtype], chan [chan], num [num]: three small integers (between -128 to 127) that specify context-dependent attributes (see the documentation for each database for details)
- aux [comments]: a free text string.
rdann presents these attributes in left-to-right order on each output line, although aux is omitted if (as is most often true) it is empty
the aux [comments] field contains an ASCII string (with prefixed byte count) describing the rhythm, ST segment, T-wave change, measurement, or the nature of the comment.
rhythm annotation(节律注释) |
String |
Description |
中文 |
(N |
Normal sinus rhythm |
正常窦性节律 |
(AB |
Atrial bigeminy |
房性早搏(二联律) |
Atrial fibrillation |
心房颤动 |
(AFL |
Atrial flutter |
心房扑动 |
(B |
Ventricular bigeminy |
室性早搏二联律 |
(T |
Ventricular trigeminy |
室性早搏三联律(心律失常) |
(IVR |
Idioventricular rhythm |
室性自主节律 |
(VFL |
Ventricular flutter |
心室扑动 |
(VT |
Ventricular tachycardia |
室性心动过速 |
Ventricular fibrillation |
室性颤动 |
(BII |
2° heart block |
2°心脏传导阻滞 |
(NOD |
Nodal (A-V junctional) rhythm |
结性心律 |
(P |
Paced rhythm |
起搏心律 |
Pre-excitation (WPW) |
预激综合征 |
(SBR |
Sinus bradycardia |
窦性心动过缓 |
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia |
室上性心律失常 |