What is the purpose of NilClass, TrueClass, and FalseClass

时间:2022-12-10 05:30:51

NilClass, TrueClass and FalseClass having one instance each, namely nil, true and false, which are constants, what is the purpose of having these classes? Why cannot they be instances of the Object class, and all the relevant methods be simply defined as singleton methods on nil, true and false? A related question is, why are these not defined as constants?


2 个解决方案



It keeps with the idea that "everything is an object" and "objects are specialized by the classes they are instances of".


nil, true, and false are all objects (and are thus instantiations of a class with methods). The imposition that they are 1) the sole inhabitants of the respective type and are 2) immutable objects allows for implementation optimizations -- and really, isn't one nil enough?

nil,true和false都是对象(因此是具有方法的类的实例化)。他们是1)相应类型的唯一居民并且2)不可变对象的强制允许实现优化 - 并且实际上,不是一个零吗?

A helpful error message without specialization for the values: x.class "just works".


> > nil.foo
> => #<NoMethodError: undefined method `foo' for nil:NilClass>

I am glad it said NilClass :-)

我很高兴它说NilClass :-)

This class-instance approach also makes re-opening NilClass -- for better or worse -- as easy and consistent with how it might be done for other types.

这种类 - 实例方法也使得重新打开NilClass - 无论好坏 - 与其他类型的方式一样容易和一致。

At least as of Ruby 1.9.2 it is not possible to re-assign true, false or nil (Python 2.x allowed re-assignment of True/False, but does not in Python 3.x). Note that because true/false/nil are not constants they can be optimized into the AST -- or whatever the implementation uses -- as "literal values" without a constant look-up.

至少从Ruby 1.9.2开始,不可能重新分配true,false或nil(Python 2.x允许重新分配True / False,但不在Python 3.x中)。请注意,因为true / false / nil不是常量,所以它们可以优化为AST - 或者无论实现使用什么 - 作为“文字值”而不进行常量查找。

> => "1.9.2"
> > true = false­
> => #<SyntaxError: Can't change the value of true>
> > [].each {|tru­e|}
> => #<SyntaxError: Can't change the value of true>

Happy coding.



Ruby takes the approach of "just take an object and add some singleton methods to it" some of the time:


C:\Documents and Settings\a.grimm>irb
irb(main):001:0> self.methods - Object.new.methods


[:public, :private, :include, :context, :conf, :irb_quit, :exit, :quit, :irb_print_working_workspace, :irb_cwws, :irb_pwws, :cwws, :pwws, :irb_current_working_binding, :irb_print_working_binding, :irb_cwb, :irb_pwb, :irb_chws, :irb_cws, :chws, :cws, :irb_change_binding, :irb_cb, :cb, :workspaces, :irb_bindings, :bindings, :irb_pushws, :pushws, :irb_push_binding, :irb_pushb, :pushb, :irb_popws, :popws, :irb_pop_binding, :irb_popb, :popb, :source, :jobs, :fg, :kill, :help, :irb_exit, :irb_context, :install_alias_method, :irb_current_working_workspace, :irb_change_workspace, :irb_workspaces, :irb_push_workspace, :irb_pop_workspace, :irb_load, :irb_require, :irb_source, :irb, :irb_jobs, :irb_fg, :irb_kill, :irb_help]

[:public,:private,:include,:context,:conf,:irb_quit,:exit,:quit,:irb_print_working_workspace,:irb_cwws,:irb_pwws,:cwws,:pwws,:irb_current_working_binding,:irb_print_working_binding,:irb_cwb,: irb_pwb,:irb_chws,:irb_cws,:chws,:cws,:irb_change_binding,:irb_cb,:cb,:workspaces,:irb_bindings,:bindings,:irb_pushws,:pushws,:irb_push_binding,:irb_pushb,:pushb,:irb_popws, :popws,:irb_pop_binding,:irb_popb,:popb,:source,:jobs,:fg,:kill,:help,:irb_exit,:irb_context,:install_alias_method,:irb_current_working_workspace,:irb_change_workspace,:irb_workspaces,:irb_push_workspace,:irb_pop_workspace ,:irb_load,:irb_require,:irb_source,:irb,:irb_jobs,:irb_fg,:irb_kill,:irb_help]

I don't know why they don't do this approach with true, false or nil. Maybe because people need to understand these objects (as per pst's answer), whereas people don't need to understand the "main" (?) object.




It keeps with the idea that "everything is an object" and "objects are specialized by the classes they are instances of".


nil, true, and false are all objects (and are thus instantiations of a class with methods). The imposition that they are 1) the sole inhabitants of the respective type and are 2) immutable objects allows for implementation optimizations -- and really, isn't one nil enough?

nil,true和false都是对象(因此是具有方法的类的实例化)。他们是1)相应类型的唯一居民并且2)不可变对象的强制允许实现优化 - 并且实际上,不是一个零吗?

A helpful error message without specialization for the values: x.class "just works".


> > nil.foo
> => #<NoMethodError: undefined method `foo' for nil:NilClass>

I am glad it said NilClass :-)

我很高兴它说NilClass :-)

This class-instance approach also makes re-opening NilClass -- for better or worse -- as easy and consistent with how it might be done for other types.

这种类 - 实例方法也使得重新打开NilClass - 无论好坏 - 与其他类型的方式一样容易和一致。

At least as of Ruby 1.9.2 it is not possible to re-assign true, false or nil (Python 2.x allowed re-assignment of True/False, but does not in Python 3.x). Note that because true/false/nil are not constants they can be optimized into the AST -- or whatever the implementation uses -- as "literal values" without a constant look-up.

至少从Ruby 1.9.2开始,不可能重新分配true,false或nil(Python 2.x允许重新分配True / False,但不在Python 3.x中)。请注意,因为true / false / nil不是常量,所以它们可以优化为AST - 或者无论实现使用什么 - 作为“文字值”而不进行常量查找。

> => "1.9.2"
> > true = false­
> => #<SyntaxError: Can't change the value of true>
> > [].each {|tru­e|}
> => #<SyntaxError: Can't change the value of true>

Happy coding.



Ruby takes the approach of "just take an object and add some singleton methods to it" some of the time:


C:\Documents and Settings\a.grimm>irb
irb(main):001:0> self.methods - Object.new.methods


[:public, :private, :include, :context, :conf, :irb_quit, :exit, :quit, :irb_print_working_workspace, :irb_cwws, :irb_pwws, :cwws, :pwws, :irb_current_working_binding, :irb_print_working_binding, :irb_cwb, :irb_pwb, :irb_chws, :irb_cws, :chws, :cws, :irb_change_binding, :irb_cb, :cb, :workspaces, :irb_bindings, :bindings, :irb_pushws, :pushws, :irb_push_binding, :irb_pushb, :pushb, :irb_popws, :popws, :irb_pop_binding, :irb_popb, :popb, :source, :jobs, :fg, :kill, :help, :irb_exit, :irb_context, :install_alias_method, :irb_current_working_workspace, :irb_change_workspace, :irb_workspaces, :irb_push_workspace, :irb_pop_workspace, :irb_load, :irb_require, :irb_source, :irb, :irb_jobs, :irb_fg, :irb_kill, :irb_help]

[:public,:private,:include,:context,:conf,:irb_quit,:exit,:quit,:irb_print_working_workspace,:irb_cwws,:irb_pwws,:cwws,:pwws,:irb_current_working_binding,:irb_print_working_binding,:irb_cwb,: irb_pwb,:irb_chws,:irb_cws,:chws,:cws,:irb_change_binding,:irb_cb,:cb,:workspaces,:irb_bindings,:bindings,:irb_pushws,:pushws,:irb_push_binding,:irb_pushb,:pushb,:irb_popws, :popws,:irb_pop_binding,:irb_popb,:popb,:source,:jobs,:fg,:kill,:help,:irb_exit,:irb_context,:install_alias_method,:irb_current_working_workspace,:irb_change_workspace,:irb_workspaces,:irb_push_workspace,:irb_pop_workspace ,:irb_load,:irb_require,:irb_source,:irb,:irb_jobs,:irb_fg,:irb_kill,:irb_help]

I don't know why they don't do this approach with true, false or nil. Maybe because people need to understand these objects (as per pst's answer), whereas people don't need to understand the "main" (?) object.
