
时间:2021-05-26 05:27:10

I'm trying to remove the tagging feature from product pages in my Magento install.


Here are the steps I followed to try to do that:


  1. Disabled caching in the Magento admin pages
  2. 在Magento管理页面中禁用缓存。
  3. Cleared my browser cache
  4. 清除浏览器缓存
  5. Disabled Tags in the admin pages both for default config and individual stores (Dashboard > System > Config > Advanced > Mage_Tag > Disable > Save was the method I used)
  6. 在管理页面中为默认配置和单独存储禁用标记(我使用的方法是仪表板>系统>配置>高级> Mage_Tag >禁用> Save)
  7. Commented out everything in tags.xml
  8. 注释掉了标签。xml中的所有内容。

That didn't work the way I expected it to, though. It appears that the tagging functionality no longer works, but the "Tags" tab and the form for adding tags are still displayed on product pages.


How can I remove the tagging feature entirely, including the displayed tags and the add-a-tag form?


4 个解决方案



If you are using a local.xml then just use this code:


<remove name="product_tag_list" />

Using local.xml is the easiest way to modify your page. Also the best way btw. Better then just disabling it via backend. Via xml it doesn't load so in the end performance of your shop is better.




Easy one :) Just add following in local.xml (inside layout tags).


    <reference name="product.info.additional">
        <action method="unsetChild"><name>product_tag_list</name></action>



which tag.xml did you comment out? The one in your custom theme or the default? You need to do both, otherwise the default layout simply reinserts the values you omitted.


The <catalog_product_view> node in tag.xml is the one you are interested in.

标签中的 节点。xml是您感兴趣的。

I suggest that you read the article @Alan wrote on Magento XML Layout and install the LayoutViewer extension (or buy CommerceBug) to check that the layout updates are not being inserted then report back here if you still have questions.

我建议您阅读@Alan关于Magento XML布局的文章,并安装LayoutViewer扩展(或购买CommerceBug)以检查布局更新没有插入,如果您还有问题,请在这里报告。





1) Copy "tag.xml" file from below location to your custom theme and remove below code. app\design\frontend\base\default\layout\tag.xml

1)复制”标签。从下面的位置到您的自定义主题的xml“文件,并删除下面的代码。app \设计\前端\ \默认布局\ \ tag.xml基地

    <catalog_product_view translate="label">
    <label>Catalog Product View</label>
     <!-- Mage_Tag -->
    <reference name="product.info.additional">
        <block type="tag/product_list" name="product_tag_list" before="-" template="tag/list.phtml">
            <block type="page/html_wrapper" name="product.tag.list.list.before" as="list_before" translate="label">
                <label>Tags List Before</label>
                <action method="setMayBeInvisible"><value>1</value></action>

OR 2) To disable tags from admin you need to follow below option. Admin: System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced > Disable Modules Output > Mage_Tag = Disable.

或者2)禁用来自admin的标记,您需要遵循以下选项。管理员:系统>配置>高级> >禁用模块输出> Mage_Tag =禁用。



If you are using a local.xml then just use this code:


<remove name="product_tag_list" />

Using local.xml is the easiest way to modify your page. Also the best way btw. Better then just disabling it via backend. Via xml it doesn't load so in the end performance of your shop is better.




Easy one :) Just add following in local.xml (inside layout tags).


    <reference name="product.info.additional">
        <action method="unsetChild"><name>product_tag_list</name></action>



which tag.xml did you comment out? The one in your custom theme or the default? You need to do both, otherwise the default layout simply reinserts the values you omitted.


The <catalog_product_view> node in tag.xml is the one you are interested in.

标签中的 节点。xml是您感兴趣的。

I suggest that you read the article @Alan wrote on Magento XML Layout and install the LayoutViewer extension (or buy CommerceBug) to check that the layout updates are not being inserted then report back here if you still have questions.

我建议您阅读@Alan关于Magento XML布局的文章,并安装LayoutViewer扩展(或购买CommerceBug)以检查布局更新没有插入,如果您还有问题,请在这里报告。





1) Copy "tag.xml" file from below location to your custom theme and remove below code. app\design\frontend\base\default\layout\tag.xml

1)复制”标签。从下面的位置到您的自定义主题的xml“文件,并删除下面的代码。app \设计\前端\ \默认布局\ \ tag.xml基地

    <catalog_product_view translate="label">
    <label>Catalog Product View</label>
     <!-- Mage_Tag -->
    <reference name="product.info.additional">
        <block type="tag/product_list" name="product_tag_list" before="-" template="tag/list.phtml">
            <block type="page/html_wrapper" name="product.tag.list.list.before" as="list_before" translate="label">
                <label>Tags List Before</label>
                <action method="setMayBeInvisible"><value>1</value></action>

OR 2) To disable tags from admin you need to follow below option. Admin: System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced > Disable Modules Output > Mage_Tag = Disable.

或者2)禁用来自admin的标记,您需要遵循以下选项。管理员:系统>配置>高级> >禁用模块输出> Mage_Tag =禁用。