sudo (/ˈsuːduː/or/ˈsuːdoʊ/,superuser do) is a utilityfor UNIX- and Linux-based systems that provides an efficient way to givespecific users permission to use specific system commands at the root (mostpowerful) level of the system. Sudo also logs all commands and arguments.
超级用户执行(superuser do,sudo)是一个Unix系统工具,它提供一个有效方法,允许给定用户在系统的root(权利最大)层次使用特定的系统命令。sudo还记录所有的命令和参数。它允许系统管理员分配给普通用户一些合理的“权利”,让他们执行一些只有超级用户或其他特许用户才能完成的任务,从而减少root用户的登陆次数和管理时间,提高系统安全性。
The su (substituteuser) command makes it possible to change a login session's owner(i.e., the user who originally created that session by logging on to thesystem) without the owner having to first log out of that session.
Although su canbe used to change the ownership of a session to any user, it is most commonlyemployed to change the ownership from an ordinary user to the root (i.e.,administrative) user, thereby providing access to all parts of and all commandson the computer or system. For this reason, it is often referred to (although somewhatinaccurately) as the superuser command. It is also sometimes called theswitch user command.
su is usuallythe simplest and most convenient way to change the ownership of a login sessionto root or to any other user.
Moreimportantly, it provides a safer way for administrators on multi-user systems(as well as for users on home computers or other single-user systems) to usethe system than to routinely log on as the root user. That is, there is muchless potential for accidental or malicious damage if an administrator firstlogs on as an ordinary user (who, by default, has very limited systemprivileges) and uses that account for routine tasks that do not require root'ssweeping powers. su can then be used to switch to the root account for onlythose operations that actually require root access (e.g., making system repairsand managing user accounts).
su(switch user的缩写,有的地方也被看作是substituteuser的缩写)用于以其他用户的身份来打开一个shell或者登录界面。当该命令不加任何参数运行时,su命令将假设你想成为root。当运行该命令时,你将被提示输入密码。输入的密码即你想切换到的用户的密码。例如,如果想成为root,在终端中运行su,则将需要输入root用户的密码。如果运行su bill命令,将需要输入bill的密码。