Flink - RocksDBStateBackend

时间:2023-01-27 05:26:36







kv state需要由rockdb来管理,这是和内存或file backend最大的不同

* Base class for {@link State} implementations that store state in a RocksDB database.
* <p>State is not stored in this class but in the {@link org.rocksdb.RocksDB} instance that
* the {@link RocksDBStateBackend} manages and checkpoints.
* @param <K> The type of the key.
* @param <N> The type of the namespace.
* @param <S> The type of {@link State}.
* @param <SD> The type of {@link StateDescriptor}.
public abstract class AbstractRocksDBState<K, N, S extends State, SD extends StateDescriptor<S, ?>>
implements KvState<K, N, S, SD, RocksDBStateBackend>, State {
    /** Serializer for the namespace */
private final TypeSerializer<N> namespaceSerializer; /** The current namespace, which the next value methods will refer to */
private N currentNamespace; /** Backend that holds the actual RocksDB instance where we store state */
protected RocksDBStateBackend backend; /** The column family of this particular instance of state */
protected ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily; /**
* We disable writes to the write-ahead-log here.
private final WriteOptions writeOptions; /**
* Creates a new RocksDB backed state.
* @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
protected AbstractRocksDBState(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily,
TypeSerializer<N> namespaceSerializer,
RocksDBStateBackend backend) { this.namespaceSerializer = namespaceSerializer;
this.backend = backend; this.columnFamily = columnFamily; writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
} @Override
public KvStateSnapshot<K, N, S, SD, RocksDBStateBackend> snapshot(long checkpointId,
long timestamp) throws Exception {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called. Backups happen in RocksDBStateBackend.");



* {@link ValueState} implementation that stores state in RocksDB.
* @param <K> The type of the key.
* @param <N> The type of the namespace.
* @param <V> The type of value that the state state stores.
public class RocksDBValueState<K, N, V>
extends AbstractRocksDBState<K, N, ValueState<V>, ValueStateDescriptor<V>>
implements ValueState<V> { @Override
public V value() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputViewStreamWrapper out = new DataOutputViewStreamWrapper(baos);
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
byte[] valueBytes = backend.db.get(columnFamily, key); //从db读出value
if (valueBytes == null) {
return stateDesc.getDefaultValue();
return valueSerializer.deserialize(new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(new ByteArrayInputStream(valueBytes)));
} catch (IOException|RocksDBException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while retrieving data from RocksDB.", e);
} @Override
public void update(V value) throws IOException {
if (value == null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputViewStreamWrapper out = new DataOutputViewStreamWrapper(baos);
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
valueSerializer.serialize(value, out);
backend.db.put(columnFamily, writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray()); //将kv写入db
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while adding data to RocksDB", e);

因为对于kv state,key就是当前收到数据的key,所以key是直接从backend.currentKey()中读到;参考,Flink - Working with State




* A {@link StateBackend} that stores its state in {@code RocksDB}. This state backend can
* store very large state that exceeds memory and spills to disk.
* <p>All key/value state (including windows) is stored in the key/value index of RocksDB.
* For persistence against loss of machines, checkpoints take a snapshot of the
* RocksDB database, and persist that snapshot in a file system (by default) or
* another configurable state backend.
* <p>The behavior of the RocksDB instances can be parametrized by setting RocksDB Options
* using the methods {@link #setPredefinedOptions(PredefinedOptions)} and
* {@link #setOptions(OptionsFactory)}.
public class RocksDBStateBackend extends AbstractStateBackend { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static configuration values
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** The checkpoint directory that we copy the RocksDB backups to. */
private final Path checkpointDirectory; /** The state backend that stores the non-partitioned state */
private final AbstractStateBackend nonPartitionedStateBackend; /**
* Our RocksDB data base, this is used by the actual subclasses of {@link AbstractRocksDBState}
* to store state. The different k/v states that we have don't each have their own RocksDB
* instance. They all write to this instance but to their own column family.
protected volatile transient RocksDB db; //RocksDB实例 /**
* Creates a new {@code RocksDBStateBackend} that stores its checkpoint data in the
* file system and location defined by the given URI.
* <p>A state backend that stores checkpoints in HDFS or S3 must specify the file system
* host and port in the URI, or have the Hadoop configuration that describes the file system
* (host / high-availability group / possibly credentials) either referenced from the Flink
* config, or included in the classpath.
* @param checkpointDataUri The URI describing the filesystem and path to the checkpoint data directory.
* @throws IOException Thrown, if no file system can be found for the scheme in the URI.
public RocksDBStateBackend(String checkpointDataUri) throws IOException {
this(new Path(checkpointDataUri).toUri());
} /**
* Creates a new {@code RocksDBStateBackend} that stores its checkpoint data in the
* file system and location defined by the given URI.
* <p>A state backend that stores checkpoints in HDFS or S3 must specify the file system
* host and port in the URI, or have the Hadoop configuration that describes the file system
* (host / high-availability group / possibly credentials) either referenced from the Flink
* config, or included in the classpath.
* @param checkpointDataUri The URI describing the filesystem and path to the checkpoint data directory.
* @throws IOException Thrown, if no file system can be found for the scheme in the URI.
public RocksDBStateBackend(URI checkpointDataUri) throws IOException {
// creating the FsStateBackend automatically sanity checks the URI
FsStateBackend fsStateBackend = new FsStateBackend(checkpointDataUri); //仍然使用FsStateBackend来存snapshot this.nonPartitionedStateBackend = fsStateBackend;
this.checkpointDirectory = fsStateBackend.getBasePath();
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// State backend methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override
public void initializeForJob(
Environment env,
String operatorIdentifier,
TypeSerializer<?> keySerializer) throws Exception { super.initializeForJob(env, operatorIdentifier, keySerializer); this.nonPartitionedStateBackend.initializeForJob(env, operatorIdentifier, keySerializer); RocksDB.loadLibrary(); //初始化rockdb List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> columnFamilyDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(1); //columnFamily的概念和HBase相同,放在独立的文件
// RocksDB seems to need this...
columnFamilyDescriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("default".getBytes()));
List<ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandles = new ArrayList<>(1);
try {
db = RocksDB.open(getDbOptions(), instanceRocksDBPath.getAbsolutePath(), columnFamilyDescriptors, columnFamilyHandles); //真正的open rocksDB
} catch (RocksDBException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while opening RocksDB instance.", e);



public HashMap<String, KvStateSnapshot<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> snapshotPartitionedState(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
if (keyValueStatesByName == null || keyValueStatesByName.size() == 0) {
return new HashMap<>();
} if (fullyAsyncBackup) {
return performFullyAsyncSnapshot(checkpointId, timestamp);
} else {
return performSemiAsyncSnapshot(checkpointId, timestamp);





* Performs a checkpoint by using the RocksDB backup feature to backup to a directory.
* This backup is the asynchronously copied to the final checkpoint location.
private HashMap<String, KvStateSnapshot<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> performSemiAsyncSnapshot(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
// We don't snapshot individual k/v states since everything is stored in a central
// RocksDB data base. Create a dummy KvStateSnapshot that holds the information about
// that checkpoint. We use the in injectKeyValueStateSnapshots to restore. final File localBackupPath = new File(instanceBasePath, "local-chk-" + checkpointId);
final URI backupUri = new URI(instanceCheckpointPath + "/chk-" + checkpointId); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); BackupableDBOptions backupOptions = new BackupableDBOptions(localBackupPath.getAbsolutePath());
// we disabled the WAL
// no need to sync since we use the backup only as intermediate data before writing to FileSystem snapshot
backupOptions.setSync(false); //设为异步 try (BackupEngine backupEngine = BackupEngine.open(Env.getDefault(), backupOptions)) {
// wait before flush with "true"
backupEngine.createNewBackup(db, true); //利用rocksDB自己的backupEngine生成新的backup,存在本地磁盘
} long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //这部分是同步做的,需要计时看延时
LOG.info("RocksDB (" + instanceRocksDBPath + ") backup (synchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms."); // draw a copy in case it get's changed while performing the async snapshot
List<StateDescriptor> kvStateInformationCopy = new ArrayList<>();
for (Tuple2<ColumnFamilyHandle, StateDescriptor> state: kvStateInformation.values()) {
SemiAsyncSnapshot dummySnapshot = new SemiAsyncSnapshot(localBackupPath, //
checkpointId); HashMap<String, KvStateSnapshot<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> result = new HashMap<>();
result.put("dummy_state", dummySnapshot);
return result;



public KvStateSnapshot<Object, Object, ValueState<Object>, ValueStateDescriptor<Object>, RocksDBStateBackend> materialize() throws Exception {
try {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
HDFSCopyFromLocal.copyFromLocal(localBackupPath, backupUri); //从本地磁盘copy到hdfs
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOG.info("RocksDB materialization from " + localBackupPath + " to " + backupUri + " (asynchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
return new FinalSemiAsyncSnapshot(backupUri, checkpointId, stateDescriptors);
} catch (Exception e) {
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(backupUri, HadoopFileSystem.getHadoopConfiguration());
fs.delete(new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(backupUri), true);
throw e;
} finally {



* Performs a checkpoint by drawing a {@link org.rocksdb.Snapshot} from RocksDB and then
* iterating over all key/value pairs in RocksDB to store them in the final checkpoint
* location. The only synchronous part is the drawing of the {@code Snapshot} which
* is essentially free.
private HashMap<String, KvStateSnapshot<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> performFullyAsyncSnapshot(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
// we draw a snapshot from RocksDB then iterate over all keys at that point
// and store them in the backup location final URI backupUri = new URI(instanceCheckpointPath + "/chk-" + checkpointId); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); org.rocksdb.Snapshot snapshot = db.getSnapshot(); //生成snapshot,但不用落盘 long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOG.info("Fully asynchronous RocksDB (" + instanceRocksDBPath + ") backup (synchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms."); // draw a copy in case it get's changed while performing the async snapshot
Map<String, Tuple2<ColumnFamilyHandle, StateDescriptor>> columnFamiliesCopy = new HashMap<>();
FullyAsyncSnapshot dummySnapshot = new FullyAsyncSnapshot(snapshot, //直接把snapshot传入
checkpointId); HashMap<String, KvStateSnapshot<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>> result = new HashMap<>();
result.put("dummy_state", dummySnapshot);
return result;




public KvStateSnapshot<Object, Object, ValueState<Object>, ValueStateDescriptor<Object>, RocksDBStateBackend> materialize() throws Exception {
try {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); CheckpointStateOutputView outputView = backend.createCheckpointStateOutputView(checkpointId, startTime); outputView.writeInt(columnFamilies.size()); // we don't know how many key/value pairs there are in each column family.
// We prefix every written element with a byte that signifies to which
// column family it belongs, this way we can restore the column families
byte count = 0;
Map<String, Byte> columnFamilyMapping = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Tuple2<ColumnFamilyHandle, StateDescriptor>> column: columnFamilies.entrySet()) {
columnFamilyMapping.put(column.getKey(), count); outputView.writeByte(count); ObjectOutputStream ooOut = new ObjectOutputStream(outputView);
ooOut.flush(); count++;
} ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions();
readOptions.setSnapshot(snapshot); for (Map.Entry<String, Tuple2<ColumnFamilyHandle, StateDescriptor>> column: columnFamilies.entrySet()) {
byte columnByte = columnFamilyMapping.get(column.getKey()); synchronized (dbCleanupLock) {
if (db == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("RocksDB instance was disposed. This happens " +
"when we are in the middle of a checkpoint and the job fails.");
RocksIterator iterator = db.newIterator(column.getValue().f0, readOptions);
while (iterator.isValid()) {
} StateHandle<DataInputView> stateHandle = outputView.closeAndGetHandle(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOG.info("Fully asynchronous RocksDB materialization to " + backupUri + " (asynchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
return new FinalFullyAsyncSnapshot(stateHandle, checkpointId);
} finally {
synchronized (dbCleanupLock) {
if (db != null) {
snapshot = null;




public CheckpointStateOutputView createCheckpointStateOutputView(
long checkpointID, long timestamp) throws Exception {
return new CheckpointStateOutputView(createCheckpointStateOutputStream(checkpointID, timestamp));




public CheckpointStateOutputStream createCheckpointStateOutputStream(
long checkpointID, long timestamp) throws Exception { return nonPartitionedStateBackend.createCheckpointStateOutputStream(checkpointID, timestamp);



public RocksDBStateBackend(URI checkpointDataUri) throws IOException {
// creating the FsStateBackend automatically sanity checks the URI
FsStateBackend fsStateBackend = new FsStateBackend(checkpointDataUri); this.nonPartitionedStateBackend = fsStateBackend;
this.checkpointDirectory = fsStateBackend.getBasePath();




public final void injectKeyValueStateSnapshots(HashMap<String, KvStateSnapshot> keyValueStateSnapshots) throws Exception {
if (keyValueStateSnapshots.size() == 0) {
} KvStateSnapshot dummyState = keyValueStateSnapshots.get("dummy_state");
if (dummyState instanceof FinalSemiAsyncSnapshot) {
restoreFromSemiAsyncSnapshot((FinalSemiAsyncSnapshot) dummyState);
} else if (dummyState instanceof FinalFullyAsyncSnapshot) {
restoreFromFullyAsyncSnapshot((FinalFullyAsyncSnapshot) dummyState);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown RocksDB snapshot: " + dummyState);
