KMSpico V7.0 是一款激活Win8、Windows8.1和Office2013的工具,由国外网友heldigard基于KMSEmulator制作。KMSpico小巧、简单,只需要运行而不用去管它的自动激活程序,还能激活你的vista、win7及Office 2010。
KMSpico 特性:
- 通用性(能激活 Vista/7/8/8.1和Office 2010/2013)
- 全自动激活,不需要你的手工干涉
- 同时激活Windows和Office
1. Win7系统需要先安装 .NET 4.0
2. 用系统管理员的身份运行KMSpico_Install_v7.0.exe
3. 运行后请耐心等待(安装完就能激活)
KMSpico 可以激活的产品:
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Microsoft Office 2013
Windows 7
Microsoft Office 2010
Windows Vista
KMSpico V7 更新日志:
- Redesigned and Recoded.
- Removed funti*_* with slmgr.vbs and ospp.vbs.
- Implemented 2 diferent kms emulators. If one fail the other maybe not.
- Fixed bug in Windows7.
- Add Support for Windows8.1
- Convertion from Retail to VL changed (faster).
- Now KMSELDI, AutoPico, Service_KMS do the same process for activation.
- Add /silent command line to AutoPico.
- Improved log files.
文件: KMSpico_Install_v7.exe
大小: 1.21 MB (1,275,151 字节)
文件版本: 17
修改时间: 2013年9月3日, 7:28:03
MD5: C7FA06BB443CE3F78217971924066091
SHA1: E08BE753566F07C89F361254B3CED3B44D922562
CRC32: 802AE122