1 Motivation
On daily study or development, a simple knowledge management system is required.
In the system, you can record long-lived domain concepts, one-short framework configuration information, and other resources you need to touch in hand.
2 Maven site
2.1 Introduction
The original purpose of Maven Site Plugin is to build a site for a project, in which project summary information, manual, and other resources can be included.
2.2 Resources
Apache Maven Site Plugin: goals and usage
2.3 Advance features
custom documentation format
Complete supported formats can be seen in Doxia Markup Languages References.
custom template and page style
Since Maven site uses Velocity template to render html page, so it can be customized naturally, see Changing the Template File for more information.
Also, the look-and-feel of the generated project site can be changed, see Creating Skins for more information.
3 An example
I choose Markdown as the documentation format for its simplicity.
<!-- <version>3.2</version> -->
<!-- 定义模板 -->
A screenshot of generated site after running mvn clean site site:run