
时间:2021-01-19 05:04:54



Email(Encode) -> a SMTP Relay Server  -> Remote SMTP Server(远程邮局)。
程邮局SMTP服务器的地址的,就可以轻松地将饶开SMTP Relay Server直接递送
  SMTP Relay Server是如何确定远程邮局服务器的地址的呢?如果你熟悉域名解
的远程邮局服务器的地址即可找到远程邮局SMTP服务器的IP 地址,该指令查询是
被称作MX(Mail Exchange)邮件交换服务器的地址查询。远程邮局SMTP服务器的地
SMTP Server不难了吧!

废话少说,这个寻找smtp relay server 的过程不需要我们来弄,JAVA里线程的
    private String[] getSMTPServerByJNDI(String to) throws Exception { 
        String host=getDomainFromAddress(to);
        Properties jndiEnvironmentProperties = new Properties(); 
        jndiEnvironmentProperties.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory"); 
        InitialDirContext initialDirContext = new InitialDirContext(jndiEnvironmentProperties); 
        Attributes attributes = initialDirContext.getAttributes(host, new String[] {"MX"}); 
        Attribute attribute = attributes.get("MX"); 
        String[] servers = new String[attribute.size()]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < attribute.size(); i++) { 
            servers[i] = attribute.get(i).toString(); 
            servers[i]=servers[i].substring(servers[i].indexOf(" ") + 1, servers[i].length() -1); 
        return servers; 

package libtools.util;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;

import libtools.tar.TarFsPublic;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class SendMail
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SendMail.class);
    private final static String DATE_TEMPLET = "d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z";//"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z";  //"Sat, 12 Sep 2009 20:52:10 +0800"

    private final static String BOUNDARY_PREFIX = "--";

    private final static String CRLF = "\r\n";

    private Socket socket;

    private BufferedReader input;

    private PrintStream output=null;

    private SimpleDateFormat format;

    public SendMail()
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        SendMail send=new SendMail();
        send.send("myn@163.com,165162897@qq.com,yannian.mu@alipay.com", "我的测试", "正文内容", "", "utf8", "", "");
    public void send(String to,String subject,String content,String attachment,String charset,String user,String pass)
        String[] toList=to.split("[,|;]+");
        for(String tostr:toList)
            try {
                 String[] addressList= getSMTPServerByJNDI(tostr);
                  for(int i=0;i<addressList.length;i++)
                      Boolean result=false;
                      String[] fromlist={"yannian.mu@alipay.com","myn@163.com","165162897@qq.com"};
                     for(String from:fromlist)
                         result=send(from,"yannian",tostr, to,subject,content,attachment, charset, addressList[i],addressList[i],user,pass, 25);
            } catch (Exception e) {}
    public void send(String from,String formName,String to,String subject,String content,String attachment,String charset,String user,String pass)
        String[] toList=to.split("[,|;]+");
         for(String tostr:toList)
             try {
                 String[] addressList= getSMTPServerByJNDI(tostr);
                  for(int i=0;i<addressList.length;i++)
                     Boolean result=send(from,formName,tostr, to,subject,content,attachment, charset, addressList[i],addressList[i],user,pass, 25);
            } catch (Exception e) {}


    private String getDomainFromAddress( String EmailAddress )
       StringTokenizer   tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( EmailAddress, "@>;" );
       String            DomainOnly = tokenizer.nextToken();

       DomainOnly = tokenizer.nextToken();

       return DomainOnly;
    private String[] getSMTPServerByJNDI(String to) throws Exception { 
        String host=getDomainFromAddress(to);
        Properties jndiEnvironmentProperties = new Properties(); 
        jndiEnvironmentProperties.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory"); 
        InitialDirContext initialDirContext = new InitialDirContext(jndiEnvironmentProperties); 
        Attributes attributes = initialDirContext.getAttributes(host, new String[] {"MX"}); 
        Attribute attribute = attributes.get("MX"); 
        String[] servers = new String[attribute.size()]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < attribute.size(); i++) { 
            servers[i] = attribute.get(i).toString(); 
            servers[i]=servers[i].substring(servers[i].indexOf(" ") + 1, servers[i].length() -1); 
        return servers; 
    public boolean send(String from,String formName,String to,String replyTO,String subject,String content,String attachment,String charset,String smtpAddress,String smtpHost,String user,String pass,int port)
            String boundary = "=======ThisIsBoundary=======";
            socket = new Socket( smtpAddress, port/*COMMON*/ );
            input = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream() ) );
            output = new PrintStream( socket.getOutputStream() );
            getResponse( "220", "Failed to connect to: " + smtpHost, true );
            sendCommand( "HELO " + smtpHost/*NO SPACE IN IT*/ + CRLF);
            getResponse( "250", "Failed to get HELO response from server.", true );
            if(user!=null && !user.isEmpty() && pass!=null && !pass.isEmpty())
                sendCommand( "AUTH LOGIN" + CRLF );
                getResponse( "334", "Failed to get USERNAME request from server.", true );
                sendCommand( getBase64String( user ) + CRLF );  //Username
                getResponse( "334", "Failed to get PASSWORD request from server.", true );
                sendCommand( getBase64String( pass ) + CRLF );  //Password
                getResponse( "235", "Failed to send AUTH LOGIN username and password to server.", true );

            sendCommand( "MAIL FROM: <" + from + ">" + CRLF );
            getResponse( "250", "Failed to get MAIL FROM response from server.", true );
            String[] toList=to.split("[,|;]+");
            for(String tostr:toList)
                sendCommand( "RCPT TO: <" + tostr + ">" + CRLF );
                getResponse( "250", "Failed to get RCPT TO response from server.", false/*NOTE*/ );

            sendCommand( "DATA" + CRLF );
            getResponse( "354", "Failed to get DATA response from server.", true );
            sendCommand( "Subject: " + getBase64Subject( subject, charset ) + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "Date: " + getDateString() + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "From: " + ""+formName+"<" + from + ">" + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "To: "  +replyTO + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "MIME-Version: 1.0" + CRLF );

            sendCommand( "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" + boundary + "\"" + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" + CRLF + CRLF/*NOTE*/ );
            sendCommand( "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." + CRLF + CRLF/*NOTE*/ );
            sendCommand( BOUNDARY_PREFIX + boundary + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "Content-Type: text/plain;" + CRLF );
            sendCommand( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" + CRLF + CRLF/*NOTE*/ );
            sendCommand( getBase64String( content ) + CRLF + CRLF/*NOTE*/ );
            String[] fileList=attachment.split("[ |\t|,]+");

            for(String eachFile:fileList){
                sendCommand( BOUNDARY_PREFIX + boundary + CRLF );
                String [] filenamesplit=eachFile.split("[\\\\|/]+");
                String filename=filenamesplit[filenamesplit.length-1];
                sendCommand( "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" + filename + "\"" + CRLF );
                sendCommand( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" + CRLF );
                sendCommand( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\"" + CRLF + CRLF/*NOTE*/ );
                sendAttachment( eachFile );

            sendCommand( CRLF + "." + CRLF/*NOTE*/ );  //Indicate the end of date using "/r/n./r/n"
            getResponse( "250", "Failed to send DATA content to server.", true );
            sendCommand( "QUIT" + CRLF );
            getResponse( "221", "Failed to get QUIT response from server.", true );
            System.out.println("succ "+from+" to "+to+"    "+smtpAddress);

            return true;
        catch( Exception e ){
            System.out.println("fail "+from+" to "+to+"    "+smtpAddress);
            return false;

            try{ output.close(); input.close(); socket.close(); }catch( Exception e ){}


    private void sendAttachment( String fileName ) throws Exception
           sendHDFSAttachment(fileName.replaceAll("hdfs@", ""));
           return ;
        FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream( fileName );
        int base64PerLine = 76;  //76 base64 charactors per line
        int charsPerLine = 57;  //57 = 76 / 4 * 3
        byte[] src = new byte[4096];
        byte[] dest = new byte[src.length * 2];
        int length = 0, remain = 0, sOffset = 0, dOffset = 0;
        while( ( length = inputStream.read( src, remain, src.length - remain ) ) != -1 )
            length = length + remain;
            remain = length % charsPerLine;
            length = length / charsPerLine * charsPerLine;
            for( sOffset = 0, dOffset = 0; sOffset < length; )
                Base64Encode.encode( src, sOffset, charsPerLine, dest, dOffset );
                sOffset += charsPerLine; dOffset += base64PerLine;
                dest[dOffset ++] = '\r'; dest[dOffset ++] = '\n';
            output.print( new String( dest, 0, dOffset ) );
            if( remain > 0 ){ System.arraycopy( src, sOffset, src, 0, remain ); }
        if( remain > 0 )
            Base64Encode.encode( src, 0, remain, dest, 0 );
            dOffset = ( remain + 2 ) / 3 * 4;
            dest[dOffset ++] = '\r'; dest[dOffset ++] = '\n';
            output.print( new String( dest, 0, dOffset ) );
    private void sendHDFSAttachment( String fileName ) throws Exception
        FileSystem fs=TarFsPublic.getFileSystem();
        FSDataInputStream inputStream = fs.open(new Path(fileName));
        int base64PerLine = 76;  //76 base64 charactors per line
        int charsPerLine = 57;  //57 = 76 / 4 * 3
        byte[] src = new byte[4096];
        byte[] dest = new byte[src.length * 2];
        int length = 0, remain = 0, sOffset = 0, dOffset = 0;
        while( ( length = inputStream.read( src, remain, src.length - remain ) ) != -1 )
            length = length + remain;
            remain = length % charsPerLine;
            length = length / charsPerLine * charsPerLine;
            for( sOffset = 0, dOffset = 0; sOffset < length; )
                Base64Encode.encode( src, sOffset, charsPerLine, dest, dOffset );
                sOffset += charsPerLine; dOffset += base64PerLine;
                dest[dOffset ++] = '\r'; dest[dOffset ++] = '\n';
            output.print( new String( dest, 0, dOffset ) );
            if( remain > 0 ){ System.arraycopy( src, sOffset, src, 0, remain ); }
        if( remain > 0 )
            Base64Encode.encode( src, 0, remain, dest, 0 );
            dOffset = ( remain + 2 ) / 3 * 4;
            dest[dOffset ++] = '\r'; dest[dOffset ++] = '\n';
            output.print( new String( dest, 0, dOffset ) );

    private void sendCommand( String command ) throws Exception
        if( output == null || command == null || command.length() < 1 ){ return ; }
        output.print( command );

    private void getResponse( String code, String message, boolean shouldQuit ) throws Exception
        if( input == null || code == null || code.length() < 1 ){ return; }

        String line = input.readLine();
        if( line.startsWith( code ) ){ /**/ }else if( shouldQuit ){ throw new Exception( message ); }

    private String getBase64String( String message )
        if( message == null ){ return null; }

        byte[] bytes = message.getBytes();

        return Base64Encode.encode( bytes, 0, bytes.length );

    private String getBase64Subject( String subject, String charset )
        if( subject == null ){ return null; }

        byte[] bytes = null;

        try{ bytes = ( charset == null ? subject.getBytes() : subject.getBytes( charset ) ); }catch( Exception e ){

        return ( bytes == null ? null : "=?" + charset + "?B?" + Base64Encode.encode( bytes, 0, bytes.length ) + "?=" );

    private String getDateString()
        if( format == null ){ try{ format = new SimpleDateFormat( DATE_TEMPLET, Locale.ENGLISH ); }catch( Exception e ){log.error("libtools",e);} }

        return ( format == null ? new Date().toString() : format.format( new Date() ) );
