
时间:2021-09-04 05:06:06

I've been trying to learn the basics of a heap overflow attack. I'm mostly interested in using a corruption or modification of the chunk metadata for the basis of the attack, but I'm also open to other suggestions. I know that my goal of the exploit should be do overwrite the printf() function pointer with that of the challenge() function pointer, but I can't seem to figure out how to achieve that write. I have the following piece of code which I want to exploit, which is using malloc from glibc 2.11.2 :

我一直在尝试学习堆溢出攻击的基础知识。我最感兴趣的是在攻击的基础上使用块元数据的损坏或修改,但我也愿意接受其他建议。我知道这个漏洞的目标应该是用challenge()函数指针覆盖printf()函数指针,但我似乎不知道如何实现这个写入。我有下面这段代码,我想利用它,它使用了glibc 2.11.2中的malloc:

void challenge()
        puts("you win\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        char *inputA, *inputB, *inputC;

        inputA = malloc(32);
        inputB = malloc(32);
        inputC = malloc(32);

        strcpy(inputA, argv[1]);
        strcpy(inputB, argv[2]);
        strcpy(inputC, argv[3]);


        printf("execute challenge to win\n");

Obviously, achieving an actual overwrite of an allocated chunk's metadata is trivial. However, I have not been able to find a way to exploit this code using any of the standard techniques. I have read and attempted to implement the techniques from:


  • The paper: w00w00 on Heap Overflows
    • Although the paper is very clear, the unlink technique has been obsolete for some time.
    • 虽然论文很清楚,但是解链技术已经过时一段时间了。
  • 论文:w00w00关于堆溢出的论文虽然很清楚,但unlink技术已经过时一段时间了。
  • Malloc Maleficarum.txt
    • This paper expands upon the exploit techniques from the w00w00 days, and accounts for the newer versions of glibc. However, I have not found that given the 5 techniques detailed in the paper, that the code above matches any of the prerequisites for those techniques.
    • 本文详述了w00w00天的开发技术,并对glibc的更新版本进行了说明。然而,我还没有发现,考虑到本文中详细介绍的5种技术,上面的代码与这些技术的任何先决条件都不匹配。
  • Malloc Maleficarum。本文对w00w00天的开发技术进行了扩展,并对glibc的更新版本进行了说明。然而,我还没有发现,考虑到本文中详细介绍的5种技术,上面的代码与这些技术的任何先决条件都不匹配。
  • Understanding the Heap By Breaking it(pdf)
    • The pdf gives a pretty good review of how the heap works, but focuses on double free techniques.
    • pdf对堆的工作方式进行了很好的回顾,但重点关注了双*技术。
  • 通过破坏堆(pdf)来理解堆(pdf)可以很好地回顾堆是如何工作的,但是关注的是双*技术。

I originally tried to exploit this code by manipulating the size value of the chunk for inputC, so that it pointed back to the head of the inputC chunk. When that didn't work, I tried pointing further back to the chunk of inputB. That is when I realized that the new glibc performs a sanity check on the size value.


How can a user craft an exploit to take advantage of a free, assuming he has the ability to edit the allocated chunk's metadata to arbitrary values, and user it to overwrite a value in the GOT or write to any other arbitrary address?


Note: When I write 'arbitrary address' I understand that memory pages may be read only or protected, I mean an address that I can assume I can write to.


3 个解决方案



Note: I will say before I answer that this is purely an academic answer, not intended to be used for malicious purposes. I am aware of the exercises OP is doing and they are open source and not intended to encourage any users to use these techniques in unapproved circumstances.


I will detail the technique below but for your reference I would take a look at the Vudo malloc tricks (It's referenced in one of your links above) because my overview is going to be a short one: http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?issue=57&id=8

我将详细介绍下面的技术,但是为了便于您参考,我将查看Vudo malloc技巧(它在上面的一个链接中被引用),因为我的概述很简短:http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?

It details how malloc handles creating blocks of memory, pulling memory from lists and other things. In particular the unlink attack is of interest for this attack (note: you're correct that glibc now performs a sanity check on sizes for this particular reason, but you should be on an older libc for this exercise... legacy bro).


From the paper, an allocated block and a free block use the same data structure, but the data is handled differently. See here:


chunk -> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         | prev_size: size of the previous chunk, in bytes (used   |
         | by dlmalloc only if this previous chunk is free)        |
         | size: size of the chunk (the number of bytes between    |
         | "chunk" and "nextchunk") and 2 bits status information  |
  mem -> +---------------------------------------------------------+
         | fd: not used by dlmalloc because "chunk" is allocated   |
         | (user data therefore starts here)                       |
         + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
         | bk: not used by dlmalloc because "chunk" is allocated   |
         | (there may be user data here)                           |
         + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
         |                                                         |
         |                                                         |
         | user data (may be 0 bytes long)                         |
         |                                                         |
         |                                                         |
 next -> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         | prev_size: not used by dlmalloc because "chunk" is      |
         | allocated (may hold user data, to decrease wastage)     |

Allocated blocks don't use the fd or bk pointers, but free ones will. This is going to be important later. You should know enough programming to understand that "blocks" in Doug Lea's malloc are organized into a doubly-linked list; there's one list for free blocks and another for allocated ones (technically there are several lists for free depending on sizes but it's irrelevant here since the code allocates blocks of the same size). So when you're freeing a particular block, you have to fix the pointers to keep the list in tact.


e.g. say you're freeing block y from the list below:


x <-> y <-> z

Notice that in the diagram above the spots for bk and fd contain the necessary pointers to iterate along the list. When malloc wants to take a block p off of the list it calls, among other things, a macro to fix the list:

注意,在上面的图中,bk和fd的位置包含了在列表中迭代的必要指针。当malloc想要从它调用的列表中删除一个block p时,它会调用一个宏来修复列表:

#define unlink( y, BK, FD ) {            
    BK = P->bk;                          
    FD = P->fd;                          
    FD->bk = BK;                         
    BK->fd = FD;                         

The macro itself isn't hard to understand, but the important thing to note in older versions of libc is that it doesn't perform sanity checks on the size or the pointers being written to. What it means in your case is that without any sort of address randomization you can predictably and reliably determine the status of the heap and redirect an arbitrary pointer to an address of your choosing by overflowing the heap (via the strncopy here) in a specific way.


There's a few things required to get the attack to work:


  • the fd pointer for your block is pointing to the address you want to overwrite minus 12 bytes. The offset has to do with malloc cleaning up the alignment when it modifies the list
  • 块的fd指针指向要覆盖- 12字节的地址。偏移量与malloc在修改列表时清除对齐方式有关。
  • The bk pointer of your block is pointing to your shellcode
  • 块的bk指针指向shell代码
  • The size needs to be -4. This accomplishes a few things, namely it sets the status bits in the block
  • 大小应该是-4。这完成了一些事情,即它设置了块中的状态位。

So you'll have to play around with the offsets in your specific example, but the general malicious format that you're trying to pass with the strcpy here is of the format:


| junk to fill up the legitimate buffer | -4 | -4 | addr you want to overwrite -12 (0x0C) | addr you want to call instead

|垃圾来填充合法的缓冲区| -4 | -4 | addr你想重写-12 (0x0C) | addr你想调用

Note the negative number sets the prev_size field to -4, which makes the free routing believe that the prev_size chunk actually starts in the current chunk that you control/are corrupting.


And yes, a proper explanation wouldn't be complete without mentioning that this attack doesn't work on current versions of glibc; the size has a sanity check done and the unlink method just won't work. That in combination with mitigations like address randomization make this attack not viable on anything but legacy systems. But the method described here is how I did that challenge ;)




Note that most of the techniques explained in Malloc Malleficarum are now protected. The glibc has improved a lot all that double free scenarios.

注意,Malloc Malleficarum中解释的大多数技术现在都得到了保护。glibc大大改进了所有的双重*场景。

If you want to improve your knowledge about the Malloc Malleficarum techniques read the Malloc Des-Malleficarum and the House of Lore: Reloaded written by blackngel. You can find these texts in phrack.

如果你想提高你对Malloc Malleficarum技术的认识,请阅读Malloc Des-Malleficarum和the House of Lore: Reloaded by blackngel。你可以在phrack找到这些文本。

Malloc Des-Malleficarum

Malloc Des-Malleficarum

I'm also working on it, and I can say to you that, for example, House of Mind is no longer exploitable, at least, as is explained in the texts. Although it might be possible to bypass the new restrictions added to the code. Add that the easiest way to execute your code is to overwrite the .dtors address therefore your code will always be executed once the program finish.


If you download the glibc code and study the critic zones of malloc., etc you will find code checks that are not documented in the documents previously mentioned. These check were included to stop the double free party.


On the other hand, the presentation of Justin N. Ferguson (Understanding the Heap by breaking it) that you could find in youtube (BlackHat 2007) is perfect in order to understand all the heap mechanics, but I must admit that the techniques shown are far from being reliable, but at least, he opens a new field to heap exploitation.


Understanding the heap by breaking it


Anyways, I'm also working on it, so if you want to contact me, we can share our advances. You can reach me in the overflowedminds.net domain as newlog (build the mail address yourself ^^ ).

无论如何,我也在努力,所以如果你想联系我,我们可以分享我们的进展。你可以找到我在overflowedminds.net域newlog(建立邮件地址自己^ ^)。



Heap overflows are tricky to pull off, and are very heavilly heap-layout dependent, although it looks like you're going after the Windows CRT heap, which has lots of mitigations in place specifically to stop this type of attack.

堆溢出是很难实现的,并且非常严重地依赖于堆布局,尽管它看起来像在运行Windows CRT堆,它有大量的缓解措施来阻止这种类型的攻击。

If you really do want to do this kind of thing, you need to happy jumping into WinDbg and stepping into functions like free to see exactly what is going on inside free, and hence what kind of control you might be able to achieve via the heap overflow of the previous value.


I won't give you any more specific help than that for the simple reason that demonstrating a heap overflow is usually enough for defensive security - defensive security experts can report a heap overflow without needing to actually fully exploit it. The only people who do need to fully exploit a heap-overflow all the way to remote code execution are people exploiting bugs offensively, and if you want to do that, you're on your own.




Note: I will say before I answer that this is purely an academic answer, not intended to be used for malicious purposes. I am aware of the exercises OP is doing and they are open source and not intended to encourage any users to use these techniques in unapproved circumstances.


I will detail the technique below but for your reference I would take a look at the Vudo malloc tricks (It's referenced in one of your links above) because my overview is going to be a short one: http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?issue=57&id=8

我将详细介绍下面的技术,但是为了便于您参考,我将查看Vudo malloc技巧(它在上面的一个链接中被引用),因为我的概述很简短:http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?

It details how malloc handles creating blocks of memory, pulling memory from lists and other things. In particular the unlink attack is of interest for this attack (note: you're correct that glibc now performs a sanity check on sizes for this particular reason, but you should be on an older libc for this exercise... legacy bro).


From the paper, an allocated block and a free block use the same data structure, but the data is handled differently. See here:


chunk -> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         | prev_size: size of the previous chunk, in bytes (used   |
         | by dlmalloc only if this previous chunk is free)        |
         | size: size of the chunk (the number of bytes between    |
         | "chunk" and "nextchunk") and 2 bits status information  |
  mem -> +---------------------------------------------------------+
         | fd: not used by dlmalloc because "chunk" is allocated   |
         | (user data therefore starts here)                       |
         + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
         | bk: not used by dlmalloc because "chunk" is allocated   |
         | (there may be user data here)                           |
         + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
         |                                                         |
         |                                                         |
         | user data (may be 0 bytes long)                         |
         |                                                         |
         |                                                         |
 next -> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         | prev_size: not used by dlmalloc because "chunk" is      |
         | allocated (may hold user data, to decrease wastage)     |

Allocated blocks don't use the fd or bk pointers, but free ones will. This is going to be important later. You should know enough programming to understand that "blocks" in Doug Lea's malloc are organized into a doubly-linked list; there's one list for free blocks and another for allocated ones (technically there are several lists for free depending on sizes but it's irrelevant here since the code allocates blocks of the same size). So when you're freeing a particular block, you have to fix the pointers to keep the list in tact.


e.g. say you're freeing block y from the list below:


x <-> y <-> z

Notice that in the diagram above the spots for bk and fd contain the necessary pointers to iterate along the list. When malloc wants to take a block p off of the list it calls, among other things, a macro to fix the list:

注意,在上面的图中,bk和fd的位置包含了在列表中迭代的必要指针。当malloc想要从它调用的列表中删除一个block p时,它会调用一个宏来修复列表:

#define unlink( y, BK, FD ) {            
    BK = P->bk;                          
    FD = P->fd;                          
    FD->bk = BK;                         
    BK->fd = FD;                         

The macro itself isn't hard to understand, but the important thing to note in older versions of libc is that it doesn't perform sanity checks on the size or the pointers being written to. What it means in your case is that without any sort of address randomization you can predictably and reliably determine the status of the heap and redirect an arbitrary pointer to an address of your choosing by overflowing the heap (via the strncopy here) in a specific way.


There's a few things required to get the attack to work:


  • the fd pointer for your block is pointing to the address you want to overwrite minus 12 bytes. The offset has to do with malloc cleaning up the alignment when it modifies the list
  • 块的fd指针指向要覆盖- 12字节的地址。偏移量与malloc在修改列表时清除对齐方式有关。
  • The bk pointer of your block is pointing to your shellcode
  • 块的bk指针指向shell代码
  • The size needs to be -4. This accomplishes a few things, namely it sets the status bits in the block
  • 大小应该是-4。这完成了一些事情,即它设置了块中的状态位。

So you'll have to play around with the offsets in your specific example, but the general malicious format that you're trying to pass with the strcpy here is of the format:


| junk to fill up the legitimate buffer | -4 | -4 | addr you want to overwrite -12 (0x0C) | addr you want to call instead

|垃圾来填充合法的缓冲区| -4 | -4 | addr你想重写-12 (0x0C) | addr你想调用

Note the negative number sets the prev_size field to -4, which makes the free routing believe that the prev_size chunk actually starts in the current chunk that you control/are corrupting.


And yes, a proper explanation wouldn't be complete without mentioning that this attack doesn't work on current versions of glibc; the size has a sanity check done and the unlink method just won't work. That in combination with mitigations like address randomization make this attack not viable on anything but legacy systems. But the method described here is how I did that challenge ;)




Note that most of the techniques explained in Malloc Malleficarum are now protected. The glibc has improved a lot all that double free scenarios.

注意,Malloc Malleficarum中解释的大多数技术现在都得到了保护。glibc大大改进了所有的双重*场景。

If you want to improve your knowledge about the Malloc Malleficarum techniques read the Malloc Des-Malleficarum and the House of Lore: Reloaded written by blackngel. You can find these texts in phrack.

如果你想提高你对Malloc Malleficarum技术的认识,请阅读Malloc Des-Malleficarum和the House of Lore: Reloaded by blackngel。你可以在phrack找到这些文本。

Malloc Des-Malleficarum

Malloc Des-Malleficarum

I'm also working on it, and I can say to you that, for example, House of Mind is no longer exploitable, at least, as is explained in the texts. Although it might be possible to bypass the new restrictions added to the code. Add that the easiest way to execute your code is to overwrite the .dtors address therefore your code will always be executed once the program finish.


If you download the glibc code and study the critic zones of malloc., etc you will find code checks that are not documented in the documents previously mentioned. These check were included to stop the double free party.


On the other hand, the presentation of Justin N. Ferguson (Understanding the Heap by breaking it) that you could find in youtube (BlackHat 2007) is perfect in order to understand all the heap mechanics, but I must admit that the techniques shown are far from being reliable, but at least, he opens a new field to heap exploitation.


Understanding the heap by breaking it


Anyways, I'm also working on it, so if you want to contact me, we can share our advances. You can reach me in the overflowedminds.net domain as newlog (build the mail address yourself ^^ ).

无论如何,我也在努力,所以如果你想联系我,我们可以分享我们的进展。你可以找到我在overflowedminds.net域newlog(建立邮件地址自己^ ^)。



Heap overflows are tricky to pull off, and are very heavilly heap-layout dependent, although it looks like you're going after the Windows CRT heap, which has lots of mitigations in place specifically to stop this type of attack.

堆溢出是很难实现的,并且非常严重地依赖于堆布局,尽管它看起来像在运行Windows CRT堆,它有大量的缓解措施来阻止这种类型的攻击。

If you really do want to do this kind of thing, you need to happy jumping into WinDbg and stepping into functions like free to see exactly what is going on inside free, and hence what kind of control you might be able to achieve via the heap overflow of the previous value.


I won't give you any more specific help than that for the simple reason that demonstrating a heap overflow is usually enough for defensive security - defensive security experts can report a heap overflow without needing to actually fully exploit it. The only people who do need to fully exploit a heap-overflow all the way to remote code execution are people exploiting bugs offensively, and if you want to do that, you're on your own.
