
时间:2022-05-14 05:01:44

Can you experts give me some thougths on this code? Some security hole i have missed? Can you see any potential threats? Something i can do better?


I'm still learning :) Thanks



if (isset($_POST['username'])) {

$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);
$password2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password2']);
$encrypted_password = md5($password);

// remove eventuakl space
foreach($_POST as $key => $val) $_POST[$key] = trim($val);

// check if username is taken
$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username = '$username'");
if (mysql_result($query, 0) > 0) {
$reg_error[] = 0;

// make sure username only cosist of at least 3 letters, numbers or _ -
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,}$/', $username)) {
$reg_error[] = 4;  

// check for empty fields
if (empty($username) || empty($password) || empty($password2)) {
$reg_error[] = 2;

// check if the passwords match
if ($password != $password2) {
$reg_error[] = 3;

// save if error is unset
if (!isset($reg_error)) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, password, registered, registration_ip)
             VALUES('$username', '$encrypted_password', '".time()."', '".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']."')");

$_SESSION['id'] = mysql_insert_id();
header('refresh: 3; url=/home');




if (isset($_POST['username'])) {

$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);
$md5_password = md5($password); 

$query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '$username' and password = '$md5_password'");

if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0) {
header("Location: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."");

// set session
$_SESSION['id'] = mysql_result($query, 0, 'id');
header("Location: /");

6 个解决方案


You didn't salt the password.


Also, md5() is considered not strong enough for hashing passwords.


Use hash('sha256', $password) instead.

请改用hash('sha256',$ password)。


I assume you're serving this on https, though you don't mention whether you do -- if you're not, username and password travel on the open net in the clear, and that's definitely not very safe.

我假设你在https上提供这个服务,虽然你没有提到你是否这样做 - 如果你不这样做,用户名和密码在明确的网络上旅行,这绝对不是很安全。

There's a race condition -- you check whether the username is taken, first, and only later do you insert it. You should use a transaction, a least, and ideally just try to insert (with the uniqueness constraint imposed by the database) and catch the error in case of duplicates. And, you should do this only after all other sanity checks, i.e. when you've convinced yourself that, apart from possible duplicates, the registration attempt is OK.

有竞争条件 - 您首先检查用户名是否被占用,然后才会插入。您应该至少使用一个事务,理想情况下只是尝试插入(使用数据库强加的唯一性约束)并在重复的情况下捕获错误。并且,您应该在所有其他健全性检查之后执行此操作,即,当您确信自己除了可能的重复之外,注册尝试是可以的。


Little bobby tables will give you a lot of headaches since you do not check for username validity.



You need to salt the password.


This is placed in the wrong place. Move it up a few lines before the $_POST vars are used.

这是放在错误的地方。在使用$ _POST变量之前将其向上移动几行。

// remove eventuakl space
foreach($_POST as $key => $val) $_POST[$key] = trim($val);

You are escaping the password fields for no reason. They are not being sent to the database. md5($password) is going to the database and it is not escaped.

您无缘无故地转义密码字段。它们不会被发送到数据库。 md5($ password)将进入数据库并且不会被转义。

EDIT: On the login side, you should be trimming anything you are trim on the registrations side.



Your error checking is out of order. I'd do the error checking in this order:


  1. Check for empty fields
  2. 检查空字段

  3. Check that the fields have valid values (filtering input)
  4. 检查字段是否有有效值(过滤输入)

  5. Escape the fields with mysql_real_escape_string before using the fields in SQL
  6. 在使用SQL中的字段之前,使用mysql_real_escape_string转义字段

  7. Check for the user in the SQL table
  8. 检查SQL表中的用户

If you find an error don't continue with further checks. Guard each error check similar to your guard on the final INSERT statement.


You have no edits on the password fields besides using mysql_real_escape_string?


You should do mysql_connect before using mysql_real_escape_string. mysql_real_escape_string will use the connection to determine the character set of the connection. The character set will identify which characters to escape.

你应该在使用mysql_real_escape_string之前做mysql_connect。 mysql_real_escape_string将使用该连接来确定连接的字符集。字符集将标识要转义的字符。


You should use parameters instead of building your sql dynamically. It will help prevent sql injection attacks. Little bobby tables will get you.



You didn't salt the password.


Also, md5() is considered not strong enough for hashing passwords.


Use hash('sha256', $password) instead.

请改用hash('sha256',$ password)。


I assume you're serving this on https, though you don't mention whether you do -- if you're not, username and password travel on the open net in the clear, and that's definitely not very safe.

我假设你在https上提供这个服务,虽然你没有提到你是否这样做 - 如果你不这样做,用户名和密码在明确的网络上旅行,这绝对不是很安全。

There's a race condition -- you check whether the username is taken, first, and only later do you insert it. You should use a transaction, a least, and ideally just try to insert (with the uniqueness constraint imposed by the database) and catch the error in case of duplicates. And, you should do this only after all other sanity checks, i.e. when you've convinced yourself that, apart from possible duplicates, the registration attempt is OK.

有竞争条件 - 您首先检查用户名是否被占用,然后才会插入。您应该至少使用一个事务,理想情况下只是尝试插入(使用数据库强加的唯一性约束)并在重复的情况下捕获错误。并且,您应该在所有其他健全性检查之后执行此操作,即,当您确信自己除了可能的重复之外,注册尝试是可以的。


Little bobby tables will give you a lot of headaches since you do not check for username validity.



You need to salt the password.


This is placed in the wrong place. Move it up a few lines before the $_POST vars are used.

这是放在错误的地方。在使用$ _POST变量之前将其向上移动几行。

// remove eventuakl space
foreach($_POST as $key => $val) $_POST[$key] = trim($val);

You are escaping the password fields for no reason. They are not being sent to the database. md5($password) is going to the database and it is not escaped.

您无缘无故地转义密码字段。它们不会被发送到数据库。 md5($ password)将进入数据库并且不会被转义。

EDIT: On the login side, you should be trimming anything you are trim on the registrations side.



Your error checking is out of order. I'd do the error checking in this order:


  1. Check for empty fields
  2. 检查空字段

  3. Check that the fields have valid values (filtering input)
  4. 检查字段是否有有效值(过滤输入)

  5. Escape the fields with mysql_real_escape_string before using the fields in SQL
  6. 在使用SQL中的字段之前,使用mysql_real_escape_string转义字段

  7. Check for the user in the SQL table
  8. 检查SQL表中的用户

If you find an error don't continue with further checks. Guard each error check similar to your guard on the final INSERT statement.


You have no edits on the password fields besides using mysql_real_escape_string?


You should do mysql_connect before using mysql_real_escape_string. mysql_real_escape_string will use the connection to determine the character set of the connection. The character set will identify which characters to escape.

你应该在使用mysql_real_escape_string之前做mysql_connect。 mysql_real_escape_string将使用该连接来确定连接的字符集。字符集将标识要转义的字符。


You should use parameters instead of building your sql dynamically. It will help prevent sql injection attacks. Little bobby tables will get you.
