使用.NET Framework安全系统

时间:2022-03-30 05:02:52

I was wondering - do any of you actually use the various classes in the System.Security.Permissions namespace? I mainly develop desktop/server-side components (i.e., no web) and the general assumption is that FullTrust is always available and no testing is performed on environments for which this is not the case. Apart from MS source code (EnterpriseLibrary and such), I have yet to see actual, in-use source code that makes use of said constructs.

我想知道 - 你们中的任何人真的使用System.Security.Permissions命名空间中的各种类吗?我主要开发桌面/服务器端组件(即没有网络),一般的假设是FullTrust始终可用,并且没有对不是这种情况的环境进行测试。除了MS源代码(EnterpriseLibrary等),我还没有看到使用所述构造的实际使用中的源代码。

Is this prevalent, or are we the exception? I know, of course, that not doing this kind of testing is a problem on our side...


4 个解决方案



The .NET code access security is more relevant when users run code directly off a server over the internet, in which case they can't necessarily trust it to automatically do things such as access the file system. I don't know of anyone who makes their code available like that, though.




I make lots of use of PrincipalPermissionAttribute to demand the user has necessary access rights (using roles) from the Thread's Principal - saves a lot of manual checking in my business code (obviously the UI should check too and disable buttons etc - this is just the double-check at the back-end).

我大量使用PrincipalPermissionAttribute来要求用户拥有Thread的Principal所需的访问权限(使用角色) - 在我的业务代码中保存了大量的手动检查(显然UI也应检查并禁用按钮等 - 这只是在后端仔细检查)。

I find Principal-based security to be very versatily, especially with a custom Principal. But I don't use the CAS stuff.




If you deploy your desktop applications with ClickOnce, then the security sandbox can come into play.




I have never seen anyone make use of the permit, assert functionality.


I suspect a number of developers are not actually aware of the functionality.


I think it could be useful to restrict calls to dangerous functions.


Its going to depend on what you are doing but who wants to make a deployment more complex than it already is?




The .NET code access security is more relevant when users run code directly off a server over the internet, in which case they can't necessarily trust it to automatically do things such as access the file system. I don't know of anyone who makes their code available like that, though.




I make lots of use of PrincipalPermissionAttribute to demand the user has necessary access rights (using roles) from the Thread's Principal - saves a lot of manual checking in my business code (obviously the UI should check too and disable buttons etc - this is just the double-check at the back-end).

我大量使用PrincipalPermissionAttribute来要求用户拥有Thread的Principal所需的访问权限(使用角色) - 在我的业务代码中保存了大量的手动检查(显然UI也应检查并禁用按钮等 - 这只是在后端仔细检查)。

I find Principal-based security to be very versatily, especially with a custom Principal. But I don't use the CAS stuff.




If you deploy your desktop applications with ClickOnce, then the security sandbox can come into play.




I have never seen anyone make use of the permit, assert functionality.


I suspect a number of developers are not actually aware of the functionality.


I think it could be useful to restrict calls to dangerous functions.


Its going to depend on what you are doing but who wants to make a deployment more complex than it already is?
