
时间:2021-10-12 05:01:19

Are there generally accepted tactics for protecting Django applications against this kind of attack?


4 个解决方案



django-axes is an existing app for detecting failed login attempts. There is also a more general django-ratelimit.




You can:


  • Keep track of the failed login attempts and block the attacker after 3 attempts.
  • 跟踪失败的登录尝试,并在3次尝试后阻止攻击者。
  • If you don't want to block then you can log it and present a CAPTCHA to make it more difficult in future attempts.
  • 如果您不想阻塞,那么您可以记录它并显示一个CAPTCHA,使其在以后的尝试中更加困难。
  • You can also increase the time between login attempts after eached failed attempt. For example, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, et cetera. This will spoil the fun pretty quickly for the attacker.
  • 您还可以在每次尝试失败后增加登录尝试之间的时间。例如,10秒,30秒,1分钟,5分钟,等等。这将很快破坏攻击者的乐趣。
  • Of course, choose a secure password as that will keep the attacker guessing.
  • 当然,选择一个安全的密码可以让攻击者猜测。



I prefer django-defender. It starts as django-axes fork with redis as backend to store fail login attempts, blocked users, IPs so it much faster than django-axes.

我更喜欢django-defender。它从django-axes fork开始,以redis作为后端来存储失败的登录尝试,阻止用户,IPs,所以它比django轴快得多。



There are many libraries available for it like Django-axes, Django-defender, Django-ratelimit, these libraries mentioned all do the same thing (with a few differences between them). You can choose the one which best suits your needs.

有许多库可以用于它,比如Django-axes, Django-defender, Django-ratelimit,这些库提到的所有库都做相同的事情(它们之间有一些区别)。你可以选择最适合你需要的。

If you are using DRF, then you don't need an additional library (axes, ratelimit, etc.) because DRF already has the throttling functionality build in.


You can check this question :**How to prevent brute force attack in Django Rest + Using Django Rest Throttling **

您可以检查这个问题:**如何在Django Rest中防止暴力攻击+使用Django Rest节流**



django-axes is an existing app for detecting failed login attempts. There is also a more general django-ratelimit.




You can:


  • Keep track of the failed login attempts and block the attacker after 3 attempts.
  • 跟踪失败的登录尝试,并在3次尝试后阻止攻击者。
  • If you don't want to block then you can log it and present a CAPTCHA to make it more difficult in future attempts.
  • 如果您不想阻塞,那么您可以记录它并显示一个CAPTCHA,使其在以后的尝试中更加困难。
  • You can also increase the time between login attempts after eached failed attempt. For example, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, et cetera. This will spoil the fun pretty quickly for the attacker.
  • 您还可以在每次尝试失败后增加登录尝试之间的时间。例如,10秒,30秒,1分钟,5分钟,等等。这将很快破坏攻击者的乐趣。
  • Of course, choose a secure password as that will keep the attacker guessing.
  • 当然,选择一个安全的密码可以让攻击者猜测。



I prefer django-defender. It starts as django-axes fork with redis as backend to store fail login attempts, blocked users, IPs so it much faster than django-axes.

我更喜欢django-defender。它从django-axes fork开始,以redis作为后端来存储失败的登录尝试,阻止用户,IPs,所以它比django轴快得多。



There are many libraries available for it like Django-axes, Django-defender, Django-ratelimit, these libraries mentioned all do the same thing (with a few differences between them). You can choose the one which best suits your needs.

有许多库可以用于它,比如Django-axes, Django-defender, Django-ratelimit,这些库提到的所有库都做相同的事情(它们之间有一些区别)。你可以选择最适合你需要的。

If you are using DRF, then you don't need an additional library (axes, ratelimit, etc.) because DRF already has the throttling functionality build in.


You can check this question :**How to prevent brute force attack in Django Rest + Using Django Rest Throttling **

您可以检查这个问题:**如何在Django Rest中防止暴力攻击+使用Django Rest节流**