
时间:2021-12-15 04:51:28

I'm new in 3D games developing so I have kinda dummy question - how to move a mesh in 3D engine (under moving I mean a walking animation). And how to dress some skin on it?

我是3D游戏开发的新手,所以我有一个虚拟问题 - 如何在3D引擎中移动网格(在移动中我指的是一个步行动画)。以及如何在上面涂上一些皮肤?

What I have:


  1. open source 3D OpenGL engine - NinevehGL http://nineveh.gl/. It's super easy to load a mesh to. I' pretty sure it will be awesome engine when it will be released!
  2. 开源3D OpenGL引擎 - NinevehGL http://nineveh.gl/。加载网格非常容易。我很确定它会在发布时成为引擎!

  3. a mesh model of the human. http://www.2shared.com/file/RTBEvSbf/female.html (it's mesh of a female that I downloaded from some open source web site..)
  4. 人的网格模型。 http://www.2shared.com/file/RTBEvSbf/female.html(我从一些开源网站上下载了一个女性的网格......)

  5. found a web site from which I can download skeleton animation in formats: dao (COLLADA) , XML , BVH (?) - http://www.animeeple.com/details/bcd6ac4b-ebc9-465e-9233-ed0220387fb9
  6. 找到了一个网站,我可以从中下载格式的骨架动画:dao(COLLADA),XML,BVH(?) - http://www.animeeple.com/details/bcd6ac4b-ebc9-465e-9233-ed0220387fb9

  7. what I stuck on (see attached image)
  8. 我坚持的东西(见附图)


So, how can I join all these things and make simple game when dressed human will walk forward and backward?


2 个解决方案



The problem is difficult to answer, because it would require knowledge of the engine's API. Also you can't just stick a skeletal animation onto some mesh. You need some connection between both, a process called rigging, in which you add "bones" (also called armatures) to the mesh. This is an artistic process, done in a 3D modeller. Then you need to implement a skeletal animation system, which is a far too complex task to answer in a single * answer (it involves animation curve evaluation, quaternion interpolation, skinning matrices, etc.).


You should break down your question into smaller pieces.




I'm a BETA Tester for Nineveh Engine. Currently, the engine does not support bones/skeleton animation. This will be a part of their next release version which is upcoming in next 4-8 months.

我是Nineveh Engine的BETA测试员。目前,引擎不支持骨骼/骨架动画。这将是他们下一个发布版本的一部分,即将在未来4-8个月内发布。

Future (Roadmap)
Version 0.9.3 : Q4 2011 - Q1 2012
Bones, Rigging and Mesh's Animations.
Mesh Morph.

未来(路线图)版本0。9。3:2011年第4季度 - 2012年第1季度Bones,Rigging和Mesh的动画。网状变形。

You might want to checkout http://nineveh.gl/docs/changelog/




The problem is difficult to answer, because it would require knowledge of the engine's API. Also you can't just stick a skeletal animation onto some mesh. You need some connection between both, a process called rigging, in which you add "bones" (also called armatures) to the mesh. This is an artistic process, done in a 3D modeller. Then you need to implement a skeletal animation system, which is a far too complex task to answer in a single * answer (it involves animation curve evaluation, quaternion interpolation, skinning matrices, etc.).


You should break down your question into smaller pieces.




I'm a BETA Tester for Nineveh Engine. Currently, the engine does not support bones/skeleton animation. This will be a part of their next release version which is upcoming in next 4-8 months.

我是Nineveh Engine的BETA测试员。目前,引擎不支持骨骼/骨架动画。这将是他们下一个发布版本的一部分,即将在未来4-8个月内发布。

Future (Roadmap)
Version 0.9.3 : Q4 2011 - Q1 2012
Bones, Rigging and Mesh's Animations.
Mesh Morph.

未来(路线图)版本0。9。3:2011年第4季度 - 2012年第1季度Bones,Rigging和Mesh的动画。网状变形。

You might want to checkout http://nineveh.gl/docs/changelog/
